
Chapter 1 : Leaving Home

17 year old Drecket Mosdate packs his stuffs to embark on a historic journey. He is about to ride the world's first flying cruise ship, Pobill. It is a giant plane that can accomodate more than 20,000 people. Drecket is one of the few lucky people to win a free ticket for the 3 months ride. It is the first time Pobill will set its first commercial flight, flying from one country to another. The flight starts from Drecket's country, Freegard.

In a sunny morning, Drecket lines up in a long queue to enter the ship. He is marveled by how huge the plane is. It is almost like an entire town. He stays at an economy class room that is shared with 3 people. All the guests get free meals 3 times a day. The guests can also have a part time job.

Drecket introduces himself to the 3 roommates. The 3 roommates are Blob, Sheck, and Ronard. Their age is about close to Drecket. They all get along really well on thw first day.

Blob comes from the countryside. He is stupid but funny. Sheck is a hippie who is mentally troubled because of her traumatic past. Drecket is a nerd who is planning to take a college scholarship after he finishest the trip of the plane.

As the plane is about to take off, all the passengers are told to sit. All chairs and beds are available with seatbelts. There are also seatbelts on the wall. Everyone start to buckle up their seatbelts.

As the plane is taking off, the passengers get excited. The plane successfully flies but a large explosion is heard and the plane goes sideward for a while. The pilot announces there is a technical issue on one of the 27 engines and tells the passengers to not get worried. Some technicians begin to fix the broken engine. and things go back to normal.