
The Flower That Tamed The Beastmen

A woman catches her boyfriend cheating one day. She ends up in an accident and God hears her prayers. He gives her a second chance and brings her to a different world, his world. She meets multiple beastmen in her process of finding out what truly happened to her that night.

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14 Chs

Grizzly Affection

Luka seemed very busy he was talking with royal staff and Erick making plans. The whole staff was running around preparing something. Decorations were being placed in the halls and banquet area. The ballroom even had decorations in the royal blue and white kingdom colors. Lily was in her beautiful room but even though she was surrounded by things only a princess could imagine she was bored and lonely. She was on edge from doing nothing. She was used to her job and every day life.

"I'm so bored I can't take it anymore!" she exclaimed to herself.

Lily put on a royal golden dress with brown trimmings and biege lace. She hurried out the door and began scouting the halls for Luka or someone to cue her boredom. The maids glanced her way gossiping about her arrival. There were already rumors going around that she was some witch that was bewitching the prince. She continued on ignoring the words and glances.

Moments passed and Erick came across her leaving the prince's study room. He ignored her though with his usual coldness. He had paperwork as per usual in his arms and looked as if he was in a hurry. Then the prince slowly walked out wearing a dashin shoulder cape and white suit with blue under shirt. His ears perked like he had just sensed something. He immediately looked at Lily and smiled. Luka quickly approached her and looked at her from head to her toes. Almost like he was examining her.

"That dress looks beautiful on you. You look like a sunflower. If your name wasn't already Lily someone would think you were a sunflower transformed into a lady." he chuckled.

Lily blushed not used to such sweet words and smiled " Thank you. But I cant be compared to your looks Luka." she said.

" Oh so you think I'm handsome?" he asked with a smirk.

She looked away "I have never met so many gorgeous people in one area before." she responded back trying to ignore his question.

"But am I handsome enough for you?" he said with a sweet teasing chuckle.

She blushed again. Unable to understand his thoughts, what his intentions could possibly be. She tried to think of what to say back. He must only be teasing her. He probably didn't really like her she thought.

Luka saw her hesitation and began to speak abput another subject "the prince of the bear kingdom is coming here, we have a routine ball to celebrate the peace."

"So that's why everypne is so busy. I've been so bored in my room." she said with a small sigh.

"Hahaha well if you are bored you can always come to me. I can find ways to entertain you." he said teasing her again.

"Why do you tease me like that?" she asked in a flustered tone.

He smiled gently at her "your expression is cute and who says I do not actually mean what I say."

Lily was so flustered by his words that she turned around completely from him "i-is there anything I can do around the castle, like cook or clean to help you prepare since I'm staying here?" she stuttered.

"No, you shouldn't concern yourself with such small unimportant tasks. You could join me for tea and help me relax before the come." he said.

She felt somewhat down not being able to do anything. But the invitation for some company would be nice. Better than being stuck in her room alone. She dreaded loneliness since her parents's death.

"That sounds nice." she said.

They walked to the garden and sat at the gazrbo near the water fountain. There the maids and butlers stood with tea and snacks. The garden was a gorgeous quiet place. Ypu could hear birds singing. The roses near by had a delightful smell. The two of them sipped on the earl gray like tea. The aroma was strong yet the tea was smooth and elegant.

"So today at the ball I will try to get information about the Black Dragon God." Luka said.

"Thank you. I appreciate all you help during this time. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come across me." she said softly.

"I'm just glad to have found you first. Being able to assist you is just a bonus." Prince Luka commented.

"Is there anything I should know before the ball?" Lily asked.

"Well just be careful of the Prince of the Bear Kingdom. He can be quite a handful. He also is a womanizer." he said looking somewhat concerned.

Lily giggled at his words towards his friend "Well you already tease me I have started to get used to such things." she retorted.

Luka looked at her in all seriousness "no I would rather the two of you not be alone. He is my friend but you are quite special to me." he said staring at her beautiful honey eyes.

Suddenly a maid came up with more tea and began to pur the prince some more. Then she poured more for Lily when she quickly turned and the Tea Pot hit the cup and spilled hot tea all over Lily. Lily slightlt burned her hand and the rest was on her dress. Luka stood up quickly and rushed to Lily's side checking the burn mark. While the maid gasped.

"I'm so sorry your Highness I didnt mean to harm the lady. My clumsiness got the better of me. I apologize my lady." the maid spoke while giving off this fake innocent tone.

The prince glared at her "get out of my sight and someone call the physician!" he roared.

