
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

"You should have taken it easy, love. You didn't have to be that harsh."

Severus shot the staircase one lasting look before he faced his concerned mate. "Amber is the one who's being harsh to herself, not me."

"As if you didn't foresee her mulishness…"

"That doesn't mean I'll accept such an excuse."

Xyla pursed her lips together, and regarded him with a serious look. "Have you seen the look on her face when you asked her to leave?"

"I knew she feels regretful. What about it?" Severus was still irritated. The girl had exceptional talents—he'd give her that.

But Amber's recklessness is powerful enough to overshadow all the good things.

Severus wasn't sure about Cain, but Leviticus was a level-headed man. He knew the Alpha of the West Crescent on a deeper level, considering that they had to meet regularly before for pack business, but Cain would always remain as a wildcard.

Perhaps, Amber takes after her father…

"Regretful?" Xyla shook her head firmly. "Not quite."

"Was she angry then? Was that her 'storming' out?" Severus took his black, leather jacket off, and hung it over the back of a chair. "I don't believe so. Amber isn't one to throw tantrums. She was calm when she left."

"Relieved," his mate corrected. "She was relieved when you dismissed her."

"Can we please not talk about Amber in the meantime? I'm actually kind of pissed right now, love. Maybe I'll hear out what the twins have to say first."

"Or… you may also give them a break. I think they deserve it."

The strict expression he was wearing never faltered. "Then, I shall take my mate's words under advisement."

"Under advisement?" Xyla laughed heartily. "You're that pissed, huh…"

To be honest, when Severus said that, he was already decided.

There's no need for him to cool his head, then decide.

He commanded his Gamma to bring the twins over to the pack house for their oral reports. He's curious as to how they will deliver the news, and if they're going to cover up the truth regarding Amber's shenanigans.

'I've informed the two, Alpha. They will be on their way now.'

Severus lifted a brow. 'You're not coming?'

That's new.

After all, Brandon is known to be a stage father. No matter what his children's feats were, he was always there—especially for their firsts.

'When it comes to official pack affairs, they must learn to be independent.'

Severus let out a small grunt. 'Alright, I'll be waiting.'

Severus has yet to hear from the squad leaders, but he prefers getting their input once he's done with the trainees. As much as possible, he doesn't want a pre-conceived notion about a person, especially if he hasn't heard their side yet. Hence, consulting the other pack warriors for their overall evaluation comes last on the list.

That way, it would also help him confirm if the trainees were hiding something or not.


He won't deny that he's a little bit fixated on the trainees' particular mission this time, and that's all because of Amber.

Right from the start, he's already proud of her—as a guardian, as a father figure. Therefore, it goes without saying that maybe he's already biased even before the mission has begun.

Knock. Knock.

Peeking from the door to the living room was Brandon's daughter, Pepper. She looked wary—owing maybe to their father's absence for the occasion, or some other reason.

And standing behind her was the ever so stoic Salt.

Xyla ushered them in with a warm smile, and made them sit down on the couch. She asked them if they wanted any drinks, but the twins politely declined the thoughtful offer.

The Luna then excused herself shortly afterward.

Severus couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Usually, Pepper would greet him with a lively voice, but today, she was looking a little somber; an expression he wasn't used to seeing, given her jolly personality.

What could be the reason behind it?

Are they just tired?

And so, he was the one who broke the silence. "So, who wants to go first?"

Sensing his twin sister's uneasiness, Salt showed no hesitation when he spoke. "May I, Alpha?"

Severus nodded calmly. "Go ahead."

"Based on my observations, it looked like the organization still hadn't resumed their operations. Strangely, the children that they abducted from their original families were also being treated quite well. They were fed generously, and the adults spent appreciable time to play with them, too. The village's activities seemed normal on the surface."

"On the surface…" Severus repeated, his gaze narrowing slightly. "Let's hear it."

"I have a question, Alpha."

