
The five shots are obbesed with me

Rosy" should i call this fate cruel or lucky? i even don't know." what will happen if 5 handsome guy like one girl at the same time?

Li_Roseal · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Is it cursed or lucky?


Chapter 1


'Ah hah hah hah hahaha, I'm successing, just look at me I'm gonna success.'

"Oh no the professor is getting out of his mind let's just go us. The labrotary is falling, it will be destroyed soon. "

"Every where is dead body's, everywhere is blood and blood.The bodies are scattered. I want to vomi*t. What should i do. This scene is so horrible. Ah! Someone please help me, please, please help. Ah!. Huh again this nightmare. "

My name is rosy. I'm a orphan. I've lost my parents 10 year's ago because of some phyco crazy scientists. Well should i tell this a curse? Or a fortune? I don't know. But i was the only one who was alive and successed that crazy experiment 85% . Now my intelligence is many times higher than others. At the age of 15 i became a great hacker and I'm soo good at projecting that I've became one of famous outside countries company's leader.

"Oh you're awake? - orphanage grandma. "

Rosy- oh! Yes. How's your day.

Grandma- I'm very fine. Looks like you were very tired last night. Do you want to have breakfast with grandma?

Rosy- ah! Sure. I would love to.

"This my grandma from the orphanage. She is really a nice person. When i came to the orphanage, she never neglected me. She always cares about me. And also good to other. "

'Oh rosy you're awake'- Aron. Did you have nightmares again?

"This is my senior Who grew up with me since i came here. He is one year older than me. A gentle and sweet man. After the experiment I've becamed a human without desire and without feeling's. As like i forgotten how to smile or cry or how to express myself. Many parents wanted to adopt me for my beauty but for my personality later they didn't. I'm also glad, because i didn't wanted to be adopted. Since then this grandma and this senoir brother was always beside me. The other children's were afraid to me. But senoir brother aron wasn't. I'm glad to have them. "

Grandma- come here you two, quickly. The breakfast will be cold.

Aron- it's so good that you're transforming into my college/versity. I'm very glad that i can take care of you outside also(◍•ᴗ•◍).

Rosy - senoir, you're really a cute person (≡^_^≡).

Aron- call me hey handsome, not cute( ͠° ͟ ͜ ͡ ͠°).

Rosy - why what's wrong with that(눈_눈). I will call you whatever i want. (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

Aron - ok, ok. As you wish (petting rosy's head).

Grandma- now just don't talk, also eat. Rosy you have to go to the college, so hurry up.

*after some time

Rosy- I'm ready senior.

Aron - (why she is looking damn hot and beautiful) *starring at rosy (*´﹃`*)*

Rosy- senior, senior. Hey tell something.

Aron - aah, ooh. You're looking beautiful. Isn't it a bit much beautiful. (But she is only wearing a drak red and purple mixing shift dress, yet looking that much gorgeous and beautiful)

Rosy - so what! (눈‸눈)

Aron - i mean, if you go by this look, i wonder how many boy will be die by your beauty.

Rosy - Don't worry, they won't die. Because when they will know my personality they eventually hate me. So I'm not afraid (。•̀ᴗ-).

Aron - ah. Ok, ok. As you say. So let's go.

"Well i was in an another college, but i can't go because i was severally ill and now i don't want to go because i don't know anyone, but it will be different because now I'm going to that college where is also my senoir and it's not too from where i leave. Because I've to move from the orphanage now and I've buyed a flat. This one (college) is pretty close from my flat. "

Aron - are you excited?

Rosy - is there anything to be excited?!

Aron - ah, well(^_^♪). I forgot that you can't feel those. Sorry.

Rosy - Nevermind.

"We reached in a while, everyone was looking at me and senior brother. As expected he is so popular. "

"What's going on? Who's that girl? And why she is with our handsome prince aron. Is she a new seducer? Girls we have to save our prince. Let's follow them. "

*reached to class 203.*

Aron - Rosy, this is your class. Now let's go to the office room to meet the teachers.

Rosy - Imm.

*nok, nok. Can we came sir? -aron.

Oh yes! Come in. -head sir.

Sir this my junior whom i talked about. - aron.

Nice to meet you. Just wait a moment. Teache Li, this is your new transfar student. Please take care of her-head sir. *

"I'm your class teacher. I've heard a lot about you from aron. I hope you will be fine here. Just tell us if you need anything. "

"Oh thanks , teacher Li. "

"Students, attention. Today we have a new transfer student. Rosy come in. "

"Wow, who is she. A fairy?! See how beautiful she is. I'm going to propose her.

Just you? Shut up. She won't look at you. She will like my handsome face.

What did you called yourself!?handsome,? How funny.

I want to be friends with her. i also want. We will be famous if we got to hang out with this beauty. You're right. "

"Stop gossiping. Rosy introduce yourself. "

"Hello, everyone. I'm Rosy. Thanks. "

"What was that. Is that was an introduction? How funny. Yes you're right. Oh! She don't deserve to be my friend. That's right, if she don't have an interesting aura, who will be attracted to her. Forget it, I'm going to sleep.Call me if the teacher gone. "

"Rosy, that's your seat and your deskmate.He didn't come again today. Just ignore him "

"Yes - Rosy"

"Hey, my name is Alisha. Can we be friends? "

"Ok, if you want that. But don't regret later. I don't have any backer parents. As you know I'm just an orphan. "- Rosy.

" That doesn't matter to me. I think you're interesting, so i want to Be friends with you. - Alisha"

*ring, ring, ring*

"Ah. The class is ended. Let's go to eat lunch. Hey Rosy let's go togather. "-Alisha.

" I'm fine. You guys go. I will be later. -Rosy.

"Then, okay. "-Alsiha.

*phone ringing*



" Hello, what price you will bet this time? Your project is blowing up. So many buyer's. Some have offered 200 dollar million. YZ, do you want to sell that to them? "

"Higher the price. 300 dollar million so far. "

"Tha... T.. Ah. T.. That much!! "


"What if no one buy? "

"Just don't worry. Eventually who's worth will buy it. Anything else? Otherwise I'm going to eat my lunch"

"Ah.another thing. You have a student from your country. He's name is dewan maybe. "

"Ok.got it. I will tell you my decision later. "

"Oh!. Okay. Then have a pleasant luch."

"This scientific company, should i call myself lucky? I got them 5 year's ago. Once they camed in our orphanage. That's time they gave their emails to the manager. But i secretly took that and gave my projects theme to them and now I'm that's company's one of the project leaders. "

"Uncle, is that was your master? That young and beautiful talented master that came to you by luck? "-neon.

" Hih, are you jealous that she is far more better then you( ͡≖ ل͜ ͡≖)?! Hah ha. Be whatever you want but you can't deafet her. "

"ヽ(`д´;)/ , you just wait. I will deafet her. I can. I'm the famous hacker Black fire. How can she deafet me. You just wait and watch. After 2 dya's I'm going to return my hometown and then you will see how i deafet her. "

Main while in the college*

"Hah.let's see"

"Hah., do you think our dewan can't attract that little witch! Huh, our dewan is soo handsome that no girl can resist. Just wait and watch how our dewan makes that girl fall in love with him. "

✤____To be continued____✤

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