
The Fisher: The Fallen bird, that thrives to ascend the clouds

Komba, a Rameshwaram fisherman, was reborn after his sudden death into a world where humanity resides in suspended space. In this unique world, children must fight, plunder and kill each other as they grow older for resources. Even still, only those with exceptional skills have the potential to become legendary fishing masters. Every life in the boundless sea is given a sacred purpose. There are flying fish, turtles enriched with worldly essence, and whales capable of consuming heaven and earth. Among them are countless fishermen. Fishing is considered an art form. An old proverb goes: "If you can't fish, you might as well be bait." However, Komba refused to accept this and instead sought to change the people around him, rather than changing himself to fit into that world. *** The main character may initially appear lacking in ambition, but as the story unfolds, this perception will evolve. At the start of the novel, there might be some information overload, especially in the first 50 chapters, but this will not be the case in subsequent chapters. As a new author, I may unintentionally engage in info-dumping again. Feel free to criticize and guide me to improve the story. Your feedback and opinions are valuable in shaping the narrative of this web novel. Your investment in the story is greatly appreciated. While the novel draws inspiration from (The God of Fishing), expect to see differences as the plot progresses. Avoid comparing the two, as it may highlight flaws in this book and affect your reading experience.

Lost_Soul420 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

True Vajra Body Creation

Chao Xiang had completely exhausted his Qi and was feeling extremely hungry. 

Unfortunately, he had lost the fish jerky he brought with him due to a deliberate accident caused by someone.

All he had left was a water pot and the fishing pole given to him by Grandma Mu.

When he was about to jump into the seawater, he threw the fishing pole into his private space without hesitation.

He calmly watched as the spiritual remains of the Tentacle Shadow clam burned, leaving behind only the Shadow Pearl.

'Just as I thought!'

He smirked, realizing that the 'red flame' was only interested in things with a demonic bloodline.

It doesn't affect anything other than that.

Without any hesitation, he grabbed the Shadow Pearl, even as the red flame continued to burn intensely.

The flame also didn't seem to affect him in any way.

He took a clear look at the pearl, satisfied with his findings. 

'It looks beautiful...'

As a fist-sized pearl with a bright, mesmerizing fragrance appeared before him, he felt that he had stumbled upon a treasure.

He knew from the memories of the former Chao Xiang that anything capable of nurturing the veins and nerves was worth a lot of money, beyond what could be bought with shell coins in Celestial Thunder Village.

It was something that most people couldn't afford in their lifetime.

The value of this treasure was worth more than ten times the money and time he spent coming here.

If he could find out where this place was, he wouldn't mind coming back again due to the profit and benefits it could provide.

However, he was currently too weak.

'I need to get stronger...'

If he wanted to venture deep into the sea, he needed a lot of strength and had to learn many battle techniques to protect himself.

Putting everything aside, he looked at the red flame once again and prepared himself as he watched the flame consume even the last bit of spiritual remains. 

As he gazed intently at the 'red flame', he felt a familiar sensation as a flood of tiny red sparks flooded directly into the middle of his brow.

In addition to the Tentacle Shadow Clam, he had also offered a variety of items from Grandma Mu's shop and some Predaton Bullheads as offerings to the 'red flame'.

These tiny sparks had continued to accumulate, illuminating the pillars that surrounded the corners once again.

Rather than hurriedly inspecting each pillar, he took a deep breath and focused his attention solely on the pillar that had the physical cultivation technique.

Even though he was desperate for a new and proper Qi cultivation technique instead of a physical cultivation technique, he chose the latter because he was currently at sea and couldn't afford to lose his cultivation and learn a new technique.

Despite this, he realized that training his physical body could be incredibly beneficial in this situation.

He discovered that the name of this physical cultivation technique was True Vajra Body Creation.

The art of body tempering is not your traditional method of increasing one's body defense and strength using spiritual energy.

Rather, it involves a comprehensive evaluation of the individual's entire being, considering their five senses, body parts, physical capabilities, flexibility, and the opening and improvement of the 360 primary meridians, 108 sub-meridians, and 1024 meridian paths.

This miraculous art holds immense value that cannot be quantified in monetary terms and goes beyond material possessions.

The first stage of True Vajra Body Creation, known as Mortal Flesh Formation, is divided into seven distinct stages.

The first minor stage involves opening, purifying, and strengthening of meridians and their paths.

The second minor stage involves the purification, formation, and strengthening of the intestines.

The third minor stage involves the purification, formation, and strengthening of the heart and its veins.

The fourth minor stage involves the purification, formation, and strengthening of the bone and its marrow.

The fifth minor stage focuses on the purification, formation, and strengthening of the inner body parts.

The sixth minor stage encompasses the purification, formation, and strengthening of the muscles all over the body.

The last and final minor stage encompasses the purification, formation, and strengthening of the five body parts that are responsible for the five senses such as eyes, nose, ears, and skin. 

This method of body tempering is truly remarkable and holds immense potential to transform an individual's physical capabilities, making them stronger, more agile, and more resilient.

The technique being referred to here is a unique form of exercise that boasts 1024 different movements.

These movements are designed to train all the meridian paths in the body, thereby promoting overall well-being. 

What's interesting is that this technique also offers a wealth of information about the foods one needs to consume to accelerate the cultivation process and how to absorb their benefits effectively. 

Interestingly, the 1024 movements bear a striking resemblance to Suriya Namaskar, also known as Sun Adoration, from Hindu mythology. 

This ancient technique involves harnessing the power of Yang energy from the sunlight to improve the body.

However, it can only be practiced at sunrise and sunset times. 

Since Chao Xiang had already practiced similar movements in his past life, he was so confident in his observation.

Another similarity between this technique and Suriya Namaskar is the use of strange movements in front of the sun. 

According to Hindu mythology, Hanuman, one of the most powerful Hindu gods, invented Surya Namaskar to pay his "guru dakshina" or traditional fee for his teacher to the sun god, Surya. 

This True Vajra body creation could be achieved by consuming nutritious foods, practicing, training, and getting enough rest. 

The radiance of the four pillars lasted for over thirty minutes before fading and returning to normal.

During that time, Chao Xiang fully memorized the physical technique and learned about the specific foods that would enhance its effectiveness. 

Even after everything returned to normal, he stayed in his spot, recalling every piece of information before opening his eyes.

New data appeared in front of his eyes.

[True Vajra Body Creation - Mortal Flesh Formation

Quality: ??? (Pinnacle - Grade)

Remark: The origin of this physical cultivation technique remains shrouded in mystery, as it was devised by an enigmatic deity of immense power. Its purpose was to channel the essence of the sun, known as the True Yang Dao, into the practitioner's body, granting them unparalleled strength. With the advent of this technique, a new era dawned for physical cultivators, enabling even those lacking innate talent to achieve boundless power. However, due to the disruptive nature of this method, which caused numerous individuals to ascend to the heavens and upset the delicate equilibrium, it was forcibly eradicated and subsequently forgotten.

Note: This technique was forbidden and loathed by all gods, and shouldn't be allowed to exist.]