"I'm listening."

"Is that all the intelligence that we have?"

"River Severn doesn't withhold intel on the pack members who will be sent out on a mission. What you know is what I know. It's the same version of story for all of us, including your father." Severus studied the boy's exterior demeanor carefully.

Salt may look calm, but if you stare deeply into the depth of his blasé gaze… he's shaken.

By something.

Or someone.

Or both.

"Speak your mind, Salt," he ordered. "For you to ask such a question… you must have discovered something new." It was a shame that Brandon wasn't here right now. That man would have felt so proud if he were to witness this moment. "Feel free to speak. I'm all ears. Cast aside your fears. I heard that the mission was a success, yes?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"Then, out with it."

Salt threw his sister a side glance, and Severus noticed the uncertainty in the boy's gaze.

Something feels wrong about this.

"Salt," he warned.

"What I'm about to say wasn't an observation in an individual level, Alpha. Please try to understand."

"I'm fine with it. If that's what the whole squad observed, then it simply indicates that your observation skills are on par with each other. If you were to ask me, I'd say it's a good thing—yet you seem to share a different opinion." He creased his forehead. "Is that right?"

Salt shook his head almost automatically. "I… It was actually the same as what Pepper had written down on her notes. Among all the villagers, there was a certain man, and we both described him as a 'good caretaker'. He looks after the pups, spends time with them longer than anyone else, and doesn't discriminate. There was no contempt hidden in his gaze. We thought he was a good man."

Severus is starting to see it now.

"Amber didn't agree with the two of you, I presume?"

Salt felt the corner of his mouth twitch. "I wouldn't say there had been a disagreement, Alpha. Amber just happened to be more… skeptical than us." Just when Severus thought Salt would end his statement at that, the latter continued. "More perceptive."

"Could you cut to the chase now?"

Salt is way too young to be keeping the adults on the edge of their seats. The way he talks reminds Severus of a person who's trying to negotiate in exchange of information.

Although, Salt seems to be doing it unconsciously, Severus thinks that if the boy has to make his own choice, he would rather stay silent.

"We didn't question the caretaker's morals, Alpha. Our observation meets Amber's at only one certain point, and that's the fact that the man really does spend more time with the pups."

"I'm guessing that Amber refused to call him a 'good' man then."

Salt looked at him in surprise. 'The Alpha could guess that much?'

"Amber's unique perception is hardly new to me. Don't be so stunned." Severus tapped his fingers on the table in thought. "Did she act on it? Act on her hunch…"

Pepper visibly shuddered while Salt remained calm.

At the very least, both of them knew that this conversation would be far from the usual, and casual talk they would occasionally have with the Alpha.

Actually, this shouldn't be labeled as a 'conversation' even when they happened to be exchanging thoughts, and questions.

The Gamma Chief, their own father, had already oriented the trainees, including them, about how oral reports worked in front of the Alpha.

And they were told that if, in any case, Alpha Severus didn't appreciate what he heard, things could wildly escalate from there.

The Gamma Chief refused to mention anything specific, but the promise of pain was already implied in his tone.

Going by the Alpha's engaging demeanor right now, it appears that Amber still hasn't made her report—which they think is unusual.

Seeking them first instead of Amber…

It was all odd right from the start.

Severus barely contained his exasperated breath. "I'll take your silence as a yes."

Then, he observed the twins, waiting for their appeals…

But none of that happened.

Salt and Pepper didn't try to deny it, and Severus wasn't sure whether or not he should be pleased by their reaction. Sitting in silence, and unable to meet his gaze just confirmed their loyalty to the pack—to him, as the leader.

But having said that, he still couldn't help but feel peeved.

They're Amber's precious friends, yet… they make it seem easy to throw her under the bus.

Nobody even tried to defend her side.

Not that he was expecting anything from Salt, but… Pepper?

Damn it.

'I need a cigar.'

