
The Flashpoint Heroes

Spider-Man and his allies assemble their Justice League and prepare for a new threat that could devastate the world.

HarHarMahadev · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 12


"Do you have their locations?" Cyborg asked.

"I do. Here." Peter said as he handed the printout to Cyborg.

"Good. Raven! Starfire!" Cyborg shouted to the pair of heroines.

"Yes?" Starfire asked.

"Yes?" Raven asked.

"How do you feel about getting some air?" he asked.

"YES!" Starfire jumped up and down.

"Calm down." Raven said calmly, though she seemed irritated. "So... what is the mission?"

"These are a list of superheroes still out there that we need to recruit." Cyborg said as he handed Raven the printout.

"Hmm. Red Tornado from Chicago. Long Shadow from Arizona. Black Lightning from Los Angeles. El Dorado from Mexico. And Nightwing, from a place called Bludhaven." Raven said as she read the list.

"Sounds like fun." Starfire said.

"It should be." Peter smirked as he brought up the map with their locations on it. Raven and Starfire looked at the map.

"We're going to need everyone we can get. At least talk to them to see if they're interested in joining." Cyborg said.

"Oh, just talk? And here I thought you wanted us to use our feminine charms to win them over." Starfire said with a smirk.

"I'd never ask you to do something you weren't willing to give yourselves."

"So that means you want her to act like a slut?" Raven smirked.

"Hey!" Starfire snapped, feeling insulted.

"You said it." Raven said.

"I did not!" Starfire replied.

"Fine. You... inferred." she said.


While this was going on, Green Lantern walked over to see how Captain Atom was doing.

"How are you feeling?" GL asked the atomic-powered hero lying on the examination table.

"Better now. Thanks." Captain Atom said as he sat up.

His costume had been fully repaired and his atomic energies had been restored to full strength.

"Welcome." GL said.

"So you, Supergirl, Raven, Starfire, Batman and Robin, are not from this universe?" Captain Atom asked.

"No, we're not. We were recruited by Spider-Man over there, who brought us to this dimension to aid the heroes and people of this universe." John said.

"You said that this universe was... wrong?" he asked.

"A parallel reality. One in which the Amazons and Atlanteans weren't attacking various cultures and one in which our team, The Justice League, protected mankind. Along with Diana and Arthur. Of course, now everything's changed. They're working together instead of trying to kill each other." he explained.

"And... how bad would that have been otherwise?" Cap asked.

"Apocalyptic." he replied.

"Nice." Cap said. "And they didn't seem too happy to see me."

"You were sent by the US government to stop them. Of course they weren't happy to see you. But everything is different now." GL said.

"So you told me. Somehow, one of your teammates changed history." Cap said.

"Yeah. Infiltrated Paradise Island and stopped Queen Diana and Queen Mera from fighting. Mera's death would have led to a war between the Amazons and Atlanteans, and that would have been worse." GL said.

"And now we've got another problem to face. This Darkseid and his space army." Cap said, remembering the briefing that had taken place a couple hours ago.

"We need to rally the world governments and put an end to this conflict with the Amazons and the Atlanteans." GL said.

"It won't work." Captain Atom said with a sigh. "And besides, the military doesn't have anything that can stop them."

"Which is why we need the Justice League. And you on it." John said.

"We tried assembling a team of metahumans to combat these threats. It didn't work." Cap said.

"It will now." GL smirked.


Peter was working on a new costume for himself as Mera approached him.

"Is something wrong, Mera? I mean... Queen Mera?" he asked, noticing her staring at him.

"You don't need to call me by my title when we are alone, Peter." she said with a smile.

"Sorry. Never dated royalty before." he said.

"Even though we've done more than dating?" she asked with a sultry smile.

"What can I say? I've always found redheads to be amazing." he said with a smile.

"Thank you." she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, nuzzling his cheek.

"Can I ask you something?" Peter asked he touched her arms tenderly.

"Of course." Mera said.

"You and Arthur were married. But... he wasn't loyal to you. How did that affect you?" he asked with a serious expression.

Mera was silent as he asked her that. It was a just question.

