
The Flashpoint Heroes

Spider-Man and his allies assemble their Justice League and prepare for a new threat that could devastate the world.

HarHarMahadev · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 14

(Several minutes into the past, over the Mediterranean)

Hal Jordan was flying the modified alien space craft, loaded with a special nuclear weapon, with the intention of taking out both the Atlantean and Amazon forces once and for all. A plan that was created and authorized by General Sam Lane.

However, Aquaman had summoned up a giant sea serpent that swallowed the ship whole before he could get close to the king and queen.

"Well, good a place as any, I reckon." Hal said as he pressed the button to trigger the bomb.

Suddenly, a flash of light behind him caused him to turn around. He gasped when he saw a man in a blue and white bodysuit with a black spider on his chest.

"Come with me if you want to live." Spider-Man said.

"What the.." Hal gasped, as the time reached Zero.

"Okay, no time for you to choose!" he said as he grabbed Hal, right as the bomb went off.


(Wayne Manor, one minute after Peter had left)

In a flash of light, Peter Parker and Hal Jordan appeared in the middle of the Library, both crumpled to the floor as the heroes and heroines just looked at each other and then back at them.

"I am not doing that again. Too close for comfort!" Peter gasped.

"Peter! Are you alright?" Mera asked as she rushed towards him.

"I'm fine, Mera." he reassured her.

"The shards?" she asked.

"Used up, saving his life." Peter said as he sat down on the couch with Mera next to him.

"I hope he was worth it." Nubia said.

"Did you just teleport me out of a kamikaze mission?" Hal asked.

"At the last second. So, as far as the world knows... you're dead." Peter said as he took his mask off.

"Oh, great. I'm probably the only person in history to survive a suicide mission. Bet I don't even get a medal for this." Hal said with a laugh.

"Well, you might. But you're never gonna wear it." Black Canary said.

"Yeah. That's true enough. So, why did you do this?" he asked.

"Because we're gonna need your help, Hal Jordan." Peter said.

"You know my name?" Hal asked.

"I wouldn't have saved you if I didn't know who you are." he replied.

"And you want my help? Why? And how, exactly?" Hal asked, totally confused.

"Can't tell you, until you're in." he said.

Hal looked around at the heroes assembled. Some of them looked amazingly powerful and diverse, while the women were hotter than any super model he had ever known.

"Oh, I'm in. But... I'm not exactly in the same league as you guys." he said.

"I know. In another time line, you wear the Green Lantern power ring that John wears." Peter said.

Hal looked at John, the Green Lantern waving back at him.

"Don't suppose you have a spare?" he asked.

"No. But I think you might be able to wear some other kind of special alien weapon." Peter said as a green-skinned man in a dark-blue bodysuit with a blue cape and red straps across his chest came up from the Cave, carrying a bluish metal object. "Jonn, is it ready?"

"Yes. All the proper reprogramming has been completed." Jonn said as Peter stood up from the couch and walked over to the Martian.

Hal balked when he saw the green-skinned alien.

"Excellent." Peter said as he took the strange blue and black metallic beetle-shaped object that was about the size of a large softball.

"What's that? Some kind of land mine?" Hal asked as Peter held the object.

"It's your new set of clothes." Peter said.

A skeptical Hal looked at him like he was crazy.

Peter then turned Hal around and placed the beetle on Hal's back.

"What are you doing?" Hal asked.

"Trying to see if this will work." Peter said, holding it with his left while his right activated the device.

"You don't know what it's going to do?" Hal asked as Peter began punching the buttons on the side.

"Oh, I know what it's going to do. I'm just not 100% certain it will accept you as..."


Peter released the scarab as it glowed and started to spread over Hal's body like it was some kind of liquid metal. His chest was first, followed by his arms and legs, then finally his head was covered by the blue and black liquid that quickly solidified into hard armor. A pair of antenna seemed to stick out of his back, his mask/helmet was mostly black around the face with blue marks around his eyes and the edges of his face as well as head. His body was mostly black armor with blue shoulder covering, his legs from his knees down were also blue in color, as were his hands and wrists. The armor itself looked high-tech and powerful, but seemed almost thin and light on Hal. His eyes were glowing yellow lenses that looked around and scanned the whole area.