Somehow, he feels that Amber's lack of sleep is rooting from this very idea.

A man, eh?

Now, he's more determined to extinguish that village, as well as the 'charitable organization' they're putting up as a front. In addition to that, it looks like there's a need to personally meet this man they're talking about.

"She probably did something reckless again," Severus supplied after a while. "You don't need to speak of it. I'd love to hear the details from Amber herself."

"Please…" Pepper suddenly squeaked out, "don't punish her, Alpha." Finally, she was able to look up, a pair of pleading eyes looking back into his. "Amber is… very competent."

"Competent or not, we both know that isn't the case here, Pepper." He's getting riled up now, and he keeps reminding himself that he's talking to inexperienced werewolves—young and naïve. It's not their intention to get him heated, but… neither did his official pack warriors in the past.

If anything, there shouldn't be any difference in the treatment.

Severus is really curious this time.

What could Amber have possibly done to make the squad feel anxious for her?

"Do you remember what the sole purpose of your mission is?" he asked lowly.

"Yes, Alpha," the twins answered in unison.

"Which is?"

"To monitor the village's activities for one week, and… should there be any significant development, we were to notify the pack warriors who were also on a mission in the West."

It was Salt who replied without any hesitation.

"Then, why did you not stop Amber?"

Once again, the twins decided to zip their mouths.

"Were you involved in her schemes?"

"No, Alpha," was Salt's firm response.

Meanwhile, Pepper just shook her head quietly.

Severus sat in aghast confusion.


"So, you're telling me that Amber hid things from you? Her teammates?"

It's hard to believe it. After all, she treasures her friends so much. Besides, Amber isn't a good liar. She knows it, too.

So, how could she keep things from her friends?


"A-alpha, I don't think it was on purpose—"

Salt cut his sister off. "Yes, Alpha. She hid things she was supposed to discuss with us, her teammates. I believe Amber also owns a separate observation note, one that she has never showed to us."

Pepper was mortified by his claim. "Salt…! What are you—?"

Severus looked him in the eye. "You're aware that what you just said can be taken as Amber's dishonesty and insubordination, aren't you? Her operating by herself…"

Salt nodded his head. "Yes, Alpha."

Pepper was too shocked, her voice wouldn't come out.

What the hell is wrong with him…?

Is this really her brother?

After what Amber has gone through for the mission… he's dragging her through the mud now?

"Besides…" Salt drawled, "I believe in Amber."

Severus rubbed his chin. "You indict her first, then believe in her next…" His jaw ticked. "Do you have an explanation for that, or you haven't made up your mind on who you wish to side with."

The boy's gaze was fueled with unshakeable resolve. "Please don't get me wrong, Alpha. What I'm doing right now is speaking for myself—not Amber. I'm merely reporting the observation and conclusion that I've made as a trainee. Amber, being a friend, doesn't affect whatever I have to say. I believe that if she were also here with us, she would be thinking the same," he explained in one breath. "I believe in Amber."

Severus turned his attention to Pepper. "It's your turn."

Salt already said it—that those crooks weren't on the move during the past week. That was the main point of their mission. As long as River Severn got eyes on the village, there should be no problems with the monitoring.

Severus was planning to sabotage their next transaction, and what Amber's squad did was nothing but a preliminary action only.

His pack warriors have been readying for a possible battle that may arise against the organization.

Several packs are dancing in the palm of their hands, and it's insulting.

It's insulting for them to think that they can keep this up for as long as they wish.

Many parents were heartbroken for the loss of their beloved pups. One could only imagine their pain as they mourned over the uncertainty.

And perhaps, some of them are still holding onto a sliver of hope that one day, they will reunite with each other as one family.

After all, the abducted children were only presumed dead.

Pepper balled her fists. "They're not good people," she began.

"Let's not talk about the obvious." Severus raised a questioning brow at her. "You're being emotional. Did you notice something that your brother didn't?"

