
The Flow of Time is Broken

Things are not unfolding the way they should. Someone or something is messing with the very fabric of time itself. Events that were never meant to occur are now happening. People who were destined to die remain alive, while others meant to live now find themselves dead. The natural order has been disrupted. Destinies are being rewritten in ways they were not supposed to. Time itself appears to be malfunctioning, causing ripples that violate the way events were originally fated to play out. The rules that govern what is and isn't possible no longer apply. Reality as it was once understood has been thrown into chaos. P.S. - 1: Chapter names are inspiration from th great manga 'Gintama'. Holy fuck it rhymes =============================================================== P.S. - 2: This is a story that I had in mind for past couple of years but because of many things could never put forward but now I might finish it with you guys. There are few stuff that you should know before jumping into it, for first my inspiration for this book is ASOIAF, Kingkiller Chronicles and Malazan empire. Another thing is there is no thing such as plot armr. Last thing to know is that this is story of whole world, so we will not be following a fixed character but keep changing POV. Each volume will take up to a new place where the story will start from the beginning, for example the first volume will set up a big event which will then be addressed later in second volume near the end, third volume will pick up from somewhere in First volume and join in the big event near the end something like this. The world I have in mind have total of five continents and each of this continent share a different world, so each continent will have a different magic system, different culture, different beliefs, different mindsets of people. Later it will be explained why is that.

Rotten007 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Ch - 21 This ends the Third Act

His two companions listened intently, interjecting the occasional question or suggestion. Though risky and ambitious, they trusted Phantom's cunning to navigate the treacherous political waters ahead.

After many days travel, the trio arrived at a remote town situated near the empire's southern border. Even from a distance, they could see signs of chaos and lawlessness gripping the streets. Gangs wandered about openly, harassing passerbys and vandalizing buildings without consequence. They witnessed one group viciously beat a ragged beggar simply for crossing their path. Another was in the process of dragging a screaming woman into an alleyway while members of the town walked by, avoiding eye contact.

Seeing enough of the appalling scene, they pressed on towards one of the ramshackle inns still open for business. The tavern room was dimly lit, reeked of stale ale, and had floors so dirty their shoes stuck to it. But at least there were rooms available. After hastily procuring the last vacant one, they barricaded the door and tried to settle in for the night, hoping to avoid notice from the violent denizens roaming outside.

As Garry peered out the grimy window observing a pair of men assaulting a shopkeeper across the street, he shook his head in disgust. "This town has become utterly lawless. The people live in fear while degenerates run amok."

He turned back to Phantom, about to suggest they limit their time here. But seeing his friend's expression caused him to pause. Phantom's eyes had gone cold and distant, his face an emotionless mask as he stared at the far wall lost in thought.

"What's on your mind?" Garry asked, noticing Phantom's distant stare.

Phantom blinked and met his friend's concerned gaze. "Just contemplating our next moves. Witnessing the chaos here, I'm reminded how desperately the empire needs a firm hand to instill order."

Garry nodded gravely as another scream pierced the night outside. "No arguments there. But are you truly ready to see your plans against the emperor through?"

Phantom's eyes glinted with steely resolve. "Absolutely. The time has come for change, no matter the cost." He clasped Garry's shoulder. "Now, are you with me, brother?"

Garry managed a small smile. "To the end, my friend."

Just then, Josh burst back into the room looking flushed with excitement. "Good news! I got us an audience with the Iron Claw gang."

Garry tensed. "You truly think we can convince those animals to join our cause?"

A sly twinkle entered Phantom's gaze as he rose to gather his things. "While their hands are stained and souls blackened, even beasts can be tamed for the right price. Just get me in front of them."

He swept out the door with Josh on his heels. Garry tightened his sword belt and moved to follow. The night air was thick with tension...and strangely, the scent of ash and brimstone. Glancing at Phantom's resolute expression, Garry swore his friend's eyes glowed orange for an instant.

Somehow, they had crossed a grim threshold entering this town. His instincts screamed unpredictable dangers awaited them on this dark road ahead. But after coming so far, Garry steeled himself. For good or ill, his fate remained tied to Phantom's.

Led by Josh's contact, the trio traversed a winding path through decrepit alleys to reach the Iron Claws' hideout. They passed remnants of violent encounters - blood splatters, bullet holes in walls, a few unlucky souls who crossed the gang lying dead in the streets. The winding trail terminated at a nondescript; windowless warehouse flanked by burly guards sporting gang tattoos.

