
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
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28 Chs


Those words marked my outcome as try after try, rebirth, after rebirth, and my mental health deteriorated further and further until I went insane and shattered my soul.

I have no idea why I am still living after that since after one shatters his soul they lose the opportunity to reincarnate and will forever remain dead.

Looking back upon my life, no matter how many rebirths I suffered it was still only one mind to bear the burden, I can see why I failed.

I was chasing revenge and nothing more coursed through my head.

My methods weren't diverse enough,my path wasn't defined and my soul was in shambles.

Now, however, I can see the way to improve myself and kill my way up the path OF CONTROL!!

I, again strengthened my vision and my will to persevere and shatter any obstacles until I will feel satisfied.

As those thoughts cleared I opened my eyes to see myself being tightly hugged as my face was sunken in her bosom.

I tried to move but her grip on my head was beyond human I was forced to accept her embrace.

I noticed she was sleeping as my situation couldn't be weirder.

I look at my body and I can see scratch marks all over.

I am guessing I was scratching myself unconsciously when inside my head.

Thinking that she held me so I wouldn't hurt myself makes a smile bloom on my face as a crazed glint passes in my calm eyes.

I also extend my arms and hold her tightly as I begin to slip into the sweet embrace of dreamland.


A couple of months later, to be exact 4.

The days passed as our bond depend and my cultivation soared.

Today was a classic Monday morning, I was preparing the food as she was boiling the tea.

She told me about an ancient tea brewing technique that made the tea make my cultivation faster, of course as a junior in terms of cultivation and knowledge I told her she was crazy.

That day was the day I learned that she could slap me through the roof and then make my body her stretching band.

I don't particularly find pain hard to endure but I stopped contradicting her since I like my cultivation speed fast.

I spread the breakfast on the table as she poured me a cup of tea.

We both enjoyed the breakfast as she made casual conversation.

<I do like the way you train your sword, it's all wrong, you're stupid>

<Moving your legs like that is gonna make you look like you have hemorrhoids, that makes you stupid>

<If every time you use a breathing technique it takes so much as 1 microsecond extra I'm helping you with a garbage truck tire>

Suck conversation topics long surpass my intelligence as I could only watch in a stupor as she enumerates mistakes that take me years to correct.

Looking at this woman makes me wonder how such a smart being ended up greeting me every morning with a foolish smile as if the next morning would be our last.

looking at her I couldn't help but smile as my mood became more cheerful after a lot of time.