A physician came another attractive beastman he had red copper hair with hazel eyes. He knelt by Lily's side and examined her hand. He dabbed it with a cloth and lightly put ointment on it. Lily winced slightly from the stinging the burn gave her.

"Place this ointment three times daily it should help with pain and prevent any possible scarring." the physician explained.

"Thank you Dr. Xavier. I really appreciate you coming on such short notice." Luka exclaimed gratefully.

With a nod an a bow to Prince Luka Dr. Xavier left. Lily looked at the burned. She was used to bullies and was picked on a lot. She was also used to getting hurt due to her job. But never had she ever been hurt intentionally by someone like that.

"Call for Erick please." Luka said to a nearby butler.

Minutes slowly passed by with tensed emotions filling the area. Erick arrived to Luka's side like requested. Erick saw Lily who looked like she wanted to cry, he glared at the burn mark. His ears twitched and his eyes became almost colder than usual.

"Your Highness what happened?" Erick asked still glaring at the wound.

"A maid spilled hot tea all over Lily. I want her reprimanded and wages cut back. Investigate her thoroughly." he said with pure frustration.

"No, wait she said it was an accident. I don't want her to be harmed due to me!" Lily yelled jumping out of her seat.

Erick looked at her shocked. Not understanding why she would pity the maid. How could she be so merciful to someone who caused her pain her thought. Was she weak, too kind hearted or just plain stupid.

"She should be punished for hurting my royal guest!" Luka roared out.

"But it was also my fault for not paying attention and reacting before the hot tea landed on me." Lily retorted.

Frustrated by her compassion Luka rubbed his temple and then looked at Lily who looked desperate "fine then you shall come up with a fair punishment." he answered back.

Lily was surprised and didn't know what to say back. She looked at him with a bewildered expression. She tried to think of a punishment. But she wasn't used to such demands. She would just ignore those that disliked her.

Erick coughed " why not have the maid personally care for Lily with another maid that's trust worthy and can keep an eye on her" suggested with a calm elusive voice.

Lily nodded frantically agreeing to the terms. However that seemed to frustrate Luka even more because he let out a giant sigh. The Highness wanted her to be happy but thought the punishment was nothing compared to what Lily just endured.

"Fine." he said with his hand cupping his forehead hiding his annoyance.

"Thank you Erick, your suggestion really helped resolve matters." she said to him.

"Well I am his secretary and his right hand. I'm merely looking out for how the prince will be viewed." he responded.

She looked down. Of course she thought. It was her fault, her presence was unwelcomed and she should've reacted quicker. She stood up and walked to the prince.

"I should take my leave. I know you have more important things you both need to worry about. I don't want to get in the way more than I already have. I will see you tonight Luka." she said with a curtsy preparing to walk away.

"Wait I shall walk you so you won't get lost again." Erick said.

"What? No I should walk her back she's my guest!" Luka exclaimed.

"No, your Highness you need to prepare yourself for this evening and you have to finish finalizing the peace treaty agreement for this year." Erick answered.

With a defeated expression Luka looked back to Lily "be careful I will see you tonight my lady" he said to her before leaving.

Lily nodded and watched him leave. Once he left Erick started walking towards the entrance back in to the castle. He kept looking back at Lily who had her head down. He still couldn't understand why she responded like that. Any other noble would have had the maid whipped or punished in similar way. They continued through castle passing the staff that was still preparing for the evening. Once they arrived to her door Lily began to open it.

"Why didn't you punish that maid?" asked Erick.

"Because I felt it was my fault. I also didn't want to cause more pain. Two wrongs wouldn't fix anything." she explained.

"But she injured you, it could have been worse." he responded.

"Yes but it wasn't. This is small compared to losing someone or watching someone you love get hurt. I don't know her or her family. But her family would be sad if she got hurt....while mine is no longer here." she continued to explain to Erick.

He furrowed his brows trying to understand her point. Thinking of what she must have gone through to have such point of views maybe she wasn't stupid or too kind. Maybe she just understood what the other would feel he thought.

"Be more careful. You need to cars for you life too. Your happiness and life is just as important as anyone else's" Erick said with a caring expression that replaced is usual icy glare. He then began heading back.

Lily turned and went in her room. She sat on her bed looking at her burn. No one ever told her those words not even when her mother and father died. Never did someone make her feel like her life was just as important. She lived every day to survive another day, she took simple comfort in her shows and manga. She blushed remembering Erick's expression. He was always so mean never showing any emotion. His random act of kindness surprised her. She tried to shake it off and prepare herself for the night when two maids walked in. One of them was the lady with a black bob who spilled the tea. The other was a gorgeous woman with ash brown hair and green hazel eyes.