"My marriage to Arthur was one of political convenience." Mera said. "I was the royal bodyguard to the Queen of Atlantis, Atlanna, Arthur's mother. When Arthur came of age to ascend the throne, and after Atlanna's death, I stayed by his side. We grew close. I cared for him more than any other. We were wed, mostly because everyone in Atlantis thought it was for the best, and while I'm sure he cared for me... it was not love he felt for me at the time."

Peter could only nod at that.

"Guess political marriages are like celebrity marriages. It's for the people, not yourselves. If it's not for you, for love, they don't last." Peter said.

"I wouldn't know about human celebrity marriages, but... yes, you are right."

"It's funny. But... it seems that I'm in your place, and you're in Arthur's place." he stated.

Mera's eyes widened as she realized he was right.

"The queen of the new Atlanteans, marrying her consort who does not lead them. Yes, that is hilarious!" she laughed.

They had only known each other a couple of days before they slept together, and that was because they both had an in-depth glimpse into each others lives. The Infinity Shards that Peter had used to teleport them in and out of Paradise Island had somehow allowed them to know each other. Shown glimpses of their pasts to the other. Something that would have taken years of opening up and getting to know each other, to accomplish.

"Peter... we haven't had a ceremony yet, and... even though we are expected to be married in order to lead the New Atlanteans..." Mera started to say.

"You're worried that they won't respect me the same as you?" Peter asked.

"You have proven your strength to them. This will get them to accept you as my choice, but... there is the question of what position you will have." she said.

"Position? You mean... my role as a member of the New Atlanteans?"


"Huh. Well, I guess science advisor is out of the question, since Vulko is here."

"Well, Vulko knows Atlantean science. Not... surface science."

"Surface science? Is that what Atlanteans call it?" he laughed.

"Amongst other things." she said with a smile.

"Maybe I can be your bodyguard." he said with a laugh.

Mera would have said something, along the lines of 'you can guard my body any time', but just settled for laughing along with him.

Mera then looked at the costume that Peter was working on.

It was a blue and white bodysuit, with an ocean-like camouflage pattern, a black spider on his utility belt, white gloves and black boots. He already had a mask for himself.

Considering his powers were now half-arachnid and half-Atlantean, Peter decided to change his costume to reflect that.

"A new costume?" she asked.

"Yeah. Figured I'd need one, now that I'm different from the man I once was." he replied.

"There's something else wrong, isn't there?" she asked, sensing something was indeed wrong with her new lover.

"Well, I'm just wondering if setting up shop here in Gotham is a good idea for us." he said.

"You mean... you, me, and over 300 of our Atlantean brothers and sisters?"

"Yes." he said. "While the cave was a good idea, I'm just wondering if we shouldn't have considered something more... peaceful and quiet for all of us."

"Like where?" she asked.

"Well... Maine might have been a good idea." he said.

"Maine?" she asked, curiously.

"It's a nice quite place, far upstate from Gotham. Lots of open seas and fishing areas, no major cities. Nothing to really interfere with a group of Atlanteans just trying to live their lives."

"Maine. Hmm. But where, exactly along the coastline?" she asked.

"Well..." Peter said as he looked at a map of the Maine coastline on his laptop computer that was off to his left. . "Hmm. Mercy Reef sounds like a good place to start."

Peter brought up several pictures of Mercy Reef on the computer. Mera seemed to like the idea more and more as she saw the images. It was a picturesque fishing town located at the southern part of Maine itself. A large wharf near a lighthouse and several buildings that looked like Inns and restaurants. The large open sea-scape was actually peaceful looking.

"I can have Vulko and some of the Atlanteans go ahead and scout the area, maybe set up a secondary base there. If need be." Mera said.

"There's a noted marine biologist named Dr. Stephen Shin, whose hobby is studying Atlantis. He lives a short distance from Mercy Reef, and might be able to help us." Peter said, bringing up the mans profile.

"His hobby is studying Atlantis?" she asked.

"Yeah. He's apparently obsessed with the myths and legends surrounding Atlantis. Of course, I don't think he's ever found it."

"Hmm." Mera mused. "That might be more trouble than it's worth, but... we should investigate."

Mera looked over at the nearby work table and saw Zatanna working on something. It looked like a new costume. Leaving her consort to his work, Mera approached the young magic user and looked at what she was working on.

