
The Flash: Masque Of Death

~Starts from Season 3 of The Flash~ All his life, Jason had only ever wanted one thing. To be happy. Alas, life is full of disappointments. When Savitar come knocking on Jason's doorstep and offer him a chance to take back everything he has lost and become a God together. What will he choose? Will he choose to join Savitar and become a God or be the hero. !!! Caution: Don't expect Red Hood to be comic accurate. !!! (I don't own anything except my MC, and I am new to this so if there's any grammar, spelling or constructive criticism you want to let me know, feel free to leave a comment.)

TheOneAtTheMoon · TV
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15 Chs

Friends Or Foes?

"Ugh... How much longer is this going to take?" I grumbled, my impatience evident as I spun aimlessly in the chair, surrounded by computers.

"If you want Savitar's memory back so that he can fulfill whatever deal you made, then just shut up and wait," Killer Frost snapped, her irritation clear in her tone.

Rolling my eyes in exasperation, I sealed my lips and impatiently awaited their progress. Thankfully, the wait wasn't long before Wally, Julian, and Cisco entered the room, engrossed in a conversation about Barry's worsening memory issue. Killer Frost wasted no time in voicing her concerns.

"Indeed, it's becoming a problem, and not just for him."

Spotting Killer Frost and me in the cortex, Wally darted towards us, ready to apprehend us. However, his face contorted in horror as he realized his speed had vanished.

"I've lost my speed," he said, his voice filled with disbelief.

"You don't have it anymore, and we know why," I stated matter-of-factly.

"If you wanna fix this and help Barry, you're gonna do exactly like I say," Killer Frost demanded, her tone commanding.

"Give us a moment," Cisco suggested, and they huddled together with Julian and the now powerless Wally to discuss their options. However, before their conversation could proceed, Cisco noticed that I was eavesdropping on their discussion.

"Hey, man, could you not? We're having a private conversation here," Cisco grumbled, annoyed.

Raising my hands defensively, I stood up and walked over to Killer Frost, whispering, "What if they reject our offer?"

She confidently shakes her head, "They won't.".

Before we could delve further into our conversation, three more individuals entered the cortex.

Observing the tense atmosphere, Barry awkwardly cleared his throat and remarked to Iris, "We just walked into a buzzkill."

"My presence tends to dampen the mood," Killer Frost remarked, stepping into view. Joe quickly responded to her arrival by raising his handgun, ready to shoot her.

"Joe, don't," Cisco attempted to intervene, fearing his friend's impulsive actions.

"You fire, we fire," I stated, gesturing to the gun pointed at Joe.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Joe's voice seethed with anger as he refused to lower his weapon.

"They want to help," Wally explained.

"Help?" Joe questioned, his confusion evident as he glanced between Wally and us.

"With the fact that I lost my powers," Wally revealed, his voice filled with melancholy.

Iris's face illuminated with realization as she spoke up, "Barry, why don't you give us a moment?"

Unaware and carefree due to his memory loss, Barry cheerfully pointed at us and asked, "Sure. Yeah. Are you two like supervillains?"

Killer Frost, fed up with Barry's cheerful demeanor, shot him a glance that silenced him.

"Just asking. Okay," he muttered before exiting the cortex.

"How did this happen?" Joe holstered his gun and inquired.

"You erased Barry's memories. Whatever Barry remembers, Savitar remembers," Killer Frost explained.

"So Savitar has lost his memories too?" Julian sought confirmation.

"No Savitar, no plan, no Kid Flash. Cause and effect," I nodded, continuing Killer Frost's explanation.

"But if you let me help you figure out how to get Barry's memories back, everything goes back to the way it was," Killer Frost proposed, issuing her ultimatum.

"Kid Flash runs again, and Savitar lives to kill Iris," Cisco concluded, his gaze shifting between each person in the room.

"Life is full of difficult choices," Killer Frost shrugged nonchalantly.

"Or maybe it isn't," Iris interjected, her voice determined. "If Savitar regains his memory, what's in it for both of you?"

"That's my business," Killer Frost scoffed, a flicker of vulnerability betraying her tough facade.

"That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot," I smirked, unimpressed by their attempts to probe our weaknesses, maintaining an air of mystery.

"No way am I working with someone whose face I don't even know," Joe seized the opportunity to voice his concerns, his voice filled with skepticism.

I scoffed and retorted, "Do you really believe Barry Allen can become the Flash? If so, all of you must be delusional."

"Yeah, he can learn. Wally can teach him whatever he remembers," Iris asserted confidently.

"Okay, maybe this is how you defeat Savitar. But there are still plenty of villains in this city and no Flashes to protect it. Are you truly willing to take that chance?" Killer Frost taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm, shrugging indifferently.

Silence enveloped the room as each person contemplated whether to accept our proposal, weighing the risks and potential rewards.