She scowled, her eyes ablaze with incandescent fury. "They should be wiped off the face of the world, Alpha. Mercy is for those who still have a chance for redemption, and they don't deserve it one bit."

That's your report?

Severus had been meaning to ask her that, but Brandon's daughter looked very serious.

One might even think that she was a firsthand victim of that village.

"Is there any merit in you saying these things, Pepper?"

The girl isn't the type to speak of ruthless things. That's far from her personality.

"They don't hesitate to do horrible acts, Alpha."

Again, that's a given. "And?"

"They hurt Amber, too."

Severus inhaled sharply. Did he hear that right?

Going by how Salt turned to her harshly, it seemed that he also wasn't expecting his sister would say that.

"They hurt Amber," Severus stated in a rather composed manner. "Is that right?"

"Yes, Alpha." Pepper looked firm about this. "That person in particular…"

"That person?"

"The good caretaker wasn't the good person we thought after all."

This is it.

The annoying gut feeling that's dwelling in the pit of his stomach all this time.

Severus tried to rein in his mad curiosity to know everything because he was supposed to hear matters concerning Amber from Amber herself. However, that would seem impossible right now.

The conviction in Pepper's words was the trigger which unlocked the safety pin of the grenade.

And there's no turning back.

"The two of you…" He was fighting back to shift. He couldn't decide where to direct his anger. His wolf was restless. Whoever that man is, he's a nobody—yet he dared lay a finger on his people? "Are you unharmed? If not, strip off the covering, and show me your injuries."

Does their father even know?

"We're unharmed, Alpha. The pack warriors came to our aid."

"Pepper," Salt admonished, clearly against his sister's untoward confession right now.


That was the least of Severus' concerns.

Pack warriors?


"A flare was fired?" A low growl had successfully escaped his constricted throat.

What sort of encounter did they experience that they had to use that item for emergency?

"Yes, Alpha." Pepper's lips quivered in reminiscence. "The situation required us to."

"And who fired it?"

"Salt did."

The boy remained quiet, though a small, stiff nod from him was all he needed.

"If it was your call, then it was that dire."

When it comes to training and education, his Gamma is particularly strict on his own kids. As the Commander, what he sees in Salt is a weapon—that's why, Brandon is dead set on polishing his son's skills.

Salt is capable to assess situations objectively because he can keep his cool.

Everyone knows that, especially the squad leaders, and other trainees.


If he thought that shooting a flare was necessary, even Severus wouldn't contest the boy's decision.

As an Alpha, he acknowledges his extensive knowledge and abilities.

"Is your squad okay with it?"

Confusion crossed the girl's features. "With… it?"

"Calling it a success when you actually acquired help from the other pack warriors. As for me…" A half-smile graced Severus' mouth. "The mission was botched."

Certainly, he wasn't expecting this turn of events. Perhaps, he should have prioritized hearing from the squad leaders first, including the pack warriors who had gotten involved. Level 1 missions were supposed to be easy as they were intended for beginners.

Furthermore, the missions were hardly failed.

Using up an emergency flare is unprecedented.

"So, we f-failed?"

"That's what I'm asking you, Pepper. Since when did Brandon allow his children to lower their standards to what could be considered a success?"

'Did I place my hopes on their squad too much?' Severus wondered.

Was there even a meaning to Amber's stubbornness to compromise her own health?

The twins before him both fell into a tormented state.

Maybe the reality has finally dawned on their deluded minds.

Although, one of them couldn't seem to easily let go, and it was Pepper.

"But…" The resolve in her eyes didn't waver, "it was a success though."

On the other hand, Salt stayed neutral.

And it was strange.

Because he had always been one to correct his sister's misunderstandings.

Yet, he wasn't doing anything.

He wasn't reacting against Pepper's insistence.

So, this prompted Severus to send a query his way. "Are you thinking the same, Salt?"

And then…

"Yes, Alpha. The mission is undoubtedly a success."