It was a mostly blue and white outfit with large blue sleeves, the center of the outfit was white that went from her neck to her waist, it had blue bun-hugging shorts, long blue boots with white trim that went up past her thighs, a red neck-choker with a jewel in it, a white cape with blue trim, and a pair of red earrings with the letter 'Z' etched into it.

She was wearing the outfit itself, as she worked on the cape/cloak.

Mera then noticed another outfit off to the side. It looked like a sexy stage magicians outfit, complete with fishnet stockings, a black jacket with tails, white shirt with a tie, and a black top hat. There was even a red rose lying atop the lapel.

"New outfits?" Mera asked.

"Yes." Zatanna said, turning to look at the queen of the New Atlanteans. "I asked Peter to show me the costume-maker, and showed me how to design a couple new outfits for myself. This is my Justice League outfit, and the other one is my stage uniform."

"Stage uniform?"

"I worked in Vegas for a while as a magical entertainer, but my witches outfit was a little too... secular? Not exactly suited for wholesome family entertainment."

"Couldn't you switch outfits earlier?"

"Well, I could have, but... there was something about the outfit that caught mens attention, and... I guess I was hoping to catch the eye of... someone." she said with a shrug.

"Ah. I see." Mera said, realizing that Mera was simply lonely.

"Yeah. And then I get recruited by Cyborg to be part of his super hero group, because somehow he found out about my magical abilities."

"Are they real?" she asked.

"My powers? Yes. Watch." she said as she stood up from the worktable and looked at her finished cape. "This is mostly just a parlor trick. Epac Emoc Ot Em Dnuora Ym Sredluohs!"

The cape suddenly lifted off the worktable, flew to Zatanna and wrapped around her shoulders, securing itself around her neck.

Mera looked impressed.

"Incredible! And that was just a... parlor trick?" she asked.

"Compared to what I can really do? Yes. Being a homo-magi I am capable of much, much more."

"Homo-magi?" she asked.

"Human beings who can use actual magic, to accomplish just about anything, but I have to speak my spells backwards." she said.

"Backwards?" Mera asked.

"The commands that I speak have to be spoken backwards. It sounds like an incantation to most people. Like a lost language." she said with a shrug.

"Good to know." Mera said.

"Peter! Got the new Strength-Gauge ready!" Supergirl shouted from across the cave.

"Right. Coming." he said as he got up from his work table and headed over to the pair, stretching his muscles a bit.

Mera and Zatanna followed him over to the machine, which looked like either a large hydraulic-press or a heavy cardboard compactor. Peter stood underneath it as the large press moved down on him. He lifted his hands up and caught the press, which strained under his own exertion of force.

The assembled heroes just watched as the pressure continued to increase, which meant that ton upon ton was being added to the weight.

Cyborg was monitoring the weight-levels.

"Incredible!" Cyborg said. "He's lifting more than 50 tons. And still going."

"Peter?" Mera gasped, slightly worried for her boyfriend.

"Whoa!" Supergirl gasped as the pressure increased.

Peter started to buckle as the press forced him down to one knee. Cyborg stopped the press and allowed Peter to get out.

"Incredible!" Cyborg gasped when he checked the final readout. "You maxed out at 75 tons!"

"Wow. I knew you were strong, but..." Black Canary gasped.

"Yeah, I didn't know I was that strong either." Peter said as he stretched his muscles.

"You didn't?" Mera asked.

"No. I figured the combination of my spider-DNA and the Atlantean DNA I used to transform myself, had enhanced my strength. But I didn't know exactly how strong I was. Am." he stated.

"Well, 75 tons is very impressive." Zatanna said.

"I know. It's a lot more than I could lift before." Peter said.

"How much could you lift before?" Cyborg asked.

"About ten to twelve tons." Peter said.

"Yeah. Definitely more." Black Canary laughed.

I wonder how much he could lift if he was fully immersed in sea water? Mera wondered, knowing that Atlanteans were stronger under water. Peter hadn't been in the water for some time, so maybe he could retain some strength. But if lifting 75 tons was based on mere adrenaline... the possibilities are amazing! She thought.



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