"Hello Lady Lily my name is Francheska the prince ordered us to be your maids starting today. This woman here is Angelica. Please if there's anything you need please let us know." she said with a gentle kind expression.

"Thank you I appreciate it but I'd hate to burden you." Lily said.

"No, its an honor to wait om such a beautiful young lady and someone who's important to the prince as well. It's been so long to see him in such high spirits." she answered.

"Well I appreciate it. I have to prepare for tonight so it be nice to have some help as I'm not used to such events." Lily responded.

"Well with your pale light skin tone and your blonde sunshine hair with your honey eyes, Im thinking we go with a color that brings out your beautiful features. How about this white gown that has beautiful golden floral lacing and the big bow in the back. We can pin up your hair with a pearl comb in the back to keep it up. With these gold diamond matching necklace earring set." she offered.

"Yes that would be perfect. I'm not used to such clothing. Thank you so much." thanked Lily.

Lily and Francheska began preparing. Angelica stood at the sidelines glaring coldly like a child. Francheska helped Lily and dolled her up. The cam the part for makeup which Lily had no experience in.

"What kind of makeup would you like to wear?" she asked Lily.

"Ummm I-I've never put any on" Lily answered.

"With your natural beauty, I think a simple light coral lip stick and nude colored eyeshadow would do nice on you. You don't need much since you're already so beautiful." Francheska said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you Francheska. I never had anyone to talk to about things like this since my mother passed when I was young. I'm not to knowledgeable about these girly things." she said with a gentle expression.

"Oh you poor child. I will help you as much as I can. Feel free to ask me anything." she said as she hugged Lily with a kind comforting embrace.

Francheska finished with the last details and motioned Lily to a mirror. Lily looked at herself head to toes and looked at herself in amazement. She never looked so beautiful before she thought. Lily looked one more and twirled she felt like a beautiful princess.

"Okay, my lady now let's head down to the ballroom. I bet the prince is awaiting your arrival the most." Francheska giggled.

Lily blushed and waved her hands "it's nothing like that, we aren't in a relationship or anything. He's simply helping me and took me in as a guest." she frantically answered back flushed.

Lily and the two women exited her bedroom and headed to the ballroom. Lily strid with confidence with her new look. Feeling the most beautiful she's ever been. She reached the ballroom with guests already there. She saw the prince and lightly waved. The prince walked over to Lily.

" Lily you look absolutely gorgeous. But you have looked amazing since I met you. The colors blossom you." the prince said.

"Thank you Luka you're too sweet." she responded feeling embarrassed.

"I have to go greet my other guests please save me a dance. I will come look for you when I'm done." Luka told her before leaving her side.

Lily felt a little lonely and out of place without the prince by her. She was in this new world that she felt she didn't belong in. She glided through the crowd and went to the buffet where they offered champagne she took a glass hoping it help her nerves. When a man with small round ears in Black and brown suit appeared. He looked at her gazing upon her looks.

"Hello, my lady I've never met you before. What is a beauty like you doing all alone here?" the mysterious young man asked.

"H-Hello, I'm new here. I am staying here temporarily as a guest." she answered conflicted on how she should talk about her current circumstances.

"Well then will you allow me a dance? Such a beauty you should be having fun and wnjoying this young beautiful night." he asked.

"Ummmm s-sure" Lily stuttered out.

The man took her by the hand and headed to the floor right in the center. He began to place his hands on her waist and wistfully dancing. His moves were gentle yet he made his presence known. Lily had never danced before so she felt she might trip. She tried her best to match his pace. But her feet stumbled and she landed om his chest. She looked up and she was close to his face. He neared his face to hers checking if she was alright. Her face was redden by her embarrassment and the young man being to close.

"I'm sorry, but I've never danced before. I apologize if I am embarrassing you." she said to him avoiding his eyes.

"No need to apologize everyone has a something they're better at. Your's just isnt dancing. I will go slower and follow you more." he said gently into her ear.

Lily blushed more by his breath touching her skin of her neck and ear. The man softly scooped her hand and slowly yet gracefully danced. She felt less uneasy and started to enjoy it. The music was beautiful and she was having the most fun she'd ever experienced. The man kept looking at Lily without her even realizing. He seemed to be captivated. She was smiling from joy. Lily's dress moved with every sway making her looking more like a dancing flower. The other guests were in awe.

The prince noticed everyone's behavior and went to look at what everyone else had their eyes on. He saw Lily and the prince of the bear kingdom dancing. He gritted his teeth and furrowed his brows. He had an emotion he was not used to take over. He let out a low growl. Those nearby heard it and moved immediately out his way. The music had stopped and Lily and the young man stopped dancing. But the prince appeared and took Lily by the hand sweeping her into his arms. His eyes looked furious. He had no idea what came over him. Lily was confused she didn't know what to say to either gentlemen.

