
The First King of Beasts

On a normal evening, a voice appeared out of no where to give an announcement all over the world, this same evening was also when Dustin was run over by a car while running way from thugs. Dustin however woke up unharmed, and learned that the world was about to go into ruins basically, and that some humans would be taken away in a few days as 'earth's warriors'. As it would turn out, on the D-day, Dustin is one of those that were taken. But, this might turn out to be an opportunity rather than a curse, as some night before this day, something interesting happened. [System activated] [Starting assimilation... Complete] [System online] [Congratulations player for being the first to awaken. Rewards will be given] . . . Author here! So, I have one thing to say. Things are not always what they seem, so don't be too quick to draw conclusions.

Killix_Kreed · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Missed Oppurtunity

Overall even though Dustin was growing in level, it still wasn't as much as he wanted. It may have seem a little greedy of him, but with the advantage he had, one would thing that he would do much better, at least as far as what he thought was concerned.

When Dustin got to the land of the dead, he immediately saw why it was called that. The place looked like the kind of forest where the creepy witch would live in an old Disney cartoon. The trees and vegetation were dead, and the entire place was filled with some kind of purple hue that would best be described as poison looking miasma.

It was quite clear where the problem came from, at least from a surface level, Dustin could quite clearly tell that the reason why the environment looked so depressing and lifeless was because of the miasma, and he could almost immediately tell that it played a huge factor in the deaths of those that went there before.

Nevertheless, Dustin proceeded.