
Just A Dream

"Damn it Elizabeth, I expected more from you I thought it would be best to mostly focus on strength training but I see now that you can't even handle fending off a little bit of poison."

"Your mana reserves are pitiful what if you had to outlast Murphy in a battle while under the influence of that same poison you'd be dead in seconds; So from now on you will be Increasing your mana reserves as well as you're physical training that your already doing while also eating the spiraling death worm daily."

"I can't believe you we only have a limited amount of time and you can't even handle the bare minimum, what do you have to say for yourself."

'What did all that even mean it's my mana realm who's else could it be so how am I nothing but a shadow I can't even remember ever going to a place like that could I really be a shado-'


"Huh?" You say as you jump startled from his sudden rise in volume.

"Are you even listening to me." The old man frowns at before storming off as he shouts on the way to his room.

"We will finish this tomorrow get some rest for now."

You walk into your room as you plop down on your bed thinking back to everything that happened in the mana realm.

'Was It all a dream I mean I completely forgot about the pain from my stab wounds and I was somehow able to stop that kid using moves I haven't even done before like how the hell do you do a backflip off of a knife anyway...I guess it's pointless to let a dream bother me this much I might as we go to sleep so I can be ready for the training tomorrow.'

You pull the blanket over you as you turn over and let sleep take you.

"Hmph, a shadow huh."

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