
Real Home

Signing the papers didn't take long, but Liam had me wait with Aidan on a long chair in the hall. I couldn't stop smiling, I was going home today.

"What's other dad like?" I ask randomly. He goes to look at me but I move to rest my head on his shoulder, like in the room.

"My other dad? You'll love him. He's really kind and gentle, he would have come to visit but he was getting stuff ready for you," He explains.

"Ready for me?" I ask.

"Oh, you know, sorting out your room and getting you a few clothes," He says, casually, I can't stop the slight flood of tears to my eyes.

"Wow," I mutter, keeping my voice as normal as possible.

"Don't worry, we are taking you shopping soon, get you some nice decorations and clothes that you like, you know. I'm fairly certain they've decided that you are their daughter now," He lets out a little chuckle and I try to hold back my noises as I cry on his shoulder.

"Daughter," I repeat.

"Well, he's already ridiculously attached," He says, gesturing to Liam. I finally break and let a choked sob out, "Oh my god, Livvy, does anything hurt?" He asks.

"No, not like that," I say, shaking my head. He pulls me into his side more and I sniffle, "Never had room or nice things," I say, trying my best to explain why I'm crying, "A lot of stuff at once," I say, I knew there was a word for it but I couldn't remember it, "Like, felt too much, had to let go," I was getting more frustrated with myself and I knew Aidan could feel it too. He gently takes my hands and turns more to face me.

"You feel overwhelmed," He says, more explaining it to me than anything but I nod.

"Overwhelmed," I repeat, "Couldn't get overwhelmed near mom, doesn't like it when I cry," I say, he nods and hugs me again, not letting go until I finally calm down.

"It's okay to feel overwhelmed, it must be weird being shoved into a totally different lifestyle," He says, I nod.

"Scary, but good," I say.

"Discharge papers are all signed," Liam's voice says, now just a few feet away from us, Aidan pulls away from me, putting a bit of space between us, I bite back a frown, "Livia, are you okay to walk to the pharmacy or do you want to wait here?" He asks.

"Can walk," I say, glad that Liam didn't ask about my puffy eyes, just offers me an arm. I grab it and pull myself up, Aidan wraps an arm around me, avoiding my bandage but doing a good job of keeping me upright, I get a little dizzy whenever I stand up too fast. I let them bot lead me outside and to the little building with a big bright sign that I'm sure says something but I can't read it. We get closer to the door and it opens on its own, I accidentally let out a yelp, tripping over my feet and landing against Aidan, who thankfully catches me.

"Its an automatic door," He explains, setting me back on my feet. I nod a bit and walk through the gap left from the door sliding away, I cant help but stare at the gap it went down until there is a little tug on my waist and a chuckle. I look at Aidan who is grinning and blush a little, "There are some chairs over here," he says, leading me to them as Liam lets go and just stands there. I sit down and watch Liam for a second, he looks around before his eyes lock onto something and his entire face lights up as he smiles, then another person comes around the corner and hugs him tight, smiling just as bright, I knew even before they kissed that the other man was Ash. Liam points to me and Ash comes over, smiling softer than before.

"Hey kiddo," he says, giving Aidan a half hug before leaning down, "You must be the little girl that stole my husband's heart," I tilt my head, I don't know what he meant but he said I stole something.

"Sorry?" I say, trying to sound it but I'm really just confused. He laughs.

"No, its a good thing, it means he likes you," Aidan says from beside me. Oh. I break into a smile.

"Name Livia," I say.

"So I'm told, it looks like Liam is done so how about we take you home?" He asks, glancing at the front desk to Liam with a paper bag. I nod fast and he and Aidan laugh a bit, making me smile. Ash holds out his arm and Aidan helps me again, I lean against him slightly and he smiles down at me.

Liam meets us at the door, fluttering around us and making sure I don't fall as we walk to the car. I had seen cars, and I sort of knew what they did but I'd never been in one, it was a bit scary being carefully placed in the back of one. Aidan climbs in the back and pulls a bit of weird rope stuff over me until there is a click and it stays there. He notices my confusion.

"You've never been in a car, have you?" He asks. I shake my head, "This is a seatbelt, its to keep you safe if we crash," He says, My eyes go wide.

"Crash?" I try to hide the panic in my voice.

"Crashing is very rare, It almost never happens," Liam says from the front.

"Liam has never crashed before, he is a very good driver, crashes only happen when people don't drive properly," Ash adds. I nod, feeling a bit better. Aidan's hand slips over mine, soothing me more. I smile at him.

There is a loud rumbling noise and then the car is shaking, I hold Aidans hand harder and then we are moving. I knew cars moved but it felt weird to actually be in one. It wasn't exactly scary, just different. The three of them chat as we drive but I stay quiet, just focusing on the moving, until, after maybe an hour, we stop in front of a big house.

It was very pretty, there was a big garden in the front and light grey walls, the car was parked on a little piece of road in front of a little part of the house with a big white door. There was a smaller door with pretty decorations around it, this is the door I was taken to. I smell the pretty flowers until I hear the door open and I'm taken inside.

It's even better on the inside. Everything was soft and colourful, it made me feel at home.

"Okay, I'll make some tea and then we can get you settled in," Liam says as Aidan helps me onto the sofa.

"I hope you like the house," Ash says, smiling again, I nod.

"Mhm, home," I say, leaning back and letting myself fully go for what feels like the first time ever.