"Oh, hello my old friend it's so nice to see you again Prince Luka." said the bear prince.

"If you weren't touching my special guest. I would say the same Prince Aaron of the Bear Burns Kingdom." Luka retorted with a low growl.

Aaron chuckled amused by his old friend's expression "well I had to dance with such a beautiful lady. I hope you weren't hiding her from me." he said.

" Of course not. I just met her days ago. But she is special she doesn't need your womanizing paws to touch her." Luka exclaimed.

"Oh dear I can't believe my close friend would call me such a thing." Aaron quickly took Lily's hand and kissed it with a smirk "well maybe I shall see you later my lady don't want to upset the big bad wolf too much." he told Lily before disappearing into the crowd.

Luka looked even more upset. He was sending out alpha pheromones without even knowing. He tightened his fist in anger. He couldn't believe Aaron touched her. Luka was getting this overwhelming sense of wanting to posses. He grabbed Lily by the hand and took her to hall where no one was at. He gently leaned her against the wall. He sniffed her neck making her twitch. He could smell Aaron's scent which disgusted him. He licked her neck showing his sharp canine teeth. His tail was up fluffed out from annoyance. Lily made a noise from the touch she felt. She was confused but her body wasn't used to this feeling. His tongue on her neck made her blush. He continued to touch her he gracefully slid his hand down her face to her neck cupping her chin. Luka began to kiss the spot he licked. Lily let a small light moan. Surprised by the noise she covered her mouth. She attempted to push Luka off. But he was crazed with possessing her. He started to pull her chin up to his face and kissed her lips deeply. His eyes were almost glowing. She felt her legs giving out. He wouldn't stop kissing her it was making it difficult for her to breathe.

Unbeknownst to them Erick was searching for the prince. He heard small noises and headed to where it was coming from. Luka continued kissing her striding his hand to her waist pulling her in close to him. Lily tried to let out the words stop but it wouldn't come out. She tried to push him but his power was so much stronger. Erick finally reached the corner where he saw Lily and Luka. He could see Lily trying to get out from under Luka but Luka wasn't stopping.

Erick walked over and grabbed Luka's hand pulling him from Lily. Where Lily fell due to her wobbly legs. He pushed Luka out of her view.

"Luka stop! Do you not realize that she's telling you to stop." he yelled at the prince never have doing so before.

Lily sat there almost like a doll. She couldn't respond. Erick helped her up and held her. Luka looked at her appearance thinking of what he had just done. He felt ashamed and disgusted by his behavior.

"I'm so sorry Lily. I wasn't thinking in my right mind. please forgive me I shall take my leave. If you wish you can head back to your room." Luka said avoiding her eyes.

Luka left quickly, Erick stood there with Lily both surprised by what Luka did. Erick had never seen Luka act like that. He shifted Lily's dress, fixing her appearance.

"T-thank you. I-I'm so sorry. I'm embarrassed you had to see that. It must've been my fault." Lily stuttered choking back her tears.

"You always apologize for what others do to you." Erick said with an angry expression.

She looked at him and then looked down. Sadden even more that he was angry at her. Erick realized how his words came across and placed his hand on her head patting it gently.

"What I mean is you should care about you and bot apologize for everyone. You didn't seem comfortable and I couldn't stand by and watch." he said to her in a comforting tone.

She hugged him tight. His kind words made her chest hurt more. She couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Lily started sobbing in his arms. It wasn't that she hated the prince's touch, but he touched her with aggression and dominance. She had never been kissed by a man like that before. It wasn't like the prince not his normal kind and teasing like behavior. She was scared. He had frightened her. Her body reacted even though she didn't want it. She continued to cry some more until she finally finished.

"Thank you Erick. I apologize if my crying made a mess on you." she said looking at his clothes.

"It's okay. If you feel better that's all that matters. You shouldn't hold everything in. Why don't you go back to your room and I'll send Francheska up with some food." Erick suggested.

She nodded and headed back to her room. Lily was exhausted from dancing and with the incidents that happened. All she wanted to do was lay down. She sat on her bed thinking of everything. She touched her lips and blushed. She was still surprised with the prince. She'd never done any type of kissing like that nor did a man ever hold her like that. But the way his eyes looked and how he wouldn't stop scared her a lot. It sent shivers down her remembering it. She wanted to cry again but shook her head and laid down. She sighed contemplating how she should next see the prince. It was all too awkward now.