
The Flow of Arcane: Myths Come To Life

My name is Tyrik Kage, and welcome to my new bizarre life filled with Magical Energy, Super Tech, and various beings of multiple mythologies. After a Magic Show, Starring the Mystical Esmeralda Ravenna got a chance to be with someone who would mend my broken heart. Though, when I found out that she was a Dark Elven Princess herself. I was in for a shocking surprise about The Hidden Worlds of Gods, Demons, and Mythics alike. I wasn't expecting a lot more to be coming after learning this, though...

Arveltie · Action
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35 Chs

Magic's Preliminary Session

The surprising changes to Tyrik's physical form were off-putting for those who had watched it unfold. Even Drake has not seen such a case akin to Tyrik before in his long years. There was an unbalance of Tyrik's inner Arcane energy as if this was the result of a mixture of a genetic bloodline and a possible curse passed down for ages. 'Better make a note to look into this later... Maybe I can find something in the local library.' He thought to himself as Drake soon approached Tyrik with a spell in the works to help heal the young lad from his injuries. Which allowed Esmeralda to relax in relief that Drake was able to heal the dork far better than she could. Esmeralda was a powerful Dark Elf, but she was not an expert in healing magic. "You're lucky that I am quite the powerful Paladin warrior, Ty. This would be able to fix you swiftly. However, from what I have been informed. You have never had any prior connection to your mana until recently, correct?" The Paladin questioned as the spell finished healing Tyrik. Tyrik gave Drake a quick nod to answer his question, yet this puzzled him even more so. "You never had any connection to your Mana, yet possessed a large amount of it stored? Well, that would make things more complicated for you... Mastering your mana would not be easy for you if your mana doesn't end up killing you first." He announced as Drake was both frustrated and concerned about Tyrik's odd case regarding his Arcane Power.

"What do you mean?" Questioned the curious newbie to the world of magic and myths. "You're saying that my own magic can kill me?" Tyrik added on with grave concern about the complications of one's Inner Arcane Power.

"Well, Magic indeed comes with its forms of risk. It is true for anything in the natural world, even those beyond it." Esmeralda elaborated with a reassuring tone on these concerns. "Now what I am gonna explain would somewhat sound like The Eight Gates which Might Guy uses in the anime Naruto. But it is probably the best way for a nerd like yourself to understand." She announced as Tyrik perked up with keen interest and ready to take mental notes regarding the upcoming information.

"For one to begin mastering their Mana, one must understand the universal limiter for all beings. We call this The Kyler Seals, though how these affect the person can vary. Depending on their race and the amount of Arcane Power they have at their disposal. The Divine has the largest amount of Mana, allowing them to not have to resort to opening the eighth and final Kylver Seal." The Paladin explained while crossing his arms as he went on. Drake was grateful that Esmeralda remained to stay for this crash course to Mana and Arcane power.

"So, the more seals are unlocked, will ensure allow the magic to utilize greater levels of their own magic?" Tyrik questioned as recalled an episode of Death Battle that featured Might Guy against All-Might from My Hero Academia. "When does the backlash start to form?" He quickly followed up as Tyrik was quite concerned when the self-damage would start to kick in.

"That would be upon opening the Fourth Seal. A thing to note, though, is that each Seal that is open multiplies the previous number with the Seal that was unlocked. For example; Seal Two is multiplied by three with the Third Seal unlocked. Seal Three is multiplied by four when Seal Fourth is unlocked and so forth. Now, back to the comparison between Might Guy's Eight Gates and The Kylver Seals. Once the Eight Seal is unlocked, the user will die when all Mana is spent. Not just because all Mana is used up, but the physical destruction that is caused by Seal Four to Seal Eight. Unlike the previous Seals, the number Eight multiplies Seal Seven by ten. Yet, as I have mentioned before, Seal Eight has basically ensured death. Though the only one who had countered that was the fucking Monkey King..." Drake declared with clear annoyance regarding Sun Wukong and his bull shit levels of immortality.

"Make sense that Wukong is literally the only one who got around that..." Announced a newcomer to the group, a cyclops adoring a craftsmen's attire which consisted of a tank top, stained blue jeans, heavy worker's boots, and a tool belt. He was a bit more chubby than Ricky, but it was debatable if the Cyclops was either fat or had more muscles than what his physique was portraying to the eyes. "By the way, I have the training arena all set up for the newbies as well as Esmeralda and Ricky." He announced as he placed his hammer back into its holster on the utility belt.

With a smile, Drake replied; "Thank you, Theo. I do expect that we are gonna need the reinforced walling this time around for the Draconian kid." He said aloud before chuckling at the term which was made up by Tyrik. "I have to admit that is kind of a clever name for what you are kid. Despite you're alike to The Dragonborn Warlord, you are a bit scrawny to be considered the same race as Ryequar himself." The Paladin remarked as Tyrik shouted in frustration at the insult about his physique. It didn't help that Esmeralda began to laugh aloud at this reaction.

"You know that Drake isn't wrong about that. You do have a warrior's build, but I can't exactly say it fits someone like Captain America. More like Ochaco Uraraka when I really take a look at you, Ty." Esmeralda joked with a sly grin on her face. The Dark Elven Princess was hoping for some kind of annoyed groan or a frustrated twitch of his eye. This being a typical humorous reaction to this form of teasing. Though she was greeted instead by an unexpected expression on Tyrik's face. Almost as if he was trying to determine if the physical comparison to Uravity was something that he either enjoyed or disliked with no clear answer. Though he did decide to resume the routine of being called scrawny over determining this odd form of thoughts that took root within his mind.