After exchanging coded knocks, the doors creaked open and they were ushered inside. The hideout was dimly lit, with groups of dangerous-looking gang members gambling, fighting, or just glaring menacingly from the shadows. The stench of booze, sweat, and other less savory smells assaulted their noses.

They were brought before a raised platform area where a brutish bald man with scarred arms and a jagged facial scar sat on a makeshift throne. Gaudy rings adorned his fingers and gold chains hung from his neck. This was Ironside, notorious leader of the Iron Claws. His piercing gaze sized them up as they approached under the watchful eyes of dozens of armed guards.

"Rare we get visitors wanderin' in 'ere voluntarily," Ironside growled. "My man says you got urgent bizness with me?" He leaned forward, absently fingering a vicious looking knife at his hip.

Phantom stepped forward calmly, seemingly unintimidated by the dangerous company. "Indeed, brave Ironside. And I come bearing an opportunity of mutual profit and power." His voice had shifted to a deeper, smoother cadence and oddly commanding presence.

Ironside gestured for Phantom to continue. As Ironside gestured impatiently for Phantom to explain himself, Garry tensed. How much should they reveal among present company?

Phantom locked eyes with the gang lord. "I have certain ventures brewing that require the aid of willing men when the moment comes. Help me achieve my ends, and I shall help you seize control of this entire town."

Ironside scoffed, "And why should me and the Claws risk our necks for yer vague schemes? We already run the choicest turf here in the southside."

Phantom smiled coldly, his eyes taking on an ominous glow. "A bigger crown suits an ambitious man like yourself, Ironside. Together we can see you king of this whole cesspool."

Doubting, Ironside made to dismiss the offer when suddenly he recoiled with a choked roar. His gaudy gold chains had turned searing hot, the links branded into his neck flesh, sizzling and blistered. The putrid smell of burning meat wafted as he clawed desperately at the glowing chains before toppling off his seat, writhing in agony.

Phantom loomed closer, eyes burning amber. "Do we have a bargain?"

Writhing in pain, Ironside managed to grunt his assent. He barked an order to his nearby lieutenants to fetch a bucket of ice for his seared flesh. As two men rushed off, he gradually staggered to his feet, glaring warily at Phantom.

"If yer truly intent on helpin' me take over this garbage town, ya better have the strength to back it up," Ironside growled. He led them out a rear door into a grim, refuse-strewn courtyard, the site of several grisly executions from the looks of old blood splatters. The gang boss eased himself gingerly into a carved oak chair while an underling provided a makeshift ice pack for his wounds. He gestured for the trio to take their own seats opposite him.

"Now then, there be three other gangs controllin' the rest o' the sectors 'round here," Ironside explained gruffly. He pointed in turn to different quarters of the crude map now unrolled before them. "The Eastside Knives, the Razor Gents, and the 14th Street Maulers. Help me wipe em out, and this town'll be mine for the takin'."

He leaned forward, meaty forearms braced on the table. "Well? Can yer magic and steel deliver what ya promised against those dogs?" Behind him, hard-eyed Claws ringed the courtyard, awaiting Phantom's response.

Phantom studied the crude map a long moment, eyes glinting dangerously in the torchlight. Garry felt a shadow fall over his friend's face, hinting at a dangerous rage barely held in check.

"Eliminating the competition suits my interests perfectly well," Phantom finally purred. His lips curled into a cruel smile as he contemplated vengeance against the foul streets.

"My talents at stealth and subterfuge shall aid us, while my magic will reduce any who stand against us to ash." As if to demonstrate, he traced a symbol in the air causing a sudden burst of flames to erupt from his fingertips and dance across his palm.

Ironside's dull eyes lit up greedily at the display, thoughts clearly turning already to how to exploit such rare gifts for his own ends.

Josh hardly seemed troubled, leaning back arrogantly in his seat. "Between my poisons to thin their numbers and Phantom here's bag of tricks, we'll paint the streets red with those scum gangs soon enough!"

Phantom raised a glass in mock salute. "Indeed. Now then, let us review what assets we have at hand to launch this audacious bid for control..."

The night dragged on as they plotted brutally efficient ways to overthrow the ruling gang lords. And all the while, the scent of brimstone lingered at Phantom's shoulders.

==========================Act -3================================