
The Fliskan Princess

The Fliskan Princess is the story of a Laura, a girl who is living a seemingly perfect life. Suddenly, everything goes down spiral until a mysterious man and woman comes in revealing that she is a princess from another world which was invaded by their enemies. In order to save their planet from these intruders, she must take an important initiation right to fully harness the power of a magical gemstone to reclaim their kingdom and save their people. After regaining her memories, she journeys with her friends across the universe seeking old and new allies gaining experiences and lessons along the way.

Sci_Santos · Sci-fi
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51 Chs

Chapter 9: The Visitor

After the last conversation with Kanunia, Laura could finally rest and lay down. Just before she closed her eyes, she heard noises so she rose again and looked on outside. She saw Zyric who climbed the tree near her bedroom. He was knocking on her window. Immediately, she opened the window and let him in.

It was not like Zyric to do such a thing for he was a reserved gentleman. He was very prim and proper and she was pretty sure, Zyric would use the door instead of the window to enter intone's room. But then again, he had his mischievous side and she was one of the few to witness this. Though it has been quite some time now since the last time Zyric set aside his formal ways.

As an adolescent, Fliskan nobility is sent to the temple for further studies, and by chance, both Zyric and Elzilaura were sent at the same time. One day, he talked her into sneaking out of the temple. It was indeed surprisingly strange. Zyric was a good boy and had always been so. His spontaneous side of him intrigued her and she was easily persuaded to go along with his idea. They sneaked out of the temple and went to a nearby village.

There was a festival that day and both of them joined the festivities as normal people would. They ate, played games, and tried all sorts of merry-making. As they were enjoying themselves, a thief snatched Elzilaura's necklace. Both tried to run after the thief into the alleys.

When they finally thought they had cornered the thief, his allies came. Zyric quickly opens a door and pushes her inside to keep her safe. Then, he dealt with the thief and his two friends. When they were squirming in pain on the ground, he opened the door to where he hid Elzilaura only to find her being attacked by a huge filthy man. Zyric surprisingly managed to hit the man despite the man's size and rescued her. Both of them ran off as far as possible from the village.

When they were away, Elzilaura requested that they rest for a while. They stayed beneath a large tree on the roadside. As they sat down on the big roots, she noticed his arm was bleeding. She tore a piece of her dress and bandaged it around his wounded arm. When she was finished treating his wounds, he brought himself closer to her and kissed her cheek. It was such an unexpected emotional kiss. As he drew back, she looked at him in confusion. She thought to have seen sparks in his eyes but he avoided eye contact. He fixed his gaze at his injuries. Before any of them could speak, someone came. The passerby happened to be the temple master who had been looking for them.

Because this was their very first offensive conduct, the temple master thought it best not to inform their parents. As part of their punishment, they were locked in their respective rooms for the night.

The next day, Zyric had been recalled to Craiine by his father. Before he left, he had apologized for placing her life in danger and she told him there was nothing to ask forgiveness for because she had been his accomplice. He also explains his kiss of gratitude and that the princess may not take any offense at it. Elzilaura claims no offense was taken. He wanted to say something more but Elzilaura's royal escorts came to get her.

They never spoke of the incident again. Since that day, things changed for both of them. He was sent away to Planet Minthria for military training. The short training led him to pursue a military career. Eventually, the tenure of his service ended. He chose to come home instead of renewing his contract. He was absorbed into Fliskan Military and eventually became Supreme Commander or Fliskan Marshal. He then was reunited with her as he was allowed to live within the palace compound.

After the temple incident, Elzilaura rejoined the royal court and had further education back in the royal palace. Eligible noble bachelors from all over the universe sent their proposals. However, the peace talks for the Flisco-Galmaran war led to a proposal from Galmar to wed their crown prince to the Fliskan heiress. It was immediately approved by the Queen and her council. Soon after, Zyric came home from military training.

As he joined them in the palace, she saw the changes in Zyric. They were no longer childhood playmates or teens sneaking out of the temple. They were grownups now. Zyric was much more reserved and formal even if they are away from court. But the one thing that did not change was Zyric's protectiveness.

"You could have called first you know," Elzilaura says as she closed the windows.

"Well, I believe everyone has been calling you so I thought I paid a visit for a change. I thought about knocking on your front door but your family might be sleeping. Then, I saw your light open so I took a chance to go directly." Zyric's gaze scanned the room.

"Oh, how thoughtful of you." Elzilaura jests ironically.

He scans her wall with pictures of her earthly life and notices her prom photo with Steve. "Who's this?" Zyric asks.

