
The Flower of Soline

“The Flower of Soline?” “Yes.” The figure smiled, “It’s a beautiful name, no?” “Yes it is. What is it about?” The figure’s eyes softened, “I can’t tell you that. You’ll have to read it for yourself.” “Okay.” Ah, how he wished he didn’t. Maybe then he wouldn't have found himself waking up in that world surrounded by people and creatures that could kill him on the whim. At least he was born with a social status. He’ll be fine, right…right? With strange voices and a neighboring Empire plotting behind the scenes he tries his hardest to navigate a world out to kill him. NOTE: THIS NOVEL IS UNDERGOING REVISIONS CURRENTLY CH.1-18 HAVE BEEN REVISED!

Pudding98 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Chapter 52 - Festival

Aether was surrounded by a couple of butlers. They stood behind him, in front of him and beside him, not giving room for anyone to catch a glimpse of who they were escorting. Nox made sure of that as well. He walked right next to Aether, his hand brushing his every now and then. One of the twins coats had been thrown over his head; despite the twins objections; to hide his hair from peering eyes. 

"Ah, over here Young Master." Bert was leading the way. He was the only one out of the butlers chosen to follow them that willingly talked to Nox. The two had come to an agreement that the first matter of business was to get a coat to hide their appearances and make them look at least a little like commoners. Though in the end when Nox mentioned going to a commoners shop, Bert was quick to interject,  insisting that they could find what they needed at a normal high end shop. 

Which led them to where they were now. The shop they stopped at was a high end shop with gaudy lights and tacky accents that somehow blended together enough to look good. Upon entry, the few occupants that were bruising stopped in their tracks, their eyes landing on Nox then on Aether. 

Aether shivered at the cold sensation that came with their stares. Refusing to meet their gazes, he kept his eyes slightly lowered and diverted his attention to the clothes in front of him. 

There were rows and rows of unique outfits, from fancy dresses and classy suits to simple everyday wear. What caught his eye was the small section of clothes with what looked like armor attached to them.

He didn't get the chance to ask Nox what those clothes were as the worker immediately noticed their presence and walked up to them, "Welcome, please follow me to a private room." She gestured for the two to follow. 

Nox nodded and led Aether towards a private room in the back and away from prying eyes. The room was simple, with an exquisite couch in the center and a couple of mirrors on either side. In the center was a small circular platform and behind it was a small changing room. 

Aether was used to these types of private dressing rooms, so he wasn't surprised when the same women from before rolled in with a rack full of extravagant clothing. With a smile she grabbed an item and held it up to Aether, her eyes preening with excitement.

As soon as that excitement built it was immediately extinguished. Nox grabbed the shirt and pushed it back into her arms. With a smile that didn't reach his eyes he said, "Bring in the coats you have, ones that have a hood." 

The worker's smile faltered and with reluctance she rolled the rack of clothes back out and brought another smaller rack full of coats. She shifted through them, her lips pursed. Finally after what seemed like a small debate with herself she pulled out a simple white coat with delicate lace on the sleeves and fur on the hood. 

She held it up with pride, "This is a one of a kind item made by the very owner of this store." She moved the coat into Aether's hands and her smile widened, "Oh, it matches your complexions perfectly." 

Aether frowned. How did this match his complexion? He was pale! This white would just wash him out even more. 

"The color will make your eyes stand out and oh this is the best part!" She squealed as she reached for another coat on the rack. "Ta-da! A matching pair!" In her hands was an identical coat, but this time it was pitch black. She didn't give time for Aether or Nox to react as she pushed it into Nox's hands. 

"If you go out like this…" she left the rest unsaid, a dreamy look in her eyes. 

Aether's frown deepened even more. Weren't they supposed to be getting something to help hide their identities? If they went out wearing this they were sure to gain even more attention then they did now. 

"Don't you have anything more plain?" Aether cut the worker off. She froze, her expression stiffening and her smile fading. Without giving her time to completely lose the small bout of happiness he added, "These are very beautiful and we will take them, but we are currently looking for something more plain for the night. Do you have anything perhaps in brown with no added details?" 

The girl's face immediately beamed with happiness upon hearing that they would be taking the two coats. She clasped her hands together, "Of course we have something like that! Wait right here, I'll be right back!" 

"You didn't have to buy them." Nox spoke up from behind him. 

Aether shrugged his shoulders and placed the white coat on the sofa, turning around he grabbed the black coat from Nox's hands and placed it on top of the white coat. "Judging from the look in her eyes she probably wasn't having a great day at work and really needed a sale. Besides, she seemed genuinely happy to show us those coats. She would have been sad if we didn't take it." 

"Hmm." Nox hummed lightly. 

They didn't wait long before the worker rushed back in, two plain brown coats with hoods in her hands. She passed them off to both of them, "I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I hope they are enough." 

Aether lifted the coat, looking for any embellishments or pretty decorations. When he didn't see any he nodded his head in satisfaction, "These are perfect. Thank you." 

