

A series of unfortunate events gets James supernatural powers. What does he choose to do with them, or does he even have a choice?

Johanan_Abeyratne · Urban
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1 Chs


Heavy rain poured down upon us; we were just kids walking about trying to overcome our fear of the roaring lights which shattered in the dark blue sky. Our umbrella pointed towards the darkness above us. A small tear in the satin-clothed umbrella brought a shower of rain towards Pete and me. We sought shelter at a nearby mansion which seemed to be abandoned from afar. With small and cautious steps, we approached the seemingly abandoned mansion - the door creaked open - with our innocent minds assuming it was just the wind pushing through the doors from the inside of the house as some windows were shattered, and the others left with the glass still within their frame. When we entered the mansion, we immediately went to disinter the switches for the lights. "Found it!" I yelled to Pete who was in the other room desperately searching. "Let's leave this house once the rain ceases okay Pete?" trying to console him. Pete nodded. I could see his legs trembling, the disappointment sank deep into my heart, to know that my younger brother was in such a shock. "I've got to go to the washroom James, it's urgent." Pete said with impatience in his tone. I took him upstairs and found a washroom and told him "Go in there and then come back downstairs when you're done." I walked downstairs laying my entire body across the sofa. Suddenly, the wind started howling, the lights flickering, the innocent screams of a child in pain kept sounding from a distance - "Help! Please someone!" - irrational thoughts flooding my brain; spiraling into a pit of despair. I was startled, the door across the hallway opened by itself. I stood up. Staggeringly I get closer to the door. "Hello? Is anybody here? Hello?" Not a person in sight, just an open window with the curtains waving at me. The door shut. A misty gas appeared to be coming through the window, "Let me out! Let me out!" I shouted with tears rolling down my face and a strengthened tone in my voice. I felt drowsy; light-headed; dizzy. I knew this was it, my time had come, I failed to protect my brother from whatever this thing is... I failed. Silence roamed the area for several hours. I was passed out on the floor with my hand against the door. Thump. Instantaneously a loud noise woke me up, the fog had cleared. With doubt in my mind, I slowly placed my hand on the door handle, gripping it gently and steadily rolling it clockwise. I walked around the house; the house was pitch black; carefully placing one leg in front of the other I continue exploring. My eyes caught a glimmer of light in what seemed to be a dining room, I advanced towards it at a steady pace; my heart pounding in my chest; my breath rate increasing with every inhalation. With worry in my jittery voice, I said "Hello? I know someone's there; we never lit this candle. Come out. Please you're scaring me." Silence. The candle was extinguished by the gust of wind. All of a sudden, another scream but one much closer. Quickly I thought about Pete. "Pete! Pete! Pete!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Rushing up the staircase two steps at a time. Banging on the door I said "Open the door! Pete! P-Pete open the door!" but there was no sound. I kept banging whilst crying against the door. Finally, with one last scream which came from the washroom, it seemed as though it was the final holler. I suddenly saw a crowbar in the other room, I rushed at it. Grabbing the crowbar, hitting the door. The door opened. Blood on the floor and walls. Whilst Pete laid there against the bathroom tiles. I ran to him sobbing; shaking him, up and down, left and right; my face rested against his chest muttering words of sadness, "Wake up Pete! Wake up please!" Thoughts were racing through my head; "What am I going to tell mom and dad?"; "How could I be so irresponsible?"; "We should never have come out." Vengeance filled my innermost being. I hectically ran out of the mansion. Teardrops rolling down my face, rain slapping against my cheeks, and the draft of the wind grazing through my hair. Jumping puddle over the puddles, my feet shivering with both trauma and the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Each step I have taken breaks me. I ended up at home, kneeling on the doorstep lifelessly tapping on the door. Sobbing. My parents looking down at me, trying to comforting me, with a grievance in my voice I open my mouth with difficulty, trying to spit out the words to say that my brother had died. "P-Pete is dead." All these horrendous events leading to three people weeping on a doorstep. Mournfully I fall asleep. The next day did not seem too good. Everyone was going about their daily duties with sorrow. I went back to the house where this all started. Determined to find a solution. I had to do whatever it took, after all, it was my fault. I stood at the gate. One, two, three, I clench my fist and push the gate open. With a sturdy stride, I walk towards the once feared door. The area suddenly seemed to get gloomy, but still, I had no fear. It was almost as if I had got this boldness, this courage... this bravery. Thrusting my body, with my hands in front, throwing the doors open to the sides. "Show yourself! Show your damn self!" I screeched. A flurry of wind broke through the house, "Who calls upon me?" Stated an unfamiliar voice in a bass tonality. Striking chills went through my spine, standing further