

' The first time we met' is a romantic novel based on an imaginary story. It consist Kerley's boyfriend - Ethan. l was inspired by nature and life. Read out to find out what happened after Kerley became friend to Ethan,Hayle and Justin.

SueArts · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Twenty three

Its been a breezy morning today and l contact Ethan for the plan. It was a long chat and we enjoy.

Ethan and l are going to spent some weeks there. I made some negotiations so spent more days there. Man! I love that place. Am in love with the nature surrounding the park, the swimming pools, parking lots and not forgetting the Thatched houses. All these made me fall Iove with the park. Mom is going also🙆.  Anyway l have to do some house chores and have some time with my only one precious mom in the world😊.

...Done with the chores. I was watching Leap with mom and of course,a lot of people think that its weird for high school people to watch cartoons. But they are wrong. I love cartoons and not forgetting nursery rhymes😄😃😌.  Now am tired of watching Leap and am in my room writing some girl quotes on the sticky notes. Turns out my room is like a post office😂.  Papers, letters, pictures,sticky notes and photos are just placed everywhere in the room. At the corner of my bedroom,there are big wrapped boxes full of my own stuff like diaries, pen and pencil colors, watches, scrunches and novels l placed for my birthday parties.  Don't get me wrong, my mom always surprise me on my every birthday but l also surprise myself with my own presents.

Do you always feel empty like what l am right now. Am just staring at the blank sticky notes hoping to get some quotes. What the hell! Where do l think l will get some? From a bunch of old stupid magazines in my closet? No way!  I have to come up with something, I thought to myself.

... Wait, I have an idea. What if l play a game with Mr walnut (brain).  Are you ready?

Me: hey brain do you know how hard it is to believe and trust God but easy to believe in wind and air?

Brain: of course. Its hard to trust God because we don't see him. But wait we don't see the wind and the air too😜.  Thats sounds crazy.

Me:😹😹😹 I know, I know. But wait, love is like wind. We don't see it but we feel it. Thats ridiculous

Brain: no Kerley that's awesome. Love is a gift from God and we should be great to have it.

Me: I get you Mr walnut. Am starving to death here. Am sure we can take a break. But wait, before we take a break wat do you want for lunch today? Some hot chocolate or a beef sandwich added with source?

Brain:  OMG😱😱 whatever you do!. Am also starving to death here!!

You know what, I just love my ways. I have no one to call a real friend except Mr walnut but also the brain is the biggest enemy you ever had. It is hard to trust Ethan,worse Hayle. She end our friendship and am sure l just deserve it.

I am full now and Mr walnut has more energy for some more games and quotes. 'Mr walnut,wats your best quote for today?' I asked myself.  "Don't be ashamed to be different. Be proud that God made you like no one else",  I thought to myself. I love that quote. It keeps me  going everyday especially when l don't feel comfortable around people.