The girl smiled back. Her eyes brimming with joy. 

Bert was the one to pay, despite the insistence from Nox. Though judging from the tears of joy welling up in the girl's eyes as she enthusiastically thanked them as they left, he could only assume that Nox had left a hefty tip in retaliation. 

They made their way to a secluded alleyway before changing into their disguises. Aether's coat was taken by Bert who handed it over to his elder brother's personal butler. The purple haired man bowed as he took the coat and began to fold it with the greatest care. 

"Here, Young Master." Bert helped put the brown coat on Aether. He pulled the hood up, tugging it forward until he was certain that he couldn't see an inch of his silver hair. "It will have to do." He nodded more to himself before turning around and pulling out an almost identical coat for himself. Aether knew that Bert had wandered off while they were at the shop, but he didn't know that he was getting himself and the other butlers disguised as well.

  The coats he had given to the butlers and himself were also brown, though they were dirtier and even had some holes in them. Although strange to see them wear, he had to agree that the worn out clothes did their duty. The butlers no longer seemed like butlers, but instead like everyday workers who had come out to enjoy the festival.

Nox too had changed into his brown coat, though he did not pull up his hood. Instead he left it down. Aether's eyebrows furrowed. 'Is he not afraid that he would be noticed?' 

As if sensing his gaze, Nox turned towards him and smirked. He took a step towards Aether and dropped his hand over his shoulder, pulling him close. "My brothers are more well known than I am. Generally speaking I can roam about without being noticed."

Aether shook his head, "Still. You need to be careful. All it would take is one person who recognizes you and then before you know it everyone knows who you are." 

Nox went silent. Then pulled up his hood. 

Aether nodded in satisfaction, "Good. Now lead the way." 


"Over here! Come try the number one sweats in the Kingdom!"

"Try your luck with a creature!" 

"Get your fortune read!" 

"Fresh fruit!" 

"Get your lanterns!" 

Vendors yelled into the crowd, becoming louder with every passing second as they tried to fight over their competitors for a few customers. Aether's head was spinning as he turned left and right after each call. His eyes latching onto shiny candy and cute creatures. There was so much to see!

He hadn't been to a festival in a long time. The last one being a couple years back before he became too noticeable in the crowds to attend. The crowds, the laughter, the food. He remembered this feeling. It took everything in him not to tear up at the familiar feeling flooding his body.

"Should we try?" Nox had stopped and gestured towards a small vendor stall that had a few creatures roaming around in cages. A sign in front read [Try and form a bond with a creature!] 

Aether didn't have to be asked twice. He nodded enthusiastically and practically dragged Nox towards the stall. 

"Young Master." Bert weakly called out, "I don't think-"

"Welcome!" The stall owner, a big and burly man, called out to them, "I see you fellas want to try ya luck as well! Hahahahaha. The rules are simple. First ya pay me." He pointed to himself, "No one gets in without paying me first. Understand. Second, ya get one chance to try and form a bond with one of my creatures, but ya only get to choose one. Got it." He crossed his arms and gazed at them with a stern face. "Lastly, if ya bond with a creature, it's ya's."

Aether frowned and looked for a price, when he didn't see one he went to question the man, but Nox had already taken out money and was paying the man. 

"Two turns." Not said. 

"Of course!" The burly man laughed as he took the money, immediately pocketing it. 

Nox tugged gently at Aether's hand, "Come on. Choose one." Aether frowned and gazed at the small creatures. He had seen what it was like to bond with a creature like these and for him it would be impossible. 

Most creatures liked people with similar abilities and being someone without abilities…it was practically impossible for him. Besides the baby dragon who probably viewed him as a mother, these creatures viewed him as a threat. 

Nox squeezed his hand and gently whispered, "Don't worry. No one will be able to tell. Look." He gestured to a couple other people who were failing miserably at creating a bond with a creature. "If you fail, no one will think it strange because most people fail." 

Aether was comforted at these words and took a step towards a tree-like creature. It was like twigs with a couple of flowers blooming on its head. It didn't have any eyes nor did it look as if it had a mouth. It moved and twisted like a snake, crawling up its cage like a snail. 

He kneeled in front of the cage and hesitantly reached out his hand. The tree-like creature twitches, its flowers moving towards him as if it were a cat sniffing him. Then, as if Aether had offended it somehow, it banged against the cage like a rabid beast, hissing and howling, a sound so awful that Aether fell backwards and quickly covered his ears. 

Nox was quick to support him. He hoisted him up and fixed his hood to make sure that none of his hair had slipped. "Tinal's are hard to form bonds with." He said reassuring. He turned his eyes towards the Tinal and sneered, "Nasty creature." 

"How about you try that creature?" Not pointed towards a small puff ball surrounded by a couple of people. 

