
Setting up a counter-ambush

When Ren Xiaosu was learning about sniper rifles from Yang Xiaojin, she gained a rough understanding of Ren Xiaosu's current skill level. In her words, his Advanced Firearms Proficiency was already beyond that of most other people in the world.

However, snipers had always enjoyed a special status as the most outstanding marksmen in the world. If anyone encountered one, they would have to take extreme caution.

Ren Xiaosu knew well that it was dangerous for him to hunt down that sniper in the wilderness. That sniper's marksmanship was probably much better than his.

But it did not matter. Ren Xiaosu was more adept at finding prey in the wilderness than his opponent was.

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu was crouching next to some shrubs and searching for any signs of the enemy's whereabouts.

The sniper was very careful not to leave behind any trash throughout the day.