"It's no one." Elzilaura took the photo and threw it away. She must have missed out on that picture when she weeded off Steve and Kathleen's photos. Then, she turns back to Zyric. "By the way, what brings you here?"

"I'm here to inform you that we are leaving tomorrow night for Akara. I received word from the home base that Craiine has not been fully evacuated but we should go seek refuge in Akara, which is the closest allied planet from this star system. We can conduct the trial of light once we land.

The best time to leave is tomorrow night because we are picking up signals that a transporter comet is nearby which will help us travel faster."

"What makes you think I'm coming with you?" She places her hands on her waist.

"Because I know you to be honorable and I know you would do the right thing," Zyric confirms confidently.

"I've changed several times you know. When you studied in Minthria when you left for Craiine, and now that I have adapted to earth life." She drops her hands as she speaks and her head when she was done. "I'm tired. I want comfort and freedom of choice. I can only have that here."

"You will have those too once we regain control of Fliska. When you're queen, you'll live in the comforts of your royal palace and have the freedom to do as you wish. You can have anything you ever wanted."

"Not everything." Elzilaura stares at him. He suddenly turns his head staring into nothingness seemingly in pain but then glances back at her.

"We can't have everything but at least we can have the best possible outcome if you choose to come back." He wanted to say something else but held back. This response felt more substantial to say.

Out of the blue, Elzilaura begins to yawn.

"I guess I need to go. You have enough time to think about it anyway. Farewell, your highness." He bows down

"I'm missing you already though you haven't left yet." Elzilaura blurts out

He rises to look at her. "Maybe if you come with me now, you won't have to."

"Nice try." She seemed amused but then walked around.

"Regardless of my choices, I will miss a portion of myself, the one I will deprive because I will do what I have to do." She pauses for a moment. "I'm sorry I don't think I'm making sense."

"Yes, I understand somehow." Zyric replies.

"I'm just confused right now and trying to sort myself out. It's hard to have your old memories and your life here overlap."

She stared at him with pain and conflict as he strode swiftly and instinctively wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay. I'm here for you."

She did not hesitate to hug him back. She held him so strongly and could not let him go. He loosened his hold on her. "Please don't go." She held back the tears that were trying to escape her eyes.

"Okay. I will remain but you must understand that at some point you have to release me." Zyric explains

"I know but right now I need you. I feel so empty." She bursts into tears and lets everything out. Zyric caresses her back in support.

"I lost my mother, Zee. I didn't have time to say goodbye. Everything happened so swiftly and now everything is in disarray. I have no mother, no kingdom and everything seems so confusing to me right now. I usually know what to do but now, I'm not sure. I don't know."

"No one can prepare for the pain brought about by loss whether your loved one passed away suddenly or not. There is always a void because of loss." He loosens his grip and tries to face her. She loosens her grip as well to meet his gaze.

"Remember the time when we were in the southern part of the Planet Auzeri on a goodwill visit?" Zyric reminds. The princess replies yes in agreement.

"We were out in the fields away from the palace walls when we saw a big meteorite hit the surface. I remember looking at its fiery impact on the planet's surface. Grief is like that. Once grief strikes, it will leave a mark on you like the crater on the planet's surface. In time, the flames will subside and the hallowed ground will be fertile again but the dent will remain forever. Grief will remain and so will the void. Let it be but don't let it dampen your vivacity."

Elzilaura smiles but was unable to control tears from her eye. Zyric wipes them. "You lost your mother and losing someone that precious to you hardens you. It does make you rough and tough. The strength you possess emanates even to the point of coldness but don't let it kill the kindness in you. The pain of her loss may confuse you too but let the best of your memories with her inspire you.

You are one smart and strong woman Ella. I know you will do the right thing."

"Wow!" She was surprised by him. "Thank you. It's a great compliment coming from you and I never knew this side of you."

"Well, I guess we don't know everything about people. We figure out who they are in time and if we are patient and observant enough, we discover greatness in them." Zyric adds.

"But there is one thing missing from your compliment though," Elzilaura says.

"And what's that?" Zyric inquires.

"You made me think really." She paused for a while. "You mention everything nice about me but you never said I'm beautiful. So, am I not pretty to you?"

Zyric laughs. "Yes. You are. You are pretty funny."

She frowns but Zyric nudges her. "Just kidding." He continues to sway her and shake off her dismay. "Of course, you are beautiful inside and out and everyone knows how sweet you are. We love that about you." He holds her close to him again.

When he tries to loosen his grip, she begs again not to let go.

"I'm sorry I have to and besides, it's nearly dawn."

Then, she woke up. It must have been a dream which she didn't want to wake up from. She must have dozed off after hitting the sack. But then, she noticed her window was open and there were foot marks on the window sill.