
The Libarian (1)

Even after death, Elios wasn't freed from books. Now, after the end, he will be bound to them for eternity.


In a small, cluttered room, Elios sat at his desk surrounded by books and papers.

The dim light from his lamp was the only glow in the room. His eyes were glued to the textbooks infront of him, trying hard to understand what he was reading.

The walls, adorned with certificates of academic achievement, seemed to echo the diligence of the young university student.

But it wasn't just about getting good grades.

Each page turned was a step toward a future he longed to secure, not just for himself but for his parents.

„Bills keep piling up, and I can't keep up," Elios worried desperately.

„How will I manage this? Take on another job..?" he thought in helplessness.

Elios had a big responsibility. His mom and dad were really sick, and he worried a lot about their medical bills.

Money was always tight. He worked part-time jobs, but it wasn't enough. Taking care of them was hard.

He felt tired all the time and looked worn out.

„I can't let them down. I have to keep pushing. They deserve so much more than this constant struggle."

The concern for his parents gave him the motivation to push forward, become a better son for them.

He is their sole reliance left. He can't let them down, never.

„I'll get trough this. There's light at the end of this all, and I'll reach it somehow. We will live in peace once all of this ends."

„I can't give up now!!"

Amidst all this chaos, Elios remained oblivious to his own declining health.

His relentless pursuit of stability for his family blinded him to the toll it took on his own well-being.

Determined to succeed at all odds, Elios focused solely on his studies.

He neglected his friends, missing out on hanging out with them or doing things that made him happy.

His whole life was about books and his family.

Does he regret it? No, of course not.

Things got tougher when his parents health got worse, and so did the weight on his shoulders.

He graduated from university with the best grades and so came an opportunity for him.

A job offer that promised immediate relief from financial burdens.

It was an opportunity, but also came with a cost.

The said company has a dark past. Exploiting its workers, lack of empathy and an unhealthy work-life balance.

It left a bitter taste in Elios's Mouth.

He was left between financial relief, the desire to help his parents and the fear of his own future in that company.

„Every challenge is a chance to prove I'm stronger than the circumstances. I can't give up. As long as it helps them…" Elios said with a depressed smile, lost in the memories of the past.


Months passed after graduation.

Elios took the job and remained his unhealthy way of life.

He got bullied by his boss, the rest of the company turning a blind eye to him.

They themselves had to struggle with their own problems.

No one stood up for himself, what else about someone else.

He paid the bills of his parents, sadly, the bills got more and more.

The disease they had also wide-spread throughout the region.

More and more people lived with the same struggle as Elios.

One day, a pandemic broke out. The virus is spreading rapidly. The government implemented measures to countain the outbreak.

The people are being advised to stay home.

So Elios was left in his one-room apartment in another city. He left for the company, leaving his parents alone in their hometown.

Until this day he had hope. Hope for the future. He was full of himself that it would work out.

Leaving his parents alone so he could have a job that paid high.

In that time he couldn't fathom that he would lose his job because of the very same pandemic that made his parents rely on him.

How could he stand before them now, tell them he failed them?

If he even could, that is…

Elios wore a blank expression as he stared at the letter infront of him.

His hands trembled as he silently wailed.


My Dearest Elios,

We hope this message finds you amidst brighter days. There's something we need to share, a turn of events we never anticipated.

Despite the tireless efforts and care of the doctors, our journey together had come to a close.

It feels ironic, doesn't it? Life, in its unpredictable ways, has led us here, amidst all the chaos.

In these moments, our deepest wish is for you to know that we've found peace, our hearts warmed by the memories we've shared.

We understand the hurdles life has thrown your way, and we carry no regret for the paths we've walked. Your unwavering dedication and love have been our greatest treasures.

Take care, our dear Elios, my little guardian of knowledge. Embrace the lessons life offers, seek knowledge as you've always done, and carry our love with you through every step.

With all our love,

Mom and Dad


„No… this isn't happening."

His mind rebelled about the words etched on the page, yet each word gnawed his consciousness.

His breaths came in jagged gasps as panic settled in.

„I can't… breathe."

He clawed at his chest in moments of realization.

His mind was racing between thoughts, sometimes raging and sometimes thinking about his parents.

Their smiling images faded long ago in his death march of work and study.

But how could he believe what they said about their death.

The doctors gave their all!? As if..!

Those greedy, selfish people stopped caring about them since he didn't provide the money anymore.

All of his feelings erupted at the same time.

The strongest being regret, the surrender to despair.

„I could have done more. I have… saved them. If it wasn't for my depressed self, if I worked harder and harder.."

„If I.. or if I… did that. That… and that…"

His mind raced, his malnourished body began to sway and finally the world began to spin.

Elios fell onto the desk infront of him, still clutching his chest.

„Just give me a moment of peace!!! And let me fulfill my role as a good son. I will make you both proud one day, so proud you will see it even in heaven!!"

„I pledge upon my name that I will achieve the unachievable even if that means I have to die!"

Elios screamed with the last of his strength, his body went limp and he laid with his head on the desk, motionless.

His eyes were lifeless.