
The First Seeker, King


DaoistSFHCTS · Urban
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3 Chs


Riley, and along with others, immediately gagged. Amy vomited, making the stench even more putrid.

"U-Urgh.." A young boy also seemed close to vomiting. His mother had just died gruesomely right in front of him, her body still showing signs of twitching. The rancid smell soon got to him, as he soon started vomiting too.

Holding in his breath, Riley passed through the grim shuttles and went straight to the conductor's car. Sure enough, the conductor's situation was the same as the other deceased passengers.

Riley bit his lip. He couldn't remember what switch signified the brakes, and there were no particular markings, so Riley had to guess and soon, the subway finally lurched to a halt. He breathed a sigh in relief.

Slowly opening the subway doors, he gathered all the surviving people from the subway. 4 people from his car, and 2 other people from another car.

"W-We should introduce ourselves." A orange haired man suggested. The others nodded in agreement.

"I'm Luke, and this is my girlfriend Isabella. We are both medical students at a local college." Since he had suggested it first, Luke introduced himself first, and also the beautiful brunette beside him. It seemed that Luke was trying to put up a strong face for Isabella.

"..What he said." Isabella seemed less talkative, and looked still shaken up. They were the only survivors from the other subway car.

"I'm Evan, I just got back from deployment." A bulky man said, his military uniform sticking to his body nicely. He seemed less shaken up, but still seemed disgusted by what he had just saw.

"A-Amy..." The shy high school girl didn't add anything more then that.

The young boy didn't talk, seemingly still trying to calm his mind.

"Riley..." Riley introduced himself. He was abit apathetic towards the people who had died, as he didn't know them, but still couldn't get the image out of his mind.

After they had introduced themselves, it became silent and awkward until Evan coughed.

"We need to find shelter first, and get food. Does anyone have food on them right now?" Evan asked.

"I-I have some bread.." Amy pulled a small loaf of sweet bread from her bag, it was still in his plastic.

Riley had packed himself lunch, but he didn't mention anything. And no one questioned him directly, so he stayed still.

"Save that for emergencies, who knows when our next meal will be." Evan said, it seemed he would be the leader for now, and no one seemed to disagree too.

Together, they walked towards the next station and saw the familiar black carcasses.

Amy covered up the young boy's eyes, and she tried her best to ignore the revolting stench, else she'll vomit again.

They wandered around the station, not seeing any other survivors. This made their morale go down, but they still continued on their way to the subway convenience store.

After seizing a sizable amount of canned goods, they each took a ready made sandwich and looked for a place to settle down. They didn't know when this "King" person would appear and enact another crazy scenario.

Evan suggested to go to a remote place, presumably on a rooftop or mountain, as they didn't if the stench would progressively get worse, to the point where it would be harmful for humans.

Just as they were about to leave the subway, the young boy touched something shiny. It looked like a golden shovel, and suddenly, a blinding enveloped the group.

"Wha-!" Evan exclaimed.

After the light was gone, the traces of the group were no where to be found.


"Oya? It seems some people have already triggered the sub scenarios." Naoi stroked the black cat on his lap, squinting his sly eyes.

Naoi was planning to wait abit for the Gods and Demons to calm down first, then explain the sub scenarios. But oh well, those people would probably fail the sub scenario anyways.

"Haha, don't you think so Munchers?" Naoi quickly appeased the cat with scratches and kisses. In return, it turned into a purring machine. "So cute...as always." He hugged Munchers.


Riley hazily opened his eyes. A holographic screen was seen in front of him, and the young child was beside him.

[SUB SCENARIO: {1 button, 2 people}. Information: All parties are transported to the room with in groups of 2. On the table, there is a red button. By pressing the button, you will automatically clear the scenario. But by doing so, the other party dies in your place. There is a 5 minute timer that will be counting down, when it reaches 0 all active participants that haven't clicked the button on time will die. Difficulty: D]

"Sh**, there were things like this too?" Riley cursed aloud, not caring for the newly awakened boy on the ground. The boy silently began reading the screen that Riley had been reading. After he was done reading, he simply lowered his head and closed his eyes.

"Tsk." Riley saw that the timer had already begun ticking down. Now there was only 4:30 seconds left. He turned towards the still silent boy, whom he just noticed had woken up.

"..." Killing kids was not his thing, and but then again, it seemed the boy had no will to even try either. Together, they stayed in silence. As the boy just blankly stood there, Riley finally found a loophole.

As this was going on, Evan had woken up with Luke beside him. While he was relatively calm, Luke was about to freak out.

"...Isabella...please be alright..." Rather then be concerned by his own safety, Luke was more worried over the fact if Isabella would live.

"Isabella and that girl should be relatively fine if they don't try anything." Evan immediately spotted the loophole like Riley.

"What...do you mean?" Luke raised his head to look at Evan.

"The instructions say active participants. So what if we aren't doing being active participants? Say we just sit here, I'm 99% sure that it won't kill us as long as we don't try to aim for the button." Evan calmly explained.

Suddenly, a screen popped up in front of Evan.

[A Goddess has gain an interest for you!]

"..What?" Evan said aloud.

"Huh?" Luke was about to reply, but Evan suddenly spoke before him.

"Oh, it's nothing. What is it that you want to say?" Evan turned back to Luke.

"Are you really sure about your guess though? If it's wrong, we both die." Luke nervously asked.

"Trust me, I would have pressed the button long ago if I wasn't." Evan boredly looked away. Luke didn't know what position Evan had in the army, but he was sure it wasn't a simple soldier. As Luke had no faith that he could overpower Evan, he could only helplessly look at the timer slowly ticking away.