
The First Powerless Mage

A magicless mage that lives in a world that is built around magic. People are judged on their magic capabilities, those who are strong are destined to have power in the hierarchy while the weak rot and forced to beg.

Weeby__0819 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Well, hello reader, it seems you've came upon an old legend. No need worry, I'm nothing else than the narrator, anywho, let me tell you about the legend. There was once a boy, this boy lived in the 3rd of his kingdom, the worst place to arguably live in as criminals, mobs and such lurks in the shadow regularly. The homeless could be seen around every corner as they beg for food and money, now, you might of asked how did this all happen? It's simple, there are three sectors in the kingdom, the 1st sector is in the middle of the kingdom, the most protected and clean part of the kingdom as the Royal Family that leads the kingdom lives in this sector. It is known to be the place of the nobles, the three most famous noble families are the Monsutas, Seijins and the most powerful, the Yagamis. These three families are known for having fantastic mages, ranging from powerful combat mages to intelligent support mages. Those who originated from these three families are hold at the highest of regards and are expected to be a great mage just like the ones before them. Enough of that, the 2nd sector is the one after the 1st sector, being a place where common civilians live in and is arguably the most common sector as it has the highest amount of people in it. These are the regular people who are capable of using basic magic spells, though, there are rare miracles to where a family is promoted to the 1st sector through a family member gaining power such as becoming a mage or a knight. The last sector is the 3rd, as mentioned earlier, it is the lowest of the lowest, housing people that aren't very great at using magic, even the most basic of spells. The people that lived in the 3rd sector are just seen as low life that are nothing more the slaves to the 1st and 2nd sectors civilians. The high spike in criminal activities in this sector also made the other sectors think the 3rd sector is the house of criminals which made the other sectors hesitant of helping the people in it.

Back to the protagonist shall we? The boy lived in the 3rd sector, living in a poor family as his father was constantly at work, trying to get enough money to support his family while his mother was caring for him at home. He also had a big sister which he bonded with over comic books that his father managed to bring home from work, he saw that in the comic book that the main hero could be strong through hard work. It didn't matter if he didn't have magic or not, through hard work, he could do anything and that really inspired him. Of course, living in the 3rd sector meant he and his family didn't have any talent in magic, let alone have the mana to actually use it. But, even with this disadvantage, this boy wanted to become a mage, a combat mage to which his father and mother thought he was naive but they played along. The boy planned to achieve this dream through hard work and through his physical strength, training everyday by doing push ups, sit ups and running. With each day, he tried to increase the amount of push ups and sits up he did, eventually reaching 1000 push ups and sit ups with each day. This constant amount of training made him far more powerful than the average man, being able to bent metal with ease and being able to run faster than a horse with little difficulty but even with this strength, he knew it wasn't enough so he continued training and training until he was 18 since there was a competition that is held once a decade that accepts people from all 3 sectors, the winner of the competition will be accepted into an international prestige mage school. This was a chance for people to showed their power and skill without having to be judged on where they lived.