
Chapter 35

“Would you like a bath?” she said, in lieu of greeting.

“Pardon?” Edie thought she’d misheard.

“A bath. I have arranged it, if you wish?”

They had been talking about the ease of keeping clean whilst travelling a few days previously, as Edie had pondered the task of washing her hair and decided not to because it was so cold.

“A warm bath?” she checked, cautiously.

“Yes, a warm bath!” Jones responded irritably. “I wouldn’t go to the trouble of arranging a cold one when you could simply jump in the river!”

Edie laughed at her. “Then yes, thank you. That sounds absolutely delightful.” She finished her task and wiped her hands. “Lead on, sir. I am all agog!”

Jones grumbled at her, clearly not in the best of moods, and led the way to a part of the monastery complex Edie had not yet visited.