So, he has convinced himself, too, that it's the truth, eh?

"Does catching the evil-doer no longer constitute a mission to be successful?" Pepper asked, her tone and expression sincere. "Because we caught him, Alpha. We caught the bad guy."

Everything was a blur from there.

The young werewolf in front of him was suddenly using terms he wasn't supposed to hear from this report…

"You what?" he grumbled in disbelief.

"The caretaker is a cannibal, Alpha." There was an unmistakable fear in her voice as she continued. "And it was Amber who discovered his true nature."

Severus could feel the rapid beating of his heart, awakening his wolf's full senses.

Right now, these trainees were telling him that they ran into one of the dangerous creatures in the World of Darkness—and they managed to capture him, making it part of their mission?

Even he, himself, would never mention the word in passing because… it wasn't normal.

The act and its existence shouldn't be normalized.

"You're both dismissed," he announced without a second thought. "We shall continue this discussion some other time. Your father will be notified." Severus stood up, and gazed at them intently. "Veg out, and be serious about it. You hear me?"

Salt and Pepper lowered their heads in an instant.

Their bodies felt the shock with that command. He used his Alpha voice, causing every inch of their fiber to submit, and do his bidding. Since they were not yet at the age where they could withstand his power, they seemed to have lost their voices, so they just nodded profusely.

While staring at the floor.


The twins scurried out the door quickly, and disappeared from his sight in mere seconds.

The deep, rumblings in his chest began to pour out as if they were finally freed from all the invisible restraints. Severus isn't a fan of losing himself, and have kids as an audience.

His nature as a werewolf, and an Alpha, could be very… unsightly.

And he had been containing his urges to shift since he and Amber had 'that' talk.

'All pack warriors sent to the West in the past week, report back to me. Now!'

Fuck the rules.

Fuck the formalities.

When things go haywire, they don't really matter…!

'Roger that.'

'On our way.'

Now that he thinks about it, Amber is just upstairs. Knowing that Santiago, she might overhear everything without meaning to.

The training grounds should make a perfect meeting area.

This is only a temporary measure anyway.

Severus marched over toward the exit, his shoulders rigid, and strides heavy.

Despite the blood rushing through his veins, burning up his skin, Severus felt cold from deep within.

If they caught 'him', then he should still be alive.

And if that man is still alive…

Then he must be spending his sweet time inside a small, four-cornered space at that underground prison.

His underground prison.

A low, guttural chuckle escaped his throat. "What a farce."

Just when he felt like shifting to de-stress, a gift was presented to him.

A gift… he could lash out on.

'You'd better brace yourselves, men,' a tip-off he told the pack warriors, 'for I won't listen to your damned excuses.'

That's right.

Once a captive is in the picture, Alphas must be notified as soon as possible.

But for some reason… his wolves didn't.

Severus cracked his neck viciously.

A cannibal, huh?

Nine pack warriors gathered at the training grounds, waiting for the meeting to commence. At first, they thought it was weird for Alpha Severus to decide on a whim; it was out of character. The man has always been direct to the point. No matter who's in the hearing distance, he won't care. That's the kind of person he is.

The pack house has its own meeting hall, yet here they are… at the training grounds, where blood and sweat are shed on a daily basis.

A foreshadowing?

No one can tell.

The others are confident for having a clean conscience, but those who feel troubled by the sudden summons… know what lies beyond this interrogation.


At the back of their minds, they are already aware that the purpose of being called in groups isn't for the Alpha to procure their mission reports. The sequence is based on levels; therefore, there's no reason for them to get together like this—unless, of course, the Alpha wishes to discuss a different matter.

"Where is he?"

The pack warriors were stunned by the brisk, imposing question.

And at times like this, playing safe will get them nowhere.

One of the squad leaders braved the tense atmosphere, and answered. "We're currently holding him in a cell, Alpha."

Everybody knows who the 'he' is in that sentence.


