
Chapter 51: I Make My Move

Dante Fontaine's stare isn't like the ones Roman has been giving me all week - dark and intense and full of desire - but rather one of confusion, and I realize that he recognizes me but can't seem to place how.

So I do the only thing I can - I smile and hold up my press badge, hoping he connects the dots. And it works - I practically see the light bulb going off in his head.

This is my chance.

I pull away from Roman and push my way along the barricade - only elbowing one person in the process - until I'm a little closer to Dante.

"You owe me an interview!" I call over the people around me.

The look he gives me isn't quite a smile, but there's a flicker of something in his eyes - humor? Appreciation? - that gives me hope. And then before I realize what's happening, he says a quick word to his date and walks toward the barricade. Toward me.