
The Fliskan Princess

The Fliskan Princess is the story of a Laura, a girl who is living a seemingly perfect life. Suddenly, everything goes down spiral until a mysterious man and woman comes in revealing that she is a princess from another world which was invaded by their enemies. In order to save their planet from these intruders, she must take an important initiation right to fully harness the power of a magical gemstone to reclaim their kingdom and save their people. After regaining her memories, she journeys with her friends across the universe seeking old and new allies gaining experiences and lessons along the way.

Sci_Santos · Sci-fi
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51 Chs

Chapter 48: The far side of the universe

It was late in the evening and Elzilaura was still in her office having a word with Harrion. The Lord Marshal was wrapping up a few reports before they adjourn.

"Crystal Majesty, our intelligence reports that the Galmarans are wiped out. The rest of the nations of Havo decided to join forces and destroy Galmar. The said kingdom became troublesome to its neighbors since their alliance with the Mudrogos-Vel Empire. The surviving Galmarans rush to planet Kafifien and Qxodo, bastions of the Mudrogos Vel Empire thinking they would be given refuge. However, the deceitful empire turned on them and eliminated every Galmaran.

The empire is also in disarray since the emperor died without naming an heir. All his daughters are claiming they should succeed their father.

People believed that Princess Josula is the rightful heir because the emperor favors her greatly but she is still unconscious. This gave his firstborn, Princess Elvore, a chance to seize the throne. The rest of the emperor's daughters retaliated and rumor has it that the emperor had a son with his latest wife before he died. However, the mother and child have gone into hiding fearful of what the other princesses can do to them.

Now, their family feud is destroying the empire and their grip on power is diminishing. Soon, they will lose control of the Vel Region. The infamous Vel Armada has already been temporarily suspended due to their conflicts.

This gave Pataran forces an opportunity also to slowly gain possession of the slave planets of the dreaded empire. Although Patara is successful in freeing the territories of the Mudrogos Vel, they still found ways to invade new territories and cause terror."

"I see." Elzilaura says." As an active member of Patara, we will support Patara in their war against the Mudrogos Vel. Just when I thought everything is in order, these matters bring me back to reality. Apparently, we are not yet out of the dark. Our enemies are not completely eliminated. Thus, we cannot keep our guard down. We must always be prepared for anything."

"Yes, my Queen and we have more allies now to aid us but with or without them, we must stand strong."

"Yes indeed". Elzilaura responds. "Oh, please carry on with your report."

Harrion then continues as ordered. "The Minthrians sent an invite. They are requesting your presence in a special ceremony honoring heroes. They want to honor your heroism when you stood up against Darsodama and Agroen. You will be joined by the Elitea and the Galaxis Crew."

They were interrupted by Kanunia's entrance. "May I remind you both its getting late. Tomorrow is an important day." She stares at Elzilaura. "Brides take at least a few days off before the wedding and here you are still working before your wedding day."

"I don't need a few days off." The Queen insists. "I'm going on a long vacation starting tomorrow." She grins.

"You're going on vacation but how about my husband? He still has a lot of work to do." Kanunia stressed.

Just before the restoration of Fliska was completed, Harrion submitted a proposal for Kanunia's hand in marriage. After reviewing the draft, Elzilaura deemed it best to let her sister decide on the matter. After much consideration, Kanunia accepted. He was overjoyed and felt like the happiest man alive. A few days after the engagement, the couple decided not to wait for long and so with the Queen's blessing, they exchanged vows in the presence of their immediate families.

"Don't worry. You can have a few days off too, Harrion." Elzilaura claims.

"Noted, your majesty." Harrion salutes.

"Alright, let the Lord Marshal finish his report." Kanunia sits beside her sister.

"By the way, has Zora arrived yet?" Elzilaura asks.

"Yes. In fact, The Duke of Craiine and his brother fetched her from Minthria. They arrived late this afternoon." Harrion mentioned.

"I see." Elzilaura smiles. "Carry on with your report."

"Patara is moving its headquarters on a planet to be called Schieco-Patara. Civil groups have been raising the issue that a peace-keeping force must not be within military planet grounds. The former facilities that will be left in Minthria will be converted as Pataran training facility. This move will also benefit the other branches of Patara whose headquarters are located in different places. Having one base planet for Patara will make things easier for the organization to function.

Zezberindos, the longest serving mutant died of certain ailments. Former Vice Chancellor Horo also died in his sleep."

"How sad." Elzilaura says. "Do send our condolences."

"Yes Ma'am." Harrion affirms. "And that concludes my report."

"Very well then. Let's call it a night." Elzilaura rises from her chair and they all follow her lead. As she leaves the room, Harrion offers his arm to Kanunia. As they were walking along the hallways, Kanunia then speaks.

"I forgot to tell you that the princesses from Ludin will not be attending to represent Queen Monandra as their mother's health is failing. A different envoy will be coming in their place. They sent word at the last minute."

"I hope she gets well soon." Elzilaura frowns.