"Whoa!" several people gasped when they saw it.

"It's alive. It's Alive!" Peter cackled madly.

The group looked at Peter in confusion.

"Sorry. Couldn't resist." he said sheepishly.

"Whoa! What is this thing?" Hal gasped as he looked at himself.

"The Blue Beetle armor. A sentient alien weapon that fell to Earth several years ago, found and locked up by the government, just like Kal-El and Jonn Jonzz here. I found it when the others were helping to rescue our Martian ally. Obviously the government couldn't get it to work, otherwise they would have used it already." Peter explained.

"Probably a good thing." Supergirl said.

"You said it's alive?" Hal asked.

"No, I said it's sentient. It needs a host in order to function. Like symbioses. Otherwise, it's nothing more than a paper weight." Peter said.

"Cool." Hal said as he looked at himself in a nearby mirror. "Hey, this thing's got Internet Access! And it's talking to me!"

Peter and the others felt themselves sweat-drop at hearing that.

"Are we sure he's the right choice for that thing?" Lady Blackhawk asked.

"If he wasn't, he wouldn't have been able to activate it." Peter said.

"Okay, that's not saying much." Element Woman said.

"We chose him because we knew him." Peter said.

"We knew him as Green Lantern. The power ring of Abin Sur chose him, in his reality. Here, it didn't have the chance because Abin Sur died before he could choose a successor." Superman said.

"Yet, Hal Jordan was clearly destined to be a hero. Denied one opportunity, another one arose." Jonn Jonzz said.

"The government had it, who knows how long, and it was completely inactive." Flash said.

"Which means that they don't know anything about its powers and capabilities." Supergirl said.

"It was damaged." Flash said.

"Yes. And a good thing too. Otherwise, if what I've heard about this thing, it could be a greater threat than any super villain." Peter said.

"Which is why you had me erase it's original programming." Jonn said.

"Exactly." Peter said.

"What are you talking about?" Black Canary asked.

"In some realities, this device was meant to be an infiltrator." Peter said.


"It was created by a group of aliens called The Reach, an ancient race of cosmic marauders. They were beaten by the Guardians of the Universe thousands of years ago and forced into a truce. Since then they had posed as a benevolent alien race, lending their advanced tech to budding civilizations. The scarab was a gift for that world's champion, giving them amazing powers and the knowledge of the Reach to protect his or her people. However, the scarab was part of an advanced hive mind, with its own A.I. covertly supplanting the wearer's own. They would become the 'ultimate infiltrator', a covert agent intended to take over their own world. But since this scarab was damaged, Jonn and I were able to reprogram it. So instead of controlling it's host, it formed a symbiotic relationship with them." Peter explained.

The group looked at Peter in shock. Mera just smiled at how brilliant her new lover was.

"Strong. Cute. Caring. And a genius." Mera said to herself.


Raven and Starfire returned a couple hours later, and with their target-heroes in tow.

From Chicago, Red Tornado, real name: John Smith, a sentient wind storm that possessed an advanced android created by a scientist named Will Magnus. 6'0", no hair, crystal-blue eyes. Android body looks amazingly human-like. Costume is a red bodysuit with a blue cape with yellow trim, a 'T' insignia on his chest.

From Arizona, Long Shadow, real name: Thomas Running Bear. Member of the Apache Indian tribe, possesses size-shifting powers. Real height: 6'4", possesses long black hair and a muscular build, black eyes and tanned skin. Dressed in a brown earth-tone sleeveless bodysuit with intricate designs, yellow boots and yellow/brown arm bands.

From Mexico, El Dorado, real name: Eduardo "Ed" Dorado Jr. Possesses mystical illusion powers, enhanced strength, teleportation, can shoot lasers from his eyes, short-range telepathy. Has short black hair, black eyes, and is of Hispanic heritage. Dressed in a pair of green pants with red and gold boots, yellow gloves, a neck collar that is attached to his belt, and a bright red cape.

