
Reunited with Liuyuan

At this moment, Hu Shuo felt a little wistful. There was an old saying that went, "hoist with one's own petard," and Ren Xiaosu turned out to be an especially heavy petard.

Hu Shuo couldn't help but ask, "You were able to lead quite a comfortable life even with your limited knowledge, so why do you still hunger for more knowledge? Are you aiming to qualify for the university in the stronghold?"

Ren Xiaosu thought for a moment before answering, "I'm not planning to get into the university. I just want to understand the truth of the world."

Hu Shuo was stunned by this answer. He went deep into thought before saying with a sigh, "You can still come and ask me anytime in the future if there's something you don't understand."

Hu Shuo's previous daily routine was to wake up at 6 AM to practice tai chi until 7 AM before eating breakfast. Then he would bask in the sun, chat, eat lunch, eat dinner, and finally go to bed at night.