
The Forbidden Love Story

Only the most forbidden loves make the greatest impact. The rebellion of the wild devotion of two people only bring them closer. Though the journey will not be easy....it is worth the battles they fight, the rocks they climb, and the mountains they face. But, will they stick it out together or will them let it drift them apart?

Open_Eyes16 · Teen
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2 Chs



The most powerful emotion

The most erotic feeling

The most interesting story

The most hurtful past

The most confused language

The most dangerous weapon

The biggest regret…

Powerful it is to conquer death

Erotic it is to physically compare

Interesting it is for its difference

Hurtful it is for the wounds it leaves

Confusing it is for its un-predictableness

Dangerous it is for the damage it causes

Regretful it is for all the above…