
The Flow of Arcane: Myths Come To Life

My name is Tyrik Kage, and welcome to my new bizarre life filled with Magical Energy, Super Tech, and various beings of multiple mythologies. After a Magic Show, Starring the Mystical Esmeralda Ravenna got a chance to be with someone who would mend my broken heart. Though, when I found out that she was a Dark Elven Princess herself. I was in for a shocking surprise about The Hidden Worlds of Gods, Demons, and Mythics alike. I wasn't expecting a lot more to be coming after learning this, though...

Arveltie · Action
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35 Chs

Complications Stirring

Tyrik, Judy, Esmeralda, Ricky, and Washta found themselves within a hotel building thanks to Khonshu's use of magic. From a glance outside of the windows, Tyrik was able to figure out that they were now located in the state of Arizona as he saw the mountain range, Superstitious Mountains. He had seen some tales and uber legends regarding the place, such as the legend of The Lost Dutchman's Mine. From what Tyrik could recall about the details, the tale speaks of a Mine which had riches untold yet it could never be located. Those who have tried either disappeared without a trance or were found dead of very bizarre causes for their deaths. Though, Tyrik was greeted by an unexpected individual as the person was looking him over. As if being evaluated by the person with firey hair. With a small readjustment of the circular glasses, the individual began to speak. "So, you're the Newbie that was involved with the forest fire? I can see that you have a lot of untapped potential regarding your Mana reserves. My name is Prince Red Son, the heir of the Iron Bull Demon bloodline." He introduced themselves with a proper bow akin to common Chinese Traditions. "I have also heard that my dear friend, Esmeralda has taken quite the liking to you as well." The Demon declared while crossing their arms as a protective scowl formed on their face, "I will only tell you this once, Peasant. Hurt the Dark Elven Princess and you will be incinerated by The Samadhi Fire. Leaving nothing left of you, not even ashes or your spirit behind." The Bull Prince threatened while grabbing onto Tyrik's shirt collar, pulling him close to their face."You take the role of an overprotective sibster to a whole new level..." Tyrik responded absent-mindedly with a cold sweat, leaving Red Son visibly confused as he looked over to Esmeralda. The stare they gave Esmeralda spoke volumes as if to question if she was serious about dating an idiot that they were holding onto. "Also, I hear you... I have no intention of hurting my Real Life Waifu..." The draconic dork followed up as everyone began to stare at Tyrik for his word choice. Expect for Ricky as he was currently laughing his ass off at Tyrik's slip-up while the draconic dork quickly became extremely flustered along with the prementioned Waifu."About time he said that aloud..." The Kapre stated through his laughter and desperate gasps for air due to how hard he was laughing. Though, the laughter that Tyrik's best friend was making only made both him and The Dark Elf grow even more flustered. However, Ricky was quickly silent as Esmeralda used her scythe to whack the Kapre unconscious before storming off to cool off.As the door to the hotel room was slammed shut, The Olympian let out a small cough to loosen the tension that was created by the little awkward scene which had transpired. "Anyways... I am Athena. It is a pleasure to meet Khonsu's chosen pupils. Especially when two of you have no prior knowledge about The Mythic Underground, as it has been called by the Mythics within it." Athena welcomed the group with a warm smile. "Now, I guess you are wondering what you have been summoned for. It is regarding an entity tied to one of the heirs of Ravana, Nadruk. Lately, The Demon Lord has been more active lately and has recently created another one of his Wraiths that are under his command." She explained while placing a hand on her hip as Judy, Washta, and Tyrik listened carefully to their briefing regarding their first mission under The Ethereal Council."What's a Wraith?" Questioned the Shawnee Woman with visible confusion as she tried her best to keep up with the new information. "Also... Who is Ravana and Nadruk?" Washta added on further as Red Son grabbed some materials, consisting of leather, plastic, and metal. "Let's start with King Ravana. Within what you would call Hindu Mythology, Ravana is a powerful Demon Lord who was defeated by the efforts of Rama alongside military support granted by King Surgriva. The battle was the result of a rescue mission for another Divine, Sita." Athena explained with an abridged version of the story. "Now Nadruk is one of Ravana's descendants and after he slaughtered one of the Original Demons, Apophis... Managed to obtain some kind of ability that allows him to convert beings into some kind of ghostly soldiers, which were eventually called Wraiths." She went on as Judy was clearly concerned about the threat that was present by the description of this powerful Demon Lord."Hold up! Why are we being used as meat shields to help you with this?!" Yelled Judy as she began to panic as her three tails flared outwards to express her current panic. As they weaved various hand signs, Red Sin began to speak up and elaborate, "From what we can tell, Nadruk isn't present and the Wraith, Bernt Johansen, seems to be acting on his own accords." As these signs were made, a powerful red glow of mythic energy surrounded the materials. Once the light faded away, a total of five FBI Badges were in the place of the scattered items. "However, we have a record that there are at least two potential Arcane Mines within the area. Apparently, both Bernt and his victim, Rutilo, may have found the locations of both Mines. The Locations are the floor bed of The Grand Canyon and The Lost Dutchman Mine." They finished as Red Son began to hand out these badges. "Also, make sure that you don't lose these. Those who serve as investigators and overseers of Midgard are required to have these. Makes a whole of things easier when you can pose as The FBI." The Demon Prince explained as Tyrik and Washta grew extremely worried about this detail. After all, impersonating a Military or Police Officer