
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Risk and rewards??

Hearing her telling me that I'm smelling nice is a sign that my control of her works.

Normally with someone of her caliber, such a petty trick wouldn't even matter but as she is only a fragmented soul now make it stupidly effective.

Rank one focuses on the body but rank 2 allows one to truly enter the realm of cultivation as it starts refining energy to build an origin.

A place where one is become the creator, like a divine kingdom or something of that sort.

Inside the origin is automatically built by the cultivation technique based on one being and soul as every origin is unique and no identical ones ever exited.

My origin is slowly being built as my body feels lighter and lighter with every day that passes.

I don't know the peak of power on this planet but I don't think it surpassed rank 2 since a rank 3 would make astronomical differences in civilization.

Ranks after 2 would make a being able to move and travel between worlds, the speed being affected by, of course, their rank.

A rank 3 is still far to think about now.

So I should focus on reconsainesse, first I should travel to different countries and gather intel on their powerhouses.

This world being technologically advanced doesn't help at all since the consequences of being caught would be pretty bad, if not deadly.

In the following 2 months, I try to spy on every poor country until I start running out of them.

The results are:

Three ranks 1 and possibly a rank 2 but I'm not too sure about the last one since it's hard to spy on a higher being and not get caught and evaporated.

If I am unlucky and they can regen energy faster than other people or even worse, a trait bearer, then I'm efficiently doomed, no chances.

So i should thread carefully.


I'm in the second half of my university years and I can feel the chosen one s power rise to rank 1 and I can't help but think about how I'm going to torture this world's consciousness, let's hope she doesn't break as fast as the others.

A smile creeps on my face as my eyes flash a deep red hue and my whole releases a cold aura.

I then head to my class as I watch the teacher come and start the class, now that I watch this teacher close enough I feel something weird about her.

< She masking her rank 2 energy>

I raise a brow "as I thought".

She indeed looked suspect but I didn't know why now I understand the reason.

This chosen ones luck is above what i thought,for a rank 2 being to teach in your school....

Should I call this otherworldly luck or something?

I should take care of her as soon as possible and that's exactly what I plan to do after this.
