
The Food Era

Long ago, several inter-dimensional portals opened up, through these portals came ruthless beasts. Poisonous Mushrooms frogs, Sharp Horned Onion fish, and many more menacing foods. Along with this disaster, humans developed a new profession or path called the food masters. The food masters ventured through the world of fruits and vegetables, through the vast oceans of honey and jelly, then into caves of candy. It was horrifying, yet dazzling. The food master captured the living foods and nurtured them into battle pets that had different abilities. After the disaster came, humans no longer needed to eat nor drink. It was a splendid but disastrous new era. The food era...

Bamb0o0 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Starting a Food Store

When Leon got back, he told Skye about the man which he had gotten money and also the resources he had collected. But he did not tell her about the egg he had gotten because if it was a good food creature, he wanted to gift it to her for her school. Now that they had a small amount of money they could at least now afford to eat normally.

Even though 100 thousand dollars seemed like a lot of money to most people, it can be spent in a very fast time so Leon was going to be very careful about it.

To earn money, Leon wanted to start a store on the food web to sell some resources and the spirit butter as he didn't need it right now. His Pancake Stingray could not rank up, it was really an interesting creature.

Because they were a family, Leon shared half of the 100 thousand dollars with Skye because she was going to boarding school and the school term nearly started. He kept the other 50 thousand dollars for himself.

Logging onto the food web with his ID card, he quickly went to the create Food Shop Icon on the top left of his screen and clicked on it. After he filled in all the details he found that he could name his own shop.

"Dang it, name picking is the thing I am worst at, maybe I should ask Skye about it. Maybe not, she is probably starting her work at school so I better not disturb her." Leon used almost a full hour time and still could not think of any good name for the shop he was going to open so he waited until Skye finished her work and asked her to pick a name for the shop.

"Because you have a Pancake Ray, maybe name the shop Pancake Heaven or something along the lines of that. Your logo could be you riding your pancake ray in the sky!" Skye once again saved Leon from name choosing by coming up with a smart idea.

Leon gave thanks to Skye then proceeded to write the name down, after he clicked done something surprising came up on the screen.

{To open a new store on the food web, there will be a 10 thousand dollar fee to pay}

This news was very shocking, he would need to pay a fifth of his money just to open the shop. And buying it didn't even come with any extra features such as a robot helper or even some furniture! Leon was very desperate for money right now and he had to pay to open the store.

But he had to pay so while gritting his teeth over the loss of money he clicked yes and was immediately transferred into his store. The store was not very big and was about 50 square metres, the space would increase when the rank of his store increased so it was not much to worry about.

There were very few decorations in this store, all there was were a few shelves and tables to hold things on. Leon set each of the different resources he had collected onto the shelves, not the egg of course. He then went to check out other stores to see if he could collect any useful resources or creatures cheap.

In this world, every time a food creature levelled up, it could recover all injuries and strengths. Because of this advantage, most food masters levelled their creatures to the peak of the rank and while fighting the creature would level up and heal all their injuries.

The spirit butter could rank up food immediately which meant that if Leon could manage to buy severely injured food, then it could recover straight away. Usually, when a food creature was severely injured, it would be very hard to rank it up so it would be hard to recover. Because of that, they were sold at lower prices than normal.

So with the spirit butter, Leon could instantly save up lots of money.

After surfing the internet for a very long time, he finally found the store he wanted, it was a level 4 store named injured food creatures and resources. He quickly entered it after signing an agreement to not hurt any of the creatures inside of it

Inside the store was a horrible sight. There were many foods with injured legs or missing a patch of the skin due to a bite, he quickly muted the sound to not hear the painful moans of the near-dead creatures, he scanned each of them, but there were none that he wanted, which was an attack class sweet category one.

He then asked the store owner, Annie, if there were any here even. She replied with a yes and led Leon towards a corner of the store. Lying in the corner was a two-headed banana snake. It was painfully lying there.

"The banana snake is in the near-death state with only a few days left to live, but if you can heal it, it can be a very suitable combat food. Leon checked the stats and immediately knew why this snake was so valuable. Even though it was only of the delicious II rank, it had amazing abilities.

The ability's name was Sacrifice, which signified that when the snake takes any damage, its attack power would increase. The second ability was called Banana Split, the snake would split into two snakes and could both attack at the same time.

Leon immediately asked her what the snake's price was, he was hoping it was affordable. Annie was not a dumb person, she knew that Leon had the ability to heal this snake. Originally she would have let him keep it for free because it was near death anyway. But she now knew that he could heal it so she wanted to earn some money off of it.

"It will only be 5 thousand dollars for this snake." She replied with a cheeky smile on her face.

Leon knew what game she was playing but he couldn't do anything about it, so he accepted and the snake was now his. When he finally received the snake through a single food storage box she had sent to him. He could not wait to heal this snake so it would help him on his next hike tomorrow.

He fed the butter to the snake as soon as he opened the box. The injuries slowly healed and the scars started to close up. Then all of a sudden, bright light appeared and after it disappeared all that was left was a cute looking two-headed banana snake.

[Food Name]: Two-Headed Banana Snake

[Food Species]: Green Tree Python/Banana

[Food Type]: Poison

[Food Rank]: Delicious III


[Sacrifice]: Every time this food takes damage, its attack power will increase. If it is one shot killed, then nothing will happen. The amount of attack power increased is 10% right now. (UPGRADABLE)

[Banana Split]: The banana snake will split into two smaller snakes and attack at the same time or one after another. This can be used in sneak attacks as well.

This banana snake could upgrade a rank a day due to the stingray's ability which meant that in a week, it would be Scrumptious. And in this week, Leon could collect resources and maybe catch a few wild food creatures to sell on in his shop. He would have more protection that way.

He then showed the new banana snake to Skye, who immediately cuddled the snake tightly. The snake recognised that it was Leon who had saved its life, so he felt a liking for his new owner and his sister.

Leon suddenly had an idea, he told Skye to hop onto the Pancake Stingray and commanded it to bring them towards the Maple City shopping district. Because Skye prepared the bento yesterday, he decided to take her to a hotpot for dinner as they had a decent amount of money.

From now on, Leon would only allow their lives to get better and better. This would be Skye's last meal with Leon because she would have to go to Maple City Intermediate Academy tomorrow as the school term started then.

Skye was very excited that they were going to a hot pot in the city, and what was even better was she was riding a flying stingray. Taking pictures from such an amazing view height would definitely get her friends jealous of her. This was her first time going so high since they last had a holiday on a plane with her long-gone parents.

So going on the stingray with Leon made her remember this happy memory.

"Leon, do you remember the time we went on a holiday to Beach City with mum and dad?"

Flying through the clouds, a few sparkling teardrops flowed down Leon's face dropping down towards the ground, he wondered where they would land, and where his parents were.