"I hope so too." Kanunia says. "But do not fret. Sad events happen sometimes but generally, all is well in this far side of the universe. Besides, your wedding will somehow shed some light and bring joy after these not so fortunate events."

"Perhaps Kania. Oh well, good night to both of you." Elzilaura dismisses them both.

As she reached her room, there was a bouquet of her favorite flowers tied in Desdanin knots on her bed with a note card which says "Forever begins tomorrow." The note card was signed by Zyric.

The next day was deemed a grand day for all of Fliska. The Queen's wedding was about to take place. The mood of the galaxy became lighter. Patara and Invoris troops have been stationed all over the galaxy and nearby planets with its kingdoms cooperated well with safety measures. The guests arrived one by one and where escorted into the royal palace.

Familiar faces came in and arrived almost at the same time. Soradina helped out entertain the guests. She encounters Bealyx Yonanes. Because his wife was advised not to travel due to a complicated pregnancy, he came instead with his nephew Sdense.

Zora sees Lem Corsi in the distance and welcomes him. He inquires about her schooling in Minthria and says she is enjoying them. Lem tells her that Merus and Enna are still taking exams for career advancements. The siblings are also yet to finish an invention they are yet to unveil. They will try to make it for the banquet.

Retired minister Joll Ascop-Parr and his successor Defense Minister Norchee Mirtaz came in. They caught up with Lem and Zora. Not for long, Zora takes leave so she can check on her brothers.

Lyna-Kyre strolls into the hall in the arm of Alsuva, son of Betari and husband of Lyna-Kyre. Sabaria greets them as she introduces the couple to scientists of Invoris now stationed at Fliska. They were joined by Ovded holding a baby in his arms while being followed by Harhil and Crina. The Duke of Inva introduces the baby as his heir. The proud parents were beaming with pride. Yonanes and Sdense approach and plays with Ovded's beloved grandnephew.

In the groom's chambers, Zedon watches on as the servants dress his brother up. He chuckles when Zyric slightly cringed after the servant's secured the armor.

"Is this really necessary?" Zyric distracts himself from the discomfort by looking at the mirror checking if he looked good in it.

Zedon then draws near. "Well, it's our tradition to wear ceremonial armor on special occasions especially when men in our family get married. And this has been fashioned into the design of the first Duke of Craiine's armor. Look at the intricacies." He points them out as they both examine the design.

"Yeah, its good craftsmanship but it still feels like I'm on a workout." Zyric complains.

"It's only half an armor and the weight has already been altered. Imagine our ancestors who wore the actual thing so you really have to get used to these ceremonial clothes." Zedon informs and lightly places one hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "Think of it this way. There is an old street saying in Craiine. The bigger the armor, the harder the ..."

"Durability?" Zyric says. They both laugh boisterously.

Zora then comes in. "Hey guys, its time."

Meanwhile, Kanunia comes into Elzilaura's room. She goes past the avenue of floral arrangements and clothes racks and into the main chambers. She was astonished to see the bride is not ready.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Kanunia yells like a mother reprimanding a child but then tones down. "Are you having wedding jitters?"

Elzilaura was looking outside her window with her arms crossed. She then turns to meet Kanunia's gaze. "I don't know if this is a good idea." Her hand was clutching the Blood of Ramiah dangling on her neck. She heads over to her wedding dress.

"Look even my gown is overwhelming." She was standing in front of her wedding dress scanning the intricate fabric manipulation despite its soft looking flow.

"That's nothing compared to Zyric wearing the ceremonial armor of Craiine. Haven't you considered that too?"

Suddenly, a communicator sounded. Kanunia checked Elzilaura's coffee table and it was Zedon.

"Sorry for the delay but we're heading down now. I'm checking on the bride. Is everything okay?"

"Unfortunately, we have a problem. The bride is having jitters. She's not even dressed yet." Kanunia speaks calmly but her non verbals reflected her worries.

"What?" Zyric shouts and comes out of nowhere to face Kanunia.

"Where is she? I want to have a word with her." Zyric was adamant.

Elzilaura emerges into the viewing screen and faces her fiance timidly.

"What's wrong, love?" Zyric was worried.

"I don't think I can do this. I think we are better off as friends." She scowls and lets her gaze fall down in guilt.

"Why is that?" Zyric was dumbfounded. Of all the days, why was she having reservations now?

"We've been quarreling since our engagement. It wasn't always like this before when we were the best of friends." She was trying to hold back tears.

"Having disagreements is inevitable. It's part of maturing and growing together in any relationship. Our problems and arguments started long before the engagement. You didn't notice because we had our mission back then which took up most of our time. Long before our time, Corvan and Olori were often bickering. Now that we have enough time, we tend to highlight the worst in us so we should work on resolving that. I don't think changing our relationship status will make our concerns go away.

Let's be brave. Let's get married. I want to spend the rest of my life laughing as well as arguing with you. " Zyric consoles her with his insights.

"You want us to fight?" Elzilaura was a bit confused.

