

There is no way how can my flame be this hot...maybe I unlocked my unique flame early and it just looks orange.

No that can't be it I've never heard of that ever happening before, Might be from all the flame essence I absorbed?

Yeah that's it I remember reading that if you absorb enough flame essence than your flames power can increase, though it dangerous and rare since most mages turn their mana into flame essence they can't absorb too much unless they are absorbing it from an alternative source.

Yeah, that makes sense, I absorbed too much. By the time you came to this conclusion, your dad was already back. He places a box of pills in your hands as he says "From now on you cultivate your flame during the day and meditate at night for the next week, take these pills before you meditate they will help increase your mana level and control."

"Thanks, dad!" you shout as you hug him then jump up and kiss him on the cheek before you head inside to meditate.

A few hours into meditation you start to feel a slight warmth coming off of your body at first you shrug it off at first and continue meditating but after a few more hours the heat begins to rise, you can't help but think back to the heat from the volcano.

The evergrowing inferno that nearly consumed your will, This heat i-it's rising you can feel the essence leaking out of your pores,

"Why... why is this happening again when I finally had a chance to get into the academy."

you try to circulate the essence through your body to possibly absorb some but every cycle through your body was an unbearable pain yet the aura anything is only getting hotter.

You scream in pain as the heat explodes from your body and turns into a beautiful black flame the world soon begins to fade to dark as you hear a man say in a husky voice "hmm...So you're still too weak...Maybe another time then but for now here's a small gift to speed things up ."

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