It was still insulting that he was being stated to be a flimsy twig who would break at the slightest thing. "I will have you know that I am a lot stronger than what I look like! I am some fragile twig!" Tyrik barked with a hint of rage. "Even if this dragon version of Shao Kahn would be ten times stronger than I am. I can make up for that in another way." He declared to the surprise of Drake, impressed by Tyrik's quick wit to make the best of his combat abilities.

Theo gave out a laugh at this statement, just as impressed as Drake. "You sure that you're not a rookie among people like us, Ty? You seem very good at figuring out how to fight. You even know fighting styles that can even compete with a Mid Tier Granimur like Lin Chao. The guy's fire powers and heritage are nothing to scoff at." Announced the Cyclops as the information was indeed surprising to Tyrik.

"Well... I kind of have a large knowledge about stuff that fits the bill of things that can be considered as superhero stories. Thanks to Fandoms such as Marvel, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dragon Ball, Star Vs The Forces of Evil, and the YouTube series Death Battle. Even if they can have questionable results like their episode featuring Green Lantern and Ben Ten. More often than not, I agree with the context of why a character wins. Like Thor Vs Vegeta or Lex Luthor vs Doctor Doom for example." Tyrik explained with a growing sense of pride, for this knowledge is actually becoming quite useful. These stories have been quite helpful for him to understand the basis of the powers that he has come across lately. Allowing Tyrik to be a decent fighter among these Warriors, even if he wasn't in the same league or have the experience to back up his combative abilities.

Though, Drake and Theo were caught off guard by Tyrik's means to understand as well as fight back against powerful opponents. Using fiction to help him adapt was not something they were expecting to hear. "Well, I think that information would make things a lot easier for me to help teach you to use your powers and tame that Dragon caged inside of you." Drake declared with amazement before he began to lead Tyrik to the arena for his training alongside Washta and Ricky. Though, Ricky was begrudgingly ensuring the targets for Washta's Archery Training were up and ready for the Shawnee Archer. Though, she wasn't as refined as she once was as the Shawnee Woman was struggling with the bow's draw strength. Due to the drawback strength of Washta's bow, her fingers were quite sore from trying to utilize the combat bow which was provided within the arena. This was clear through how Washta was flinging her left hand through the air as if trying to soothe the pain.

"These Bowstrings are a lot tougher to hold in place than I remember..." The Shawnee woman announced as gestured to Ricky to gather the arrows which were either pinned into the target in front of her or just scattered about on the floor from failed attempts to control the bow.

Though, Ricky wasn't exactly happy that he was on clean-up duty as he smoked his pipe to relieve his anger. "Remind me why I am picking these sticks up for you Washta..." The Kapre requested as Washta chuckled a bit as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Lost a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It was quite surprising how easy it was for me to get into your head to mess you up, bud." She remarked with a snarky tone about this detail as Ricky blew out a large cloud of smoke. He manipulated the cloud to tie the native woman's shoes together to mess up her next shot. This happened to work like a charm as when Washta tried to take an appropriate stance, she fell onto the floor while screaming aloud from the sudden surprise.

"Real mature, Ricky..." Scolded Esmeralda as she saw this little prank take place, giving the Filipino a displeased glare. Though, as she stepped further into the arena, the Dark Elf waved her hand into the air with a purple ring of energy forming around her. As it rose across her body, Esmeralda began to take the form of a true Dark Elf from the Norse Myths. Her body being a bit larger in size, yet not exactly comparable to an Amazon Warrior of Greek Myths. Horns grew from her head as wings formed upon her back. These wings did not take the form of those from a bat, bird, or even a butterfly. Yet they seem to have an origin in a dragonfly or a cicada but still have a pattern and coloring fitting for a warrior princess such as herself. Possessing a beautiful shade of blue and purple which you could find in stained glass form of artwork, capturing the light with royal elegance. As Esmeralda's skin shifted to a form of dark blue while Nordic Runes appeared across her refined-toned figure.

This sight of Esmeralda's true form, or at least Dark Elven form, had left Tyrik entranced by the Princess' beauty and subtle display of her mystical power. Leaving his face to form a shade of red as he couldn't help himself from admiring his IRL Waifu's new appearance. "Someone is having erotic thoughts for The Princess. Aren't we Tyrik?~" Judy declared with a very sly smirk, accompanied by a sing-song tone, as she made sure that everyone present was able to witness this display of childish simping. Leaving the poor man flustered as some could not hold in their own laughter, such as Washta, Theo, and Ricky. Ricky was the worse among them as his laughter rang out loud as he held onto his stomach due to how hard the hysterical laughter was.

Though, Esmeralda was not one to allow anyone to suffer this kind of embarrassment. No matter if it was meant to be playful. This led to her giving Tyrik a quick kiss on his cheek while pressing her DD-Cups against him, making sure he was able to enjoy the interaction as much as possible. "Don't worry, Ty." Esmeralda whispered into his ear as Tyrik was taken off guard by her actions, "Not all nice guys like yourself finish last. If you can play your cards right, maybe you can score a princess as your girlfriend." She finished off as Tyrik couldn't help but get somewhat aroused by this praise as Esmeralda giggled.