
The First Mage On Earth

After the disappointing first day of high school, Oscar fell into some weird cave. What he found at the cave changed his life forever. He discovered the mana! With the discovery of mana, everything around him changed. While he was learning magic, he noticed that the world around him isn't as simple as it seems. From an immature and inexperienced high school boy, he will rise to become the legendary figure in history books. He will face the darkness of humanity and the enemies who are beyond humans. This is the new version of my previous story which has the same name. The story will be slow-paced. There isn't much action in the first chapters. Everything in this story is fictional. The names of the people and institutions made up by me.

Shadow_Smoke · Fantasy
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111 Chs

The Stranger With One Eye

It happened when Carla went to buy some apple candy. She was so eager to try them that I leave her to go and taste as much as she wanted. I'm not that good with apple candy after all. I just can't stand them. My gramps tried to make me eat them when I was little. Even after all these years I still can't stand them.

I was just wandering by myself in the crowded street. There are numerous stalls on both sides of the street. I wasn't far away from Carla, so she could easily find me. She easily lost track of her surroundings. I usually stand next to her but those apple candies make me sick. I can't even get close to them. But suddenly I felt the very core of my being furiously shook. Even when I first saw Kairi, I didn't feel like this. I felt death looming over my neck.

I slowly turned my head back. There I saw him. A tall man with black curly hair. He wasn't someone I could easily describe. He wasn't handsome nor ugly. And yet he wasn't average looking either. Somehow, I'm not able to perceive him fully. The only other thing I was able to perceive other than his hair was his eyes. One of them was hidden by an eye patch. I unconsciously activate my [Mana Eyes]. What I saw with them made my knees weak. I almost collapsed there.

He had an uncountable amount of mana in his body. It wasn't just about the amount of it either. It wasn't the mana I use or Kairi has. It was something denser and purer. He narrowed his visible and maybe only eye at me.

"Three souls?"

I didn't understand what he said. I can't even focus on anything. I just feel like my own death is in front of me.

The mana around him became even more intense and it rushed at me. I braced myself and flared my own mana. It is quite crowded here but I'm ready to fight for my life.

"Oscar, you should try these?"


Right, she is still here! I have to protect her. I looked at her. She is unaware of the danger we are in. I have to make her go away before that one-eyed man attacks. I stand between her and him.


That guy is... leaving. He is just walking away. What? Is this some kind of a strategy to make me drop my guard?

"Be careful. I'm not going to kill you today. But there are people... beings lurking in the shadows."

I heard everything he said thanks to my enchanted hearing. He gave me advice instead of attacking me? What's happening?

"I think I saw someone I know. Can you wait for me for a few minutes? I will just check if he is the one I know?"

"Uh, yeah. Take your time."

"Thanks. I promise I will make it up to you."

I ran after him. I just experienced the fear of death. I still even have cold sweat on my back. But... what he said. It means there might be other people who are aware of magic. Heck, he is one of them.

Just in a minute, I reached an area with no one aside from the one-eyed guy. He stood there looking at me. Now that I took a good look at him, he is wearing a black leather jacket, a red sweatshirt inside, and black jeans.

"You are bolder than I thought."

"I need to learn everything I can. What do you mean by people or beings who are lurking in shadows? Are there also aware of magic? Are there others like me and you, who can use magic?"

"You are quite eager to learn. But learning the true side of the world is not something you can do easily. There are consequences. Once you learn, you can never go back. Are you ready for it, Oscar Williams?"

He knows my name. And the things he said... My life has some parts of it that still are normal and ordinary, right now. Should I... I will.

"I'm ready. I won't turn my back and have a life in the darkness without knowing anything."

"... Very well. I will answer some of your questions. But don't misunderstand, this is an investment. For your previous questions, there is a group of beings similar to humans. They are hiding in the shadows and watching over the world. They are aware of magic. You and I are nothing alike, at the moment. But you are one of a kind. A first of many who will follow in the upcoming times. I won't answer anymore. Let's what you can do with this information."

His body turned into a flock of crows and disappeared. The crows scattered in the sky. But damn... Is he like a fan of a famous clan killer ninja or something?

"That was amazing. Now I understand the characters whose paths cross with a mysterious mentor. But seriously, it sounded like a puzzle."


I retold everything to Kairi. She had a frown on her face. I can understand why. This all sounds crazy but it is indeed true.

"You said that his mana was anything like you ever saw. Even different than spirit mana."

"Yes. While talking I kept feeling the death looming over my head. And the amount of mana he has... it's just unbelievable."

"This is bad. I heard that the human world was peaceful. Why do powerful creatures keep popping out of everywhere?!"

She is having a crisis. Understandable. I had my own just after facing the one-eyed guy. While mentioning him, he said that I'm the first of many who will follow.

What am I, right now? A human? As far as I know, humans can't even see mana. Then did I turn into a spirit? Can our contract with Kairi cause this? I mean I'm able to cast magic and even shape mana instinctively like spirits. It still isn't at a large scale but it is still there.

I'm a human who can do magic like spirits and more. Does this make me half spirit? Nah, I don't think so. Then, should I name it something new? Do mages even exist? I don't know. But it's the term most fitting to me.

He said that I'm the first one. Can I trust that guy? He could kill me anytime without anyone noticing so why would he need to lie?

Then I will be "The First Mage On Earth" from now on. I think that's a cool title to have. Especially, according to the one-eyed guy, there will be many people who will follow my path. Maybe I should try to build my own guild of mages in the future.

"Oscar, we need to talk. There is a big threat in Daxhoull."