
The First Spacial Mage

Alex is excited, he was finally able to control an element like every other magician. however, his control is too weak and thus he won’t show it to anyone until he meets the standards. He had already seen how the other young magicians had made laughing stocks out of other talentless mages. Later, he learns that it’s more than meets the eye and that he could just maybe become the most powerful wizard.

wldnt_ye_lik_t_knw · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Chapter 85

"A returning student?"

"Yup." I replied.

"Forgive me, but you don't look familiar and I pride myself on remembering each and every student by name and face. So my question is how you got your hands on the identification of another student and even managed to forge such a realistic copy?" Jarg said as he stood up and released a formidable amount of mana.

"It is definitely authentic, but I wouldn't be able to prove that to you. I am here to give a gift for the headmaster."

"The headmaster will not be returning, if you have seen any bit of news recently you would know this. I'll have to ask you to leave now." He said before attempting to remove me from the grounds.

A hand however stopped him from doing so.


"John. I was expecting Merilda to be somewhere nearby."

"She left recently for an important task left by Drak."

I tossed an orb to him before continuing. "This should help her in her task. I'll let you take it to a formations master to check it."

He held up his hand to cut me off. "I trust you, just tell me what it does."

"It will reduce the time to just a few years, maybe less."

"Jarg I will be leaving, as Alex said, this will definitely help Merilda's task. Wait he said you were like him."

"Where to?"

"The land of the twins."

After a few moments, a portal opened.


"Merilda! I was just speaking with... Alex?"


"You were a fool to release them!"


"Maybe?! You are not the first to try and undo me, to try and (kill evil). Many have tried and all they succeeded in doing was having their names put into history books as the evilest and most vile people." Samael smiled as he started speaking of the countless genocides and witch hunts he had caused as I watched quietly.

"Has your voice left you? You know it right? Just because you have unfathomable power you are no different than them. You will be hated for as long as you exist." His charisma was impressive as he completely removed any doubts and spoke his own truths.

"So, turn back now. Turn back and no one will ever know that it was you. They can guess and point fingers, but it will never be proven. You cannot change fate Alex."

His eyes studied me waiting for a response.

"I already have, changed fate that is. No one would notice the air that they breathe is not the one they should have, or that the sun's rays that rain down upon them as they step out of the shade are the wrong ones. Not even you would notice that I've walked this path more than enough times to create a trail to follow."

His eyes widened. "You, you broke the rules of time."

"No, I worked with them. Nothing is written in stone, that includes the past. You should know that much historian."

"It's impossible. Why?"

"To do what you cannot."


Chaos, pure and total chaos erupted as hundreds of me converged to earth. Tidal waves threatened civilizations set up near the ocean. The cause of this effect was a disoriented dragon that had been thrown into a rift after a short conversation.

Swarms of beasts flooded both the skies and the surface as they hunted traces of the evil which existed everywhere. They hunted a specific source of reality that had tormented them and separated them from the rest of their beings. With the skies blotted out, horns sounded, alarms blared and ears shook in all seven kingdoms.

The largest threat, however, was far in the sky above. Hundreds of elemental orbs slowly passed me and moved towards the ground. Each orb had the power to make the dinosaurs go extinct again.

However, powerful as they were, four flocks of pearly white feathers kept them at bay. Each flock was led by some of the more normal-looking beings I had seen in a while, and these beings each sat atop their own steed.

"You know, someone's been trying to contact your four for a while now."

"We hear his requests secondly."

"And as you can tell… we had even more pressing matters to prepare for."

"So, you remember." Another voice called out as the ever-changing image of beings placed itself between the earth and me.

Joshua appeared beside the creator, looking into my eyes to try and understand my reasoning.

"How much longer can you maintain it?"

"Maintain what?"

"The will of god."

"I don't know what you are speaking about."

"I remember. Over and over I have seen this reality come and go. You are new."

Confusion and understanding both flashed through his eyes.

"I don't get what you mean."

"What happens when humans… no when beasts do not have heirs? Humans can communicate and understand a problem when it appears."

"They fade from the world."

He said as the understanding seemed to slowly erode the confusion in his eyes.

"A god, or better yet an immortal has no natural need to have a child. Yet you sit upon your father's throne and learn to do the things he would supposedly be doing for the rest of time."

"Does he speak the truth?"

"He does, but that does not explain his actions." The creator answered as palpable anger was directed toward me.

"I know and you will probably not be able to understand it."

'Joshua just hear this, buy me some time and I promise to bring him back.'

"You are a sad creation, brought to life as someone grasped at any way to uncover everything."

The ever-changing mass shifted as my words reached it.

"You were once something great, but look at you now. A joke was made of your legend as your puppet tried to show how you truly were. So merciful at times, and at others true evil in the eyes of your enemies. That must be the true price you paid when you... absorbed different versions of yourself, every death was just a necessary sacrifice including mine."

The orbs continued moving as the four generals on horses started their assault.

"Stop now Alex. Regardless of the situation, you shouldn't go to extremes. We do not want to hurt you."

"Going as far to lie, the god I know would never do that. At least a part of you wants to wipe my smug smile from existence and finally be rid of me."

Waves of undead, pests, and certain powers shot out into space as the orbs teleported past every last defense.

"Very well."

