
Chapter 14: The World's Most Awkward Elevator Ride

I straighten. The elevator suddenly feels charged with energy, and that feeling only intensifies when Orlando's eyes meet mine for the briefest of moments. He gives us a nod before leaning casually against the wall of the elevator.

Ford coughs as the doors close again. I glance up at him, and he offers a smile as if to imply we have some sort of shared secret between us. This guy really doesn't let up, does he?

As the elevator begins to move, Ford leans a little closer to me, even though we're already much closer than two people in an elevator need to be.

"If you have any questions about anything today," he says in a low voice, "feel free to ask me. I want to make sure you feel comfortable."

"She's free to ask anyone." Orlando makes no effort to keep his voice soft, and I jump. "Including me. Or Karen. That's why we're here, after all. And I would hope any of my actors feel comfortable enough raising their questions and concerns with me."