
The first in the universe

Trichexa is a Beast of the Apocalypse that must destroy the world. He has no mind, pure instincts. But what if this creature gets the soul of an ordinary Russian guy? English is not my native language, so I used a translator. The fanfiction is completely mine, it can also be found on Russian sites from my nickname.

Sever161 · Eastern
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

- So, you have just listened and learned about the law of conservation of energy, and to consolidate the material, let's recall the definition. Who can answer the question? I asked, looking around the group of my students, whom I have been teaching for a week. Of course, she's not the only one I have all day full of lessons, sometimes they even give two groups, well, but it's just a joy for me. As I said, I have a great desire to teach, which was discovered completely by accident and I am extremely glad about it. It's nice when your knowledge can be passed on to someone. During my studies, I often tell some interesting facts and stories. Of course, they echo the objects, otherwise the children will simply lose the main idea. I spend most of my free time researching and preparing for the first step of my plan to treat people from cancer. I have already studied almost all the known medical literature and as soon as the cancer samples are handed over to me, I will start work. - Except for Petra and Anna, - the two girls reluctantly lowered their hands, which were raised immediately as soon as I asked the question. - Girls, I understand perfectly well that you know everything, but you need to let others distinguish themselves. Otherwise, I will have to throw out the magazine as unnecessary, I can keep track of your grades in my mind," I said with a small smile, to which the girls blushed a little.

"I can," Scott said confidently, already raising his hand.

"Go ahead," I nodded approvingly. He stood up to the interested glances of the others, because Summers very rarely boasted of his knowledge.

- This is a fundamental law of nature, established empirically and consisting in the fact that for an isolated physical system, a scalar physical quantity can be introduced, which is a function of the parameters of the system and called energy, which is conserved over time! - the guy finished and many of the class tried to suppress giggles, just because I didn't explain everything so complicated.

"Well, Scott, I see that you can read from a textbook perfectly well," I said with a chuckle. - I see that you have understood the full meaning of your words. Then please explain to me what the empirical pattern you mentioned is. I forgot something, I think you will understand me, there are a lot of lessons, everything is fine - I would not say that I was mocking him now, I just want to teach him a lesson. Most of the textbooks are written very