"But, there's so many people trying to form a bond with it." Aether didn't want to try and battle for attention from a creature. He would rather go for a different creature that wasn't surrounded by people. 

"It's ok. Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky." Nox dragged Aether towards the small crowd forming around the unmoving creature. Nox pushed his way through the crowd and pushed Aether towards the front and into an empty spot. 

Aether gulped as he glanced at the people around him. They were using their abilities to try and coax the creature, but it remained unmoved. He looked down at his hands and clenched them. What the hell was he supposed to do!

The creature in question was a giant dark purple puff ball. That was it. 

There were no eyes, no mouth, no legs or appendages. For all he knew it probably had one of such things, but it refused to move. Aether leaned closer, squinting his eyes he tried to catch a single movement of hair, but still nothing.

"Ahhh! Come on!" A young woman cried next to him. The fire in her hand erupted back into her face, a clear sign that the creature had refused her bond. She sneered and raised her fist, but it was swiftly caught by the stall owner.

"No hitting the merchandise." He growled before showing her out of his booth. 

"Young…Aether" Bert called out from outside of the stall. "I think it would be best if we move on." 

Aether was about to agree, but an exclamation from his side drew his attention. 

"Look! It's finally moving!" 

"Oh! Who is it going to choose?" 

"It should be me! My abilities are the best suited for it."

Someone scoffed, "You're not the only one with the shadow ability." 

Aether ignored the voices in turn for focusing on the small creature. Its body twitched and little black wings sprouted from its back. Two heated eyes opened up and it let out a small cry. With a sharp flap of its wings it flew into the sky, pausing before shooting downwards. 

"Oh! Oh it's coming in my direction!" 

"Damn it!" 

"Wait? What!" 

"No! That's not fair!" 

Aether was stupefied as the small creature landed on his shoulder. It chirped and flapped its wings before nestling against his cheek. 

"Congratulations!" The burly stall owner clapped from behind him. "As the rules say, if ya successfully bond with a creature it's ya's. 

Aether nudged the little fur ball with his finger, enjoying the soft sensation. 'It feels completely different from the dragon.' He smiled as it nudged his finger back, making small chirping sounds as it did so.

"Congratulations." Nox said as he helped Aether back up onto his feet and towards the exit of the stall. He hid Aether from the countless envious stares and gestured for the butlers to surround them just in case. 

Luckily there were no incidents.

They didn't walk for long until Aether stopped when he smelt something amazing. "What are those?" Aether pointed to a stall that had a young couple gently pouring some liquid onto a soft looking cake. 

"Those are cakes with a specialty icing on top. It is easy to make and notorious among the commoners. Would you like to try one?" 

Aether nodded his head and the small creature chirped along with him. Nox chuckled and left for a moment to buy one. While he was away, Bert came up to him with a concerning gaze. 

"Young Master, that creature." He whispered. 

"What about it?" 

"Well, it's just, that creature favors dark ability users and feeds off their energy." Bert paused letting the words sink in, "Young Master doesn't have the dark ability. If the creature doesn't have the ability to feed off then it won't survive. It is best to give the creature back." 

Aether frowned and glanced down at the small puff ball. Its big eyes blinked at him and it chirped happily. 'If it fed off the dark ability, then why did it choose him?'

Before he could respond, Nox was already back and handing a sweet covered cake into Aether's hand. Aether's eyes light up. The cake was smooth and the discing on top was a beautiful combination of pinks, oranges and reds. It shined when the light hit it and he could have sworn he saw some sparkles.

"Young Master, that is not ideal to eat. It would spoil your stomach. Here, try this instead." Bert snatched the sweet cake from Aether's hands and replaced it with a small bowl of fresh fruit. Aether's heart immediately dropped. Yes the fruit looked good, but not as appetizing and beautiful as the sweet cake.

But he knew better than to argue with Bert, so under Bert's watchful eye he ate a piece of fruit. He forced a smile as he ate it, soothing Bert's mind as he stepped back. The freshness of the fruit soothed his throat and cooled his body, but he couldn't help but linger on the cake at the stall. Watching as the young couple poured another layer of beautiful icing.

Nox was silently seething. He glared daggers at the old butler that took Aether's cake away, replacing it with damn fruit. His anger only grew when he saw the look in Aether's eyes as he ate the fruit. It was like a pitiful puppy had been denied its favorite treats. 

With a frown he glanced back at the butlers that were conversing with one another, trying to blend into the crowd, but still watching them like hawks. 

"Ten minutes until the show starts!" 

"Come and see the show!" 

"Unbelievable sights!"

The small voices yelling through the crowd caught Nox's attention. He turned towards the few children running around in strange brightly colored costumes, handing out flyers to people as they ran on by. Behind them, further down the road was a large tent.

Nox smiled. An idea forming in his mind.

"Shall we play a game?"

Im so sorry! I thought this was updated!!! OMG!! I forgot!!! SO here is all the new chapters!!!

Pudding98creators' thoughts