I turned to Joshua one last time as a bright force collided with me, the earth and sun instantly faded to distant spots as I was flung away. After only a few seconds did it end as the orbs of chaotic energy appeared behind me and shattered a way out of reality.


"Was that really necessary?" Joshua asked.

"Yes, the earth would have been destroyed if I didn't give him what he wanted."

"What did he want?"

"My power, the same one I used that lead to this endless cycle."

"Will he be back?"

"That depends."

"On what?"

"If he can escape while avoiding the mistakes I made."

god snapped and two powerful angels appeared.

"Follow him, if he crosses the line… use this flame to erase Alex's control over their soul. Defeating what is left will be no problem for you."

The two nodded after taking the dark flame and disappeared with a small flash.

"What about them?"

"Those angels left on earth will step in, do not worry."


"And now there are two." I said while gazing through the blinding energy of a rift.

A world filled with borrowed power came and faded as I arrived in the infinite library once more.


"Alex?" A confused god questioned as he appeared in front of me.

I nodded before opening a portal. "Let's go. I think I can help you with your issue now."

"You're different. I can feel you, but you're not here."

"That's a bit hard to explain, even if you are a god. Just know that my existence isn't rooted in a certain space or time anymore."

"I, I understand, I think." He said before stepping through the portal.

A seemingly empty place with clouds of cosmic dust was the best way to describe where we were. The space shook and Oz's expression quickly changed to fear as he hid behind me.

Teeth, endless teeth followed by a massive dark hole that leads to the stomach of a cosmic worm.

"So this is what scares you."

"It is, the gods stand no chance against them and they threaten the existence of our reality." He answered while moving to my side as the massive creature passed by.

"It's a worm. It does a simple job, just like a worm in the worlds below." I told him while pointing at the creature wiggling away.

"No, It's much more than that, worms break down deceased material and have natural predators. This thing eats a toxic material and thrives." Oz countered.

I turned to him and looked at him quizzically. "What kind of place do you think this is?"

"This is where the primordial gods harnessed energy to create everything in existence. It's where divinity in its purest form can be found, but it's also a forbidden place because of these creatures." He said as he pointed out what he had learned over the years.

"That is all true, but first of all, this place is a graveyard. A place where true gods were once murdered." I said before gathering a clump of the cosmic dust the worm had left behind.

After I waved my hand I glowed brightly. "This divinity is what remains of them, their souls."

Why? Why was Samael so upset that humans could know the difference between good and evil?

He wasn't.

he could still brainwash them and turn them towards evil.

What he truly feared was the power they held after eating the forbidden fruit. A power that lifted them above the angels, and therefore himself. The same power that cursed them, that caused age to affect Adam and Eve. That caused humanity to change, which created diversity among humans.

So he fought this change. Those who strayed were considered beasts, just for the color of their skin. Interracial marriage was considered sacrilege.

Those who are gay bisexual or trans were shunned because they were 'unnatural', and pushed away by the religious because they were playing god.

The one who was considered to play god the most though was Christ, he entered the houses of the 'dirty' walked among them, and flipped the common beliefs on their sides as he called himself the son of god.

His impact was much larger though, he, for the most part, ended the sacrifice of innocent creatures for people who were ready to even give their children's lives for who they believed was their god, just to prove their loyalty. For many he was a saint, but not for all. Those who killed him had hundreds of reasons to see him die, but none were grounded so they held their tongues.

Tearing the veil signified the ending of the old covenant, but both ends ended up being glued together bringing into creation what was known as the holy bible. A creation that contradicted itself so much, that as civilizations advanced they turned away from it.

His followers even adapted the name Christian, meaning to be like Christ or Christ-like.

"Every bit of divinity on earth from where I came from was channeled into that fruit. It wasn't partitioned and given out to everyone."

"That explains a lot, so what do we do?"

"Nothing. The worms have their own predator put in this place, they are very wise creatures which is probably why you haven't met them."

The divinity within my hand hummed before imploding and sending out powerful shockwaves. Clouds of dust were pushed aside as the distant glow of stars became clearer. Oz shuddered as the stars shifted and moved. A sudden flash of light was all that he saw as the creature that once blotted out our vision disappeared.

"Try not to worry about it too much, I'll set up something to use in case some idiot decides to set it free anywhere else."


A world in a completely different time.

The seal that Joshua usually broke, was eroded naturally.

"But why are those who can use the released mana hiding from the rest of the world?"

"I didn't expect a visitor." An old yet loud voice called out.

"And I didn't expect to be found as soon as I got here."

"By here do you mean to the United States or earth?"

"Both." I said as I looked at the perfected use of pure mana that the man had on him. Thousands of uses for just one fancy suit. The feeling he gave off was definitely familiar.

His eyes widened as he looked at me. "You are so young."

"And you are so old."

"Ahem, so visitor from another earth how can I help you?"

"Hahaha. You know I consider myself to be smart, but you are a genius. A few people from my earth would be jealous of your knowledge of immortality."

A worried look appeared on the old man's face.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm just a traveler on a mission and I will be leaving very shortly, but you can call me Alex."

"Alex huh. Such a common name. Williams is my surname which never changes."

"You can question my mother about that Williams."

He looked around for a moment before a portal appeared next to us. "Let us continue our discussion inside, a lot of old eyes like to pry, and information has probably already gotten out."

"Don't Mind the clutter my grandson has managed to get sent home twice for events he claims weren't his fault."