
The Flower of Soline

“The Flower of Soline?” “Yes.” The figure smiled, “It’s a beautiful name, no?” “Yes it is. What is it about?” The figure’s eyes softened, “I can’t tell you that. You’ll have to read it for yourself.” “Okay.” Ah, how he wished he didn’t. Maybe then he wouldn't have found himself waking up in that world surrounded by people and creatures that could kill him on the whim. At least he was born with a social status. He’ll be fine, right…right? With strange voices and a neighboring Empire plotting behind the scenes he tries his hardest to navigate a world out to kill him. NOTE: THIS NOVEL IS UNDERGOING REVISIONS CURRENTLY CH.1-18 HAVE BEEN REVISED!

Pudding98 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Chapter 65 - Epilogue

"Hey have you heard." A young woman with braided brown hair whispered to her friend. She had a basket in her hand filled with bread. Her dress was stained with flour.

Her friend hummed as she walked, her eyes lowered as she read a book. "About the Hunting competition?" She spoke only when she finished a page and flipped to another, "Who hasn't." she duly noted.

The girl clicked her tongue at her friend's obvious disinterest, "Oh, come on. You have to have some interest." Her eyes shifted around before she leaned in close, nudging at her friend's shoulder, "I mean it was such a tragedy, so many people died." 

The girl raised her eyes from her book and let out a small laugh at the other girl's antics. 

The brown haired woman thought she had caught her friend's attention and quickly added on, "That's not the most interesting part though." 

"Hm? Did something else happen?" She closed her book, realizing that today she would not be reading another chapter.

The girl's braids bounced up and down as she nodded her head, "Yeah. I heard that the youngest child of the Frenzel household went missing." 

The young girl stopped in her tracks, "Missing?" She whispered, "He must have gotten eaten by a demonic creature." 

"No. From what I heard, they couldn't find his body anywhere and the last place he was at was a bloody mess as if a giant fight had taken place." The brown haired girl kept walking, her arms motioning everywhere as she spoke.

"A bloody mess?" Her hand clenched the book, her eyes hidden by her blonde hair, "What could have happened?" 

The other girl was oblivious to the others' strange reaction and kept talking without a care in the world, "I don't know, but whatever happened, it's good news for us!" She spinned on her heel, the bread almost falling out.

"How is someone missing good news for us?" She quickly grabbed the basket, steading it.

"Well, apparently this young master was well protected by his family. They put out a reward for anyone who could find him. I mean, just look at this!" She pulled out a small piece of paper from her basket and unfolded it, "It's such a huge reward. Who wouldn't be looking for him." 

On the paper was a drawing of a young man with medium length silver hair and blood red eyes. A typical Frenzel, but what drew in people's attention was the amount at the bottom and the bold words that stated 'ONLY ALIVE'.

She glanced at the paper briefly and then let out a small laugh, "Haha, it sounds like you're going to be participating?" 

The brown haired girl let out a triumphant laugh and placed her hands on her waist, "Well of course! Who wouldn't be! Could you imagine what I could do with this! No longer will I be stuck at the bottom selling bread, but on the top with a mansion and servants of my own. Ahhh, just thinking about it brings me joy." Her eyes sparkled like gold.

The blonde friend let out a small chuckle and shook her head, "Well then, I wish you luck in your endeavors." 

"Huh? Are you not going to participate Verena?" 

Verena shook her head, "No, I have to get ready to attend the Royal Academy." She casually waved the book in her hand.

"Oh, that's right! You start this upcoming semester, don't you? Lucky you." Placing her hands behind her she muttered, "If only I could join." 

Verena smiled, "Perhaps next year." 

The brown haired girl frowned and she lowered her head, "No, my unique ability is not as rare as yours. I will never be accepted, but that's okay. At least one of us got in, right?" 

"That's true." 

"Hey, do you think you will meet any of the Princes?" She tried to perk up, her voice cracking slightly.

Verena thought about it for a moment and shook her head, "I'm not sure." 

"I heard the eldest one, what was his name, ah! Lucian! Was quite the looker~" She sang as she nudged Verena in the arm. Verena laughed.

"Oh!" She suddenly stopped and glanced at a shop on the side, "I have to go, see you later" she waved at Verena, but not before stuffing the paper into her hands. With a wink she ran off. 

Verena watched her run off with a smile on her face. When she could no longer see her friend her smile faded and she glanced at the paper. 

"Aether, huh." A twisted smile appeared on her face, "I can't wait to meet you."