

After Ren Xiaosu ordered Chen Wudi to go and pack up, he went inside an unoccupied house by himself. He was planning on dismantling the nanosoldiers' weapons he had gained to retrieve the nanomachines within them.

Ever since hunting down the nanosoldiers with the wolf pack, the amount of Ren Xiaosu's nanomachines had increased severalfold. In fact, he was already able to cover both hands up to his biceps with the suit of armor. So he had been wondering all this while whether he should dismantle the weapons to get his hands on the nanomachines.

The principle behind how these weapons worked was probably by using a program to set the nanomachines to create an incision effect through high-frequency particle cutting action. Even though this concept sounded difficult to grasp, it was actually similar in logic with waterjet cutting.