
Zhang Xiaoman's summon

"Brigade Commander, the commanders of the 4th Regiment and the 3rd Regiment are quarreling again," a staff officer said to Zhang Xiaoman at Mt. Youyu.

Zhang Xiaoman said impatiently, "What is it this time?"

"The 4th Regiment's commander said that their regiment's combat effectiveness is higher, so they should be the advance guard and the 3rd Regiment should just step aside, and that riled up the 3rd Regiment's commander," the staff officer said.

Zhang Xiaoman felt his scalp going numb with frustration. "What the hell is going on today? Since they're so energetic, let them argue all they want. Go and tell them to take their quarrel to the entrance of the camp. They aren't to stop arguing before it turns dark!"

The temporary military base at Mt. Youyu was a mess. As Wang Yun quietly observed this situation, he suddenly started to question whether his decision to join the Prosperous Northwest was too hasty.