is a federal-level crime and neither of them wanted to experience prison. Upon seeing this, Khonsu let out a small chuckle before addressing this concern of theirs. "I can underztand your hezitancy. Yet, there iz no need to worry." The Aker reassured before turning very serious, "Az long you do not abuze The Padge that iz..." He narrowed his eyes on the pair, expressing how serious this rule was. "We will be aple to add you into our zup-zerve, az Red Zon callz it, within The FPI Recordz for their Agentz." Khonsu finished off with a small twirl of his left hand.Tyrik shrugged while nodding, understanding these conditions and appreciating that they were covered. With that, Tyrik took the badge which Red Son created and thanked him for it. "Guessing that you guys are the reason why The Mine within the mountains were never found?" Inquired Tyrik with a raised eyebrow, curious to see if this was true or not."No... Even if Wraiths and Spirits are not the same. The reason why no one has located The Mine was thanks to the little curse that Jacob Waltz and his partner, Jacob Weiser, placed onto it to ensure it couldn't be found." The Demon Prince announced while handing out the other badges, "Which I say was a good thing since Midgardians having access to Arcane within the 1870s is a scary thought... Even now, we have been wary of the fact that Arcane Crystals have been rediscovered thanks to the actions of White Star Corporation..." Red Son admitted with bitterness and fear in his voice."What are you talking about?" Questioned Washta, completely oblivious to the true danger within Humanity, "This Energy is revolutionary and could finally be a source of unlimited energy. The entire world has been in desperate need of that." She protested before the loud clank of Khonsu's cane quickly silenced her as the Shawnee woman flinched out of fear from the growing dark aura which radiated from The Enraged Aker God."You Midgardianz are alwayz zo ignorant to the threat that you are. The Kingdom of Troy, The Aziatic Vezperz, The Cruzadez, The Holocauzt, Hirozhima, Nagazaki, and countlezz more examplez of the very danger that is Humanity across The Realmz of Yggdrazil. Midgardianz have peen able to not just zlaughter yourzelvez on mazz, but beingz far more powerful than your zpeciez time, and time, and time, and TIME AGAIN!" Khonsu roared in fury as he approached the mere human as she could only back away out of pure terror. Yet, unexpectedly, Khonsu soon found himself greeted by the sword Caliburn and the protective battle stance from Tyrik as he held the blade against Khonsu's throat.All who saw this were utterly stunned by Tyrik's actions, the fierce determination and unwavering stare he gave to The God Devourer was something that not even he had seen from any human in ages. "Back. Off." Threaten Tyrik as his eyes narrowed upon Khonsu, dumbstruck by this action. With a slight movement of his cane, Khonsu moved the blade away from him before walking off through a portal without another word. As the Aker left, Tyrik let out a small breath as he put away his sword. "You have some serious balls to threaten Khonsu..." Athena announced as even she was stunned by what she had seen. "Khonsu is one of the most powerful Akers, ya'know. He had earned the title of God Devourer for a reason..." The Olympian said aloud. Yet, Tyrik did not care as he couldn't tolerate people who would threaten others without cause or for their own selfish desires. He knew that with the things to come, Tyrik could not be hesitant to stand up when it was needed... Even if there was bitterness within his own heart from the past.Sometime later, Tyrik was currently by himself within his draconian form. Calming his mind through some sketches, writings, and occasionally games on his smartphone. Yet, he had a hard time calming himself from his fury at the actions of Khonsu. Though, he was taken out of his building rage when he heard the Dark Elf enter their shared room within the hotel. "Heard about what happened earlier. Are you okay, Ty?" Esmeralda questioned as she noticed an oddity regarding Tyrik's Dragon state. Upon his back, there were backspikes akin to what The Monster-verse Godzilla had. Even more so, Tyrik's tail was thicker than what she had seen from most male dragons."Not exactly..." Tyrik admitted as he flexed his wings a bit, "I understand why Khonsu was so mad at Washta, but he shouldn't have gone as far as he did..." The Draconian announced as he looked back at how terrified Washta was. "Washta did not deserve to be scared like that for something she didn't think much about. I could see that Washta believed that she was gonna die and knew that nothing would stop it..." He continued as Tyrik worked on a picture within a notebook that he had purchased recently. "She literally had to experience the full Wrath of a God over nothing." The Draconian finished as he tried to suppress The Growing Rage within him. Yet he soon came to feel the soothing touch of Esmeralda, her hand rubbing up and down his scaly back. Subconsciously, Tyrik's tail slowly started to wag in approval, mimicking the actions of a dog who was being petted. To his surprise, Tyrik felt a level of comfort that he had truly missed. The kind which told you that you were safe, and loved, and allowed you to let go of your innermost darkest emotions after being trapped within a consuming abyss for far too long. Normally, Tyrik hated others touching him due to his own Autism and how it affected him. Yet feeling Esmeralda's hand caressing him was pleasant and brought him a peace that Tyrik didn't realize that he desperately needed. As Esmeralda did her best to comfort Tyrik, she began to hear The Electrical Dragon breaking down into tears as he was finally able to let go of so many dark thoughts that were buried deep within himself. Soon Esmeralda pulled him in to embrace the weeping dragon, stroking his head as how a mother or lover would do to bring comfort to someone close to them. She began to create a melody through a series of hums as well as chirps of a cicada and cricket, granted to her through her Dark Elven heritage. These sounds became a melody that played out as a peaceful and calming lullaby as the two held onto each other, bringing a sense of belonging and peace to both of them as they held onto each other.