How come the Alpha is still asking them this?

Did that girl not inform him?

That girl… who had requested for their cooperation to never include the details of that man's arrest in their reports.

Because she was the person meant for the job.

It wasn't to compel them to lie to the Alpha, but an act of bravery.

Amber wants to take responsibility. That's why, the explanation—the gore details, have to come from her.

"Does any of you still remember the order of priority?" Of course, that was rhetorical.

And they can't answer it either.

Otherwise, they would be punished.

A punishment fitting for knowing the right thing, yet explicitly doing the opposite.

"That's not all. I heard something worse." The chains clanked to the floor when Alpha Severus kicked them toward their side without any warning. "Has anyone of you went out of their way to confirm it?"

'The Alpha is probably talking about cannibalism…'

'There's no mistaking it…'

The same squad leader replied, "We didn't have the time, Alpha. The site where we found him was just around the village. It was only a matter of time for the villagers to realize what the flare was for. We couldn't let their squad's efforts go to waste, so we fled the scene, taking one hostage with us."

"And which squad are you pertaining to?"

"The newbie's squad, Alpha. I believe they were called… the squad of the aces. They really do live up to the name."

A large portion of land in the western part of their region is uninhabited.

And that's because the area remains unexplored to date.

Meaning, it's considered as one of the so-called unclaimed territories in Akkad.

And if they would really think about it now…

There's an ancient Akkadian myth that goes like this:

Never provoke the West. They're huge, proud, and arrogant—and they know it very well.

Wherever they go, lands get cursed, living becomes bleak, and the ecosystem suffers.

Dwellers of the West don't share. Hence, co-existing with other species can only be achieved in dreams.

Before the entire nation of Akkad was unified, the conquest of the independent islands to the West had always been a headache to the Generals.

After all, they weren't allowed to disappoint Rego, the Werewolf King.

They must strive to prove that they were worthy of the position that they held—the trust that they earned.

It took them not months, but years of continuous struggle before their strong opponents were brought down to their knees. Many had lost their lives during that war, yet in the end, werewolves of this era remained vigilant of the locales heading to the West due to its grievous history.

So, even if those lands were conquered, and had officially become part of Akkad, people were still wary of occupying them for themselves, and establishing their own packs there.

Of course, for those who had no choice but to settle within the area, such as rogues, the West was ideal.


It wasn't just that.

The West was god-send.

They pride themselves with the fact that there was a certain time in history where a cold-blooded werewolf who reigned over the West was feared.

He wasn't an Alpha.

He wasn't a King.

He didn't belong to any pack, but the territories belonged to him.

He was that kind of werewolf.

Although, in the modern-day era, his existence was bastardized, and reduced to a status no different from that of a rogue.

The Akkads viewed him as a usurper—someone who took advantage of his own strength to inflict terror in the hearts of people, and impact their daily lives by making them think that he was superior in each and every angle.


That view was only practiced by those who were in denial.

Those who couldn't accept history.

Those who thought Akkad was a powerhouse.

In other words…

The loyalists.

The brain has its own way of coping if there's a reality that it can't process, or its owner refuses to accept.

And that's the case for these loyalists…

They're forced into a state of belief that the power their country holds is absolute.

It has been ages, yet until now, they refuse to gulp down the fact there was a creature who could stand toe to toe with the Werewolf King.

It was all in the records, but was never included in the teachings.

The Generals from that war were defeated.

That the Werewolf King had to leave his throne to personally face the man of the myth.

And to say that such an event was monumental was an understatement.

Alpha Severus ordered the investigation of unclaimed territories in the West not because of the stories associated with them, but instead, having the sham of 'that' charitable organization as the trigger.

Limited data have been made thus far, and the Alpha wants to make sure the village the newbies are monitoring is their only headquarters.

That there are no other places they can turn to.

The word on the street also said that their pack might expand soon, and come to claim a portion of the western lands—that's why, the Alpha initiated this.

