

In the beginning their was one,unable to suppress it's loneliness it splits it's soul to create beings,it's flesh and bones to create the land,it's lifeblood to create the very waters and it's light to create the worlds wonders Magic

As the world ventured on to the future

multiple races walked the land,Man beings mortality,Alves beings of intelligence and wisdom,Elves beings of Longevity and Magic,Beasts beings of strength,Demons beings of Sin and blood

[Demons use emotions of their from the creatures around them as power,the more intense the emotion to the said demon the stronger it gets]

As years went by wars were waged against all demons kind.Unable to drive away the armies of men,elves and beasts, the blue king sacrificed all to fuel his flames,destroying the armies of doom.Using the last of his power,The Blue King burnt the existence of space between worlds,giving his people a better place to live.

[The power of the Blue King is called the flames of Sacrifice,it could literally burn through everything at a cost that's similar to the amount of power used]

The scars inflicted by the Blue King to the Void between worlds caused openings between the ten worlds.Soon once joyous shouts of the people after hearing the Demon Races destruction,turned to horror as armies from other worlds invaded theirs.

For thousands of years up to this day wars continued between worlds,None having the upper hand in the never ending conflict.