From Central Africa, Rima the Jungle Girl. She has long platinum-blond hair, black eyes, tanned skin, dressed in a purple-blue single-shoulder strap dress minus shoes. Possesses the ability to speak and command animals, is an expert tracker, in peak physical athletic condition, expert in wilderness survival, and is a skilled fighter.

From the city of Bludhaven, Nightwing, real name: Richard Grayson. Short black hair, blue eyes, peak physical athletic prowess, was trained in martial arts skills by The Legless Master and his brother, The Armless Master. Dressed in a black bodysuit with a red 'bird' symbol on his chest, and a mask over his eyes. His choice of weapons are a pair of escrima sticks.

Along the way, they had met and recruited other heroes for their Justice League.

Halo, real name: Gabrielle Doe, 5'7", 120 lbs, has short blond hair and blue eyes. Wears a black bodysuit with red, yellow and blue colors on it. Her body can generate different energy attacks, such as heat, stasis beams, concussive force beams, a tractor beam, holographic distortion beams, blinding light and enables her to fly with ease.

Katana, real name: Tatsu Yamashiro, 5'2", 96 lbs, brown eyes, short black hair, dressed in a black bodysuit with a white mask over the top part of her face, with a red sun symbol on the forehead, she has shoulder, arm, wrist, shin and boot armor, and carries a Japanese katana called The Soultaker. Expert in martial arts and swordsmanship, highly athletic and agile.

Geo-Force, real name: Brion Markov, 6'0", 190 lbs, green eyes, strawberry blond hair, possesses the power of super strength and durability, as well as the ability to manipulate gravity and the Earth. The deposed heir to the throne of Markovia in Europe and dresses in a green and yellow bodysuit, complete with a mask and a 'GF' on his chest.

Black Lightning, real name: Jefferson Pierce, 6'1", 200 lbs, brown eyes, bald, from Los Angeles. Possesses the power to generate and project intense surges of electrical energy from his body. He is athletic and agile, and wears a black and blue costume with a yellow lightning bolt on his chest, and a black mask on his face.

"Thank you all for coming. Now... as to why we've asked you here." Cyborg said as he addressed the costumed superhumans.


(Batcave, an hour later)

"We're just about ready." Cyborg said, glad that the nine newly recruited heroes had agreed to join them.

"What else is there? Who else is left?" John Stewart asked.

"Alright, kids. Gather around." Peter said as the Shazam kids approached him.

"Who are they?" Hal Jordan asked, his Blue Beetle mask off his face.

"They're Captain Thunder." Black Canary said.

"Captain Thunder? All six of them?" he asked.

"Funny story. The six of them were caught on a subway car that was swallowed by a mysterious earthquake. The car ended up taking them to the Rock of Eternity. There, the wizard Shazam gave each of them a special attribute of a great hero. The Courage of Achilles, the Strength of Hercules, the Wisdom of Solomon, the Stamina of Atlas, the speed of Mercury and the Power of Zeus. These six kids, when they speak the name of the wizard who gave them their powers, transform into a single powerful hero. Captain Thunder." Zatanna said to Hal.

"Impressive." Hal said.

Cyborg then went on to explain who they were to Hal, their names and individual aspects.

"Individually they are just ordinary children. But together they become one of the most powerful heroes on this planet." Cyborg said.

"Captain Thunder." John Stewart said.

"So, what now?" Hal asked.

"Now... we enhance our ranks." Peter said holding up the small glass tube with a small red crystal shard inside it. "Kids, form Captain Thunder."

The children nodded and stood side-by-side.

"SHAZAM!" they cried out in unison.


Instantly the six children disappeared, and in their place stood a tall and muscular man in a red costume, white and yellow cape, a lightning bolt symbol on his chest, and scars on his face.

"Wow." Hal gasped.

"Here." Peter said as he dropped the red shard into Captain Thunder's palm. "You know what you have to do."

Captain Thunder accepted the shard and closed his fist around it.

Instantly, his body started to glow.

When the flash of light and explosion of energy was done, the heroes just looked on and gasped, seeing six adult heroes, each wearing a different colored outfit.

The first was a young man with an athletic build, about 25-27, with short black hair, blue eyes, dressed in a red bodysuit with yellow boots and armbands, a white cape with yellow trim, and a yellow lightning bolt on his chest. This was Billy Batson.

