
Straight-A student, Yang Xiaojin

Translator: Legge

Ren Xiaosu asked Yang Xiaojin quietly, "What's university life like?"

Yang Xiaojin gave it some thought and said, "Classes are rather flexible, but the exams can be extremely strict. There are relatively fewer students admitted into universities, and most of them will continue research with their advisers after graduation. It's said that universities were very lenient with their admissions in the past, but now they're recruiting fewer and fewer students over time. They've become more like a research base these days, and there are only around 20 universities scattered across the hundreds of strongholds in existence. The heads of these universities have already begun to streamline their student recruitment and organizational structures. They go all-out to make breakthroughs in their identified fields of research."

"Oh." Ren Xiaosu nodded. "Do the students get any subsidies?"