Still, pack warriors who are directly involved in this investigation don't believe such rumors.

After all, there's no need for River Severn to go somewhere far away when they can just take over the West Crescent, is there?

The campaign for the land acquisition is still ongoing, and they would rather believe that Alpha Severus was feigning impartiality regarding the matter rather than entertaining the idea of occupying some parts in the West for themselves.

The objection of the pack members as a whole is certain.

"We're looking at three components here; namely, the cave, the waterfall, and the bridge. Coming from a wolf's viewpoint, there are two good options. The cave may serve as a shelter, and the waterfall is ideal for one to conceal his presence. Where should we head first? Let's vote."




"We can't half-ass this. Our next move will require the unanimous approval of all squad members."

"Alright, then. I'll begin by explaining my side. I think the cave is too dangerous for us, considering our few heads. So, what if we happen to stumble upon the other villagers hiding in there? It will be too late to get our asses to safety unless we completely outrun them. The three of us versus a pack of hooligans? Don't even start with me. If anything, the cave should come last—once we've already mastered the ins and outs of this deserted region. That way, the chase won't be our handicap."

"I acknowledge your concern, but since we aren't very familiar with the forest just yet, it has already become our weak link. Taking the waterfall route is like throwing ourselves into the lion's den. Dealing with water isn't advisable for search operations. Don't we all know that?"

"But going down that path could be a double-edged sword. It's an advantage, and a disadvantage—and that goes the same for the enemies, though the waterfall is more of an upside for them. They've been here long before us. They hold the geographical lead."

"The cave isn't open-spaced. It will be hard for us to maneuver ourselves if we get into a fight. It's just as you said. They have the cards, and they sure know how to use them as well. Getting ahead of ourselves is something we should avoid. Remember what we're dealing with—they didn't just fool packs for money. The Alphas had been outwitted, too."

The squad leader clapped his hand to get the attention of the members. "It's decided, then. We'll visit the bridge first."

Actually, the argument made sense, and it was foolish to take sides. The members proved the validity of their points through that quick discourse, and it was amazing that they had already considered things that far.

Debating the right choice is futile because they have received their orders.

And at the end of the day, they would need to cover everything on the list.

They don't have to follow a specific sequence.

"The bridge?" one of the pack warriors repeated, confused. "Has it not been crossed out of the menu already?"

"If we're looking an option where it goes equal for both sides, then we're choosing the bridge. The high cliff is enough to ward off careful wolves on the run. After all, falling from such a height is a guaranteed death. If, in any case, we're to face some villagers there, obtaining victory is just a matter of caution." The squad leader surveyed their surroundings carefully. "Besides, I really doubt those criminals would frequent the area." Then, he turned to them, his brow raised. "So, what do you think?"

"The leader gets to have the final word anyway. There shouldn't have been a poll in the first place."

"Silly. It was needed, you know? For formalities…"


Who would have thought that instead of completing their investigations on the said locale, a much more pressing hurdle came their way.

Somebody from a different squad had deployed his distress flare.

And going by the direction it was coming from…

The newbies?

Their squad was the nearest, so they all came to the rescue of their younger pack members—their plan of their own all forgotten.

Their pack has a rule when it comes to signals.

Given the nature of a flare to blow a stealth group's cover, one must not resort to using it at the slightest inconvenience.

Those who are to begin their career with Level 1 missions will have to attend an orientation where the specifics are discussed. Every squad has three members—in which one of them is the leader, but when those newbies were asked to choose a figurehead among themselves, all of them refused.

They said it wouldn't work for them.

That it would only create unintentional bias in decision-making, and they preferred hearing out each other's opinion on everything.

And the person who voiced that out was none other than the Commander's son.

His teammates just nodded their heads in agreement.

It was actually a first for all the aspiring warriors, that's why the higher-ups were impressed by their maturity at their current level.