"I know we will resolve our conflicts together and that is how we will grow as a couple. That's what intimacy is all about. It's not just the holding hands and the long walks. Its more than just gift giving or taking off your clothes and -" Zyric pauses his ardent delivery as he realizes they weren't alone.

"Placing it in the hamper?" She continues his statement.

Their companions somewhere within the vicinity had different reactions. Kanunia crunched her forehead in confusion while Zedon turns around with his back moving reflecting his amusement.

"Right." Zyric scratches his head and trying not to laugh at her statement.

"By the way, that armor looks heavy." Elzilaura changes the subject.

"That's an understatement." The groom claims.

"You could take it off." She teases.

"Well, if you would hurry up, we can proceed with the ceremony. Then, we can do as we desire. You know I aim to please in more ways than one." He grins with a twinkle of seduction in his eyes.

Kanunia rolls her eyes while Zedon mockingly punches his shoulder. The elder sister cuts in. "Hey, let me remind you there is a state wedding and it won't start without you two."

"Yeah, save the pleasing for later. For now, the guests are waiting. Let's go." Zedon supports Kanunia's statement.

"Alright, I won't take long. I am sorry for this distracting incident. I'm sorry. I truly am." Elzilaura felt ashamed for being the main cause of delay.

"Just marry me and we'll forget this." Zyric subtly teases.

"Alright. See you soon." She blows him a kiss before ending their communication.

Soon, Zyric and Zedon arrived at the great hall's doorway where Harrion and Alednos were waiting.

"Your armor looks like Galaxis." Alednos jests

"It's feels more like the Tergiel planets altogether." Zyric grunts

"You look like a polished marshal in it though." Harrion utters. "Are you sure you don't want to retake your previous position?"

"No, I'm done being that. Besides, you are doing a good job being Lord Marshal." He smirks at Harrion.

Before the gentleman could reply, the Queen and her entourage arrives. Harrion and Alednos went on ahead. The groom felt as if time stood still upon seeing his bride.

"You look amazing." Zyric breathes out.

"Thank you." Elzilaura says. "Likewise, you are amazing." Her eyes twinkle and Zyric felt such warmth only she could give. He held out his arm which she takes and they move into the ceremonial hall together.

They enter the great hall together glancing at their guests. They have invited members of government and other heads of state but also some of their closest friends. The relatives stood closer near the dais. The aisle itself was adorn with flowers and crystals in candelabras. The chandeliers were glowing brightly and parts of the walls ornate with Fliskan crystals and gold carvings were shimmering. Once they were on the dais, the ceremonies started.

A government official came before them. There was a table separating the couple and the said official. He lays out paper work before them and starts to explain. "Here are the initial draft proposals of your engagement prepared by your noble royal houses signed originally in Desdan but reinstated here in Fliska. I hereby declare them ended as you enter in a different contract."

He stamps the documents ending the validity of these proposals and brings out from underneath the other paperwork the conjugal contract. Before they signing the contract, they had to make their declarations and pledges to each other. Zyric started.

"Let it be known to all corners of this universe, this woman is my wife. As I take her into my charge, I accept her entity, family and everything most important to her." He then turns to her. "I pledge to you from this day forward that I, your husband, will fulfill my duties with candor and devotion." He then signs the documents.

It felt like a dream hearing him say these things. She would have been satisfied hearing this from Jarin but now, she was elatedly excited and was trying to curb it to keep composure. Soon, it was her turn.

"Let it be known to all corners of this universe, this man is my husband. As I take him into my care, I accept his entity, family and everything most important to him." She faces him too. "I pledge to you from this day forward that I, your wife, will fulfill my duties with candor and devotion." She signs the documents and returns quickly to his side.

As a government official steps back, a temple priest moves forward. He chants a blessing in an ancient Fliskan language and then anoints their foreheads with oil. The couple then faces each other once more.

"I have a confession to make. I am miserable." Zyric says.

Elzilaura was stunned but then the groom carries on.

"I am miserable when your sad or scared or in pain. I am in anguish when I can't make you smile or solve your problems. I feel I am useless or I'm not meant for you. Yet I cannot imagine being with anyone else but you. I realized I cannot solve all problems but I can help you carry the weight of them just like this armor."

The people in the room giggled softly.

"We will share in everything so our joy will be increased and our sorrow be lessened. So, let's do this together." He places a fine ornate neobira, a Fliskan diadem used at wedding ceremonies, on her head.

"Fate is inevitable but destiny is a choice. The circumstances brought us together but I could have decided differently. Yet, it is my choice to be with you and I will always choose you in every lifetime we meet." Elzilaura smiles and places in his head a simpler form of neobira as well.

The government official stands aside the priest and they declared the union binding. After the audience in the great hall applauded, they moved towards the palace balcony and waved to the people. The crowds roared in excitement seeing the adored couple. People threw flower petals and the gush of wind blew the different colors in the air.

After scanning the scene observing the joyful crowd coming to wish them well, the newlyweds turned to each other and shared a kiss which made the crowds cheer and their energy intensifies.