
The Fleet and the Blessings season 2

Dilol Springgrass works as a clown and is always humiliated at work by his colleagues and exploited by his boss, Dilol Springgrass getting married from so much humiliation Dilol Springgrass decides to get revenge

Daoistb0uUcg · Urban
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3 Chs


season 3

Larethin Seedrun POV

"I think that it is best that I go now, or else I will be late."

The girl spoke softly, her brown eyes glancing at her watch every few seconds. Her brown hair hung loosely over her shoulders and fell past her waist, and while it wasn't long, it definitely wasn't short either.

Her name was Larethin Seedrun. She was the daughter of the owner of a very successful business that specialized in food. Not many people knew her name, but those that did probably would've called her 'the boss lady'. The woman had everything, from the most beautiful face, to the richest fashion sense, and the most expensive designer clothing. Although Larethin was born a commoner, she never cared about what the peasants thought of her. To her, she believed that money meant nothing; she wanted to make her own choices and live a life free of fear. Even though she was only ten years old at the time, she already took control of her life. She worked hard in order to achieve what she wanted, and nothing could stop her.

She had already graduated high school at sixteen years old, so her parents expected her to marry a man within the next three years. That was when she found herself dating Mark Lee. He was only thirteen years older than her, and although he was quite tall, he was skinny. However, Mark was smart, charismatic, and attractive to everyone except Larethin. They began dating shortly after their senior year of high school ended. When their relationship began to grow, Larethin realized that she couldn't wait anymore; she needed to do this soon before she loses her chance forever. She told her parents about her plan to finally leave her family and move away, and although her parents were reluctant, they gave their blessing nonetheless.

Once everything was prepared, Larethin packed up her belongings and started making her way across the country. She stopped at cities along the way to see the sights, but she didn't stay too long. It wasn't as if she hated the place, but she knew that it wasn't where she belonged. Besides, she was going to leave soon anyways. Larethin decided to spend the first two weeks of traveling in France. She spent most of the time eating delicious meals and visiting museums and historical sites. By the third week of travel, Larethin was extremely hungry and tired from travelling. Her stomach growled, begging her to eat something. She decided to grab some food somewhere and sat down at a restaurant. There were many different types of dishes that they offered: pasta, steak, seafood, and various other types.

While she enjoyed the food that they offered, she found herself looking at the menu more often than not, trying to determine the best meal she should get. She picked one dish and ordered a few portions of it as well. She ate happily for a few hours until her stomach started grumbling louder and louder. After she finished her meal, she paid for it and then headed out of the restaurant. Once outside she noticed a bench right next to the restaurant, and so she decided to sit down and catch her breath before continuing her journey. As she did so, she pulled out her phone to check if anyone had messaged her. Surprisingly, there was nothing. She sighed heavily and put her phone away. She stood up, stretched a little bit and then began walking towards the main street in hopes of finding a place where she could call for a taxi.

But before she could even reach the main street, she heard something crash behind her. In a flash, Larethin grabbed her purse and quickly turned around to see a large man with long blond hair and a black suit on. He must've been at least six feet tall and weighed close to 250 pounds. At that moment, Larethin realized that her chances of survival weren't likely. Without thinking twice, she ran as fast as she could in the opposite direction and hoped that she would be able to escape. Unfortunately, it was hopeless.