And since those trainees didn't seem to be changing their minds about it anytime soon, an interim squad leader was assigned for their squad.

His name is Gin, and he's spearheading the investigation on western landscapes.

His squad was already done checking every nook and cranny of another spot miles away from here, and the section where the village of the frauds was located should be their next and last. It was all going well for them so far, and it seemed like they jinxed their momentum.

When they arrived at the scene, it was a bit… too late.

There was blood splattered everywhere, and the twins were clearly exhausted.

Gin shifted back into his human form, and went a little closer to assess the state they were in, ordering his other two members to give the perimeters a quick check.

"What happened here? Who did this?"

"A man from that village, Sir…" Pepper replied, her voice croaky.

"You got yourselves caught?" Then, that's a mission failed.

Alpha Severus won't even bother to ask.

As for the Gamma, Gin is sure that the man won't soften up just because this happened to his children.

"We never had issues with the monitoring," Salt suddenly spoke. "We were chased outside our shift, Sir Gin." His bare chest was covered in streaks of blood, yet for some reason, he didn't appear to be injured.

It was the same case for his twin sister, so… who?

The strong, metallic scent of blood filled the air—it was almost nauseous.

Gin narrowed his gaze at a certain tree behind them. "What is Amber doing there?"

And he didn't wait for a response.

He went straight to it, and found an unconscious girl.

Amber looks pale.

And she looks… unwell.

Then, Pepper, who followed him behind, began to explain. "After her shift, we believe she followed a villager she was suspicious of… and she was discovered, so we had to face a battle against that person, Sir."

"Who gave her the authority to act on her own?" Gin gritted his teeth. Wasn't it made very clear to them?

If worse comes to worst, she could have gotten herself killed…!

"Please don't get too angry, Sir. Amber didn't sacrifice her own safety in vain. The man that she spied on… he was a cannibal."

Gin felt his whole world stop. "You'd better not be making up this stuff…"

Because if that's indeed the case, his other teammates are in danger.

"Her arm is swollen." Thankfully, her pulse is stable—well, at least, for now.

"She got bitten by the cannibal, Sir."

"He ran away, yes? Was it because of the flare?"

"The flare didn't actually stop him from attacking us."

"But how come the both of you are uninjured? It was his blood, wasn't it? This horrible stench overwhelming my senses…"

"He was particularly onto Amber. All we did was distract him, and make sure he couldn't get any closer. The person was extremely cautious, so he kept his moves to a bare minimum. But… they were still precise. We may not have visible injuries, but he broke a few ribs from Salt, and I… I think I'm suffering from soft tissue injuries. The muscles extending over the back of my neck and shoulders…" Pepper pursed her lips apprehensively. "Sir, we should retreat now. Amber needs medical attention."

Gin didn't have to be told twice.

So, he went after his teammates to announce that they needed to go back.

A pack member's life is more important than the success of their mission.


After his search for a short while, he gradually slowed down.

And that's because he saw a crowd of men, surrounding a helpless person.

Gin realized that another squad had responded to the kids' call for help.

"You caught him?" The person lying on the ground has to be 'that' man. The scent of his blood was already etched on his memory.

The squad leader of the other group shook his head. "He was all passed out when we found him. He's bleeding heavily from the side of his head, and it turns out… it was torn off." He looked him in the eye. "His ear, I mean. Besides, he can't possibly put up a fight in this condition. I think he passed out of severe blood loss. Any idea who did this?"

Salt and Pepper kept their distance during the fight. They said it themselves. Their purpose was to distract the man to buy time for themselves.

Then, it must be…

"He's a cannibal. We'll present him to the Alpha. We can't waste any more time here. Let's go."

Everyone froze at that swift declaration.

Gin was about to turn his back when the other squad leader's next question rang in his ears.

"And who's going to take credit for this wonderful catch?"

He looked over his shoulder, poker-faced. "Amber Santiago, of course."