upright, with my chest pushed out, I exclaimed, "W-Why did you do it? Why did you kill my brother?" Slowly a mist began to form within the building, with a cloudy image forming in the middle. "Why do you question about the dead? I have plans for your child. I shall revive him but not in the way you expect, for I see great potential in you." the mysterious creature voiced. "What do you want with me? Can you not see my wimpy arms? My underweight stature? Even if you wanted to use me, you can't." I stated. A booming voice filled with laughter took up the entire room, the foundation of the residence shook with a great vibration... My body has suddenly been taken under control. My being now afloat in mid-air. Voices of Latin origin surrounded me proclaiming "Mutare vis, Mutare Vos adepto. Mutare vis, mutare vos adepto. Mutare vis, mutare vos adepto!" Goosebumps flooded my skin. My biceps enlarging, my abdominal muscles contracting, and the power coursing through my veins. A clearer image is formed. A monstrous entity stood before me, with its arms wide out, almost 30 metres wide, and standing at 30 feet; skin glimmering of Carolina blue and cherry red trails of fire behind him "I am Abraxas, son of Gartha, general of demons. It may seem odd that I am trying to help the world rather than cause destruction. My associates are not appreciative of humanity, as they see you, people, as worthless, arrogant, self-destructive beings, where all they need to do is add a bit of 'spice' which would cause annihilation. However, I have faith in humanity, faith my friends and companions do not have. Therefore, I have entrusted you with specific abilities to help you along this tough road that lies ahead. Are you ready James? Ready to fight this battle? Are you ready now to get rid of every fear you have deep within your soul? To experience what it feels like to be a hero! The power, the fame, and the chance that you can save humanity!" My face showing bravery, boldness, but at the same time amazement. My body transformed, but my mind still pondering on the death of my beloved brother. "Did you think just because you transformed me into this- this super-creature-hero thing I'd just be okay with this? You took away my brother! My brother damn it! You think after that I'm going to just say okay? How do I know you're going to revive my brother. What if the crime never stops? Then what?" I said with anger strongly projected through my vocal cords. "The amount of love you show towards your brother is admirable James, but if I do this now, you will forever be under my will. You will forever be my confidante." The general stated. "I don't care! I want him back. I need him back." I declared. In nothing but a couple of snaps and claps and all the sorts of things, Abraxas had brought back my sibling once again. The delight that filled my heart, enlightened my whole body. I bolted towards him and hugged him with my hands tightly wrapped around him; almost like a sloth latched onto a tree branch. I looked up at Abraxas. "Thank you. I am forever grateful" I quoted genuinely. Abraxas suddenly grabbed me by his enormous hand drawing me closer to his face. His grip slowly getting tighter. My muscles trying to push against this ginormous force. With exhaustion, I release a breath. "Don't mess with me once I've given you what you've asked." Abraxas said with an unfriendly demeanour. With only a couple of breaths remaining in me, I said "I won't forsake you, I keep my words. If I ever do... you have the right to take away my life." Releasing his grip on me, I fell. Thump. My body hitting hard against the ground. My left arm shattered by the massive drop. "Next time, try landing on your feet instead," Abraxas said with a laughing gesture. With one touch my bones were all put back together. Abraxas disappeared into thin air. Looking around for a couple of seconds I pondered where he had gone. I quickly went over to my brother, escorting him out of the treacherous mansion. I knocked on the door of our house, laying my brother across the doorstep. I dashed away, running towards a dark alley filled with garbage. Out of the blue. A person grabbed me from the back of my collar. Tossing me onto the floor. The back of my head hit the sidewalk. Air puffed out from my chest leaving me nauseated. Dragging me from my shirt. The stranger took me into the dark alleyway. "W-What are you doing?" I said. "Don't worry this won't hurt much." the stranger said as he grabbed my leg, pushing my knee downwards, trying to snap it. "Stop!" I yelled frantically. My blurred vision had now ceased. I saw the stranger. He was trying to break my joint but, he couldn't, even with the muscles he had. I yanked my foot back and stood up with my legs shivering and palms facing outwards. There he was, a machine of raging muscle charging straight for me; and there I was, a newly built teenager with 'specific abilities' which I didn't even know what they were, with my hands above my head and legs tremoring. Then suddenly a voice whispered "Abraxas". I yelled his name out loud. My eyes turned red, filled with thirst for blood, I moved left, grabbing the criminal by his ear, turning him around, and tossing him back against the alley wall. Sprinting towards him, I punched his gut several times- it was like I wasn't controlling my actions- I jumped six feet high eventually leaving my knuckle marks over the side of his face. Moderately my fury decreased, I looked back. The stranger was belching blood. I halted as I was about to exit the alleyway, thinking what happened to me. Could it be A-Abraxas?