The second was an attractive young woman with long brown hair and blue eyes, about 26 years of age. She was dressed in a white dress with yellow trim and a lightning bolt on her chest. A white cape with a white hood that also had yellow trim, and yellow boots with white trim. She looked athletic and slender. This was Mary Batson.

The third was a heavy-set, muscular Latino man about 30 years of age, with short black hair and brown eyes, with tanned skin. He was dressed in a green bodysuit with a yellow cape and a lightning bolt symbol on his chest, yellow boots and metallic bracers on his wrists. This was Pedro Peña.

The fourth was a lean and athletic Asian-American young man about 28-29 years of age. He had short dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was dressed in a black bodysuit with a yellow lightning bolt symbol on his chest, yellow boots and gold bands on his wrists, a white cape with yellow trim, and a mask over his face that hid everything but his eyes. This was Eugene Choi.

The fifth was an athletic and beautiful African-American woman of about 29-30 years of age. She had long black hair and black eyes. She was dressed in a black bodysuit with purple highlights, with a yellow lightning bolt on her chest. Black boots and dark purple cape with yellow trim. This was Darla Dudley.

The sixth person was a young man with short black hair and blue eyes, about 29 years of age. He was dressed in a blue bodysuit with a yellow lightning bolt symbol on his chest, yellow boots and metallic bands on his wrists. He had a yellow cape with white trim on his back, and a belt with a lightning bolt symbol on his belt. This was Freddy Freeman.

The heroes looked at the six new super powered heroes and gasped. Most of them were ecstatic at having additional strength and power for their team. The rest of them were looking to Peter for an explanation.

"What did you do?" Hal gasped.

"I used the Power Shard to enhance the powers of Captain Thunder, thereby providing enough energy to give each of his six personalities their own 'Captain Thunder' powers and identities. Now, instead of one Captain Thunder, we have six." Peter said.

"Power Shard?" Hal asked.

"That was risky! And dangerous! Suppose it hadn't worked, and they had all exploded?" Martha snapped at the aquatic-spider.

"Wouldn't have happened." Peter said.

"Why not?" Thomas asked, the man now dressed in a black suit and cloak with a fedora hat, gun holsters under his arms, and a red scarf around his neck.

Batman was curious about this, as was Robin.

"The power of the shards not only enhances the abilities of the person who uses it, but also adapts the persons body so that they can handle it. Considering the power was going to be split amongst the six of them, I wasn't worried they were going to explode." Peter said.

"It was still a gamble." Thomas said.

"Maybe, but I talked with them about this and they all agreed to do it." Peter said.

"You could have told us." Black Canary said.

"Why? You weren't the ones who had to take the risk." Peter said.

"I thought you said there wasn't a risk." Barry Allen said.

"No, I said it wouldn't have happened." Peter said.

"You just said that we weren't the ones who had to take the risk." Barry added.

"After I stated that it wouldn't have happened, which negated that following statement." Peter said.

"You are so odd." Batwoman said.

"I know." Peter said with a shrug.

Peter looked at his girlfriend Mera and Tula standing next to her.

Donna Troy, Cassandra and Nubia were standing in one group.

Green Lantern, Flash, Jonn Jonzz and Blue Beetle were in another small group.

Superman, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Supergirl and Captain Atom were in another huddle.

Batman, Robin, Shadow, Black Orchid, Talia, Deathstroke, Lex Luthor, and Batwoman were off to another side of the cave.

The six Shazam Kids: Billy Batson, Mary Batson, Darla Dudley, Freddy Freeman, Eugene Choi and Pedro Peña were still in their own group.

Then there were the four new recruits: Black Lightning, Geo-Force, Katana and Halo.

Nightwing, Red Tornado, Long Shadow, El Dorado, and Rima the Jungle Girl were the original five new recruits.

And then there were the four female allies who had come together. Black Canary, Element Girl, Lady Blackhawk, and Zatanna the Enchantress.

43 superheroes. Heroes, vigilantes, aliens, amazons, cyborgs, scientists, mercs, magic users and atlanteans. The most powerful force for good in the world.

"And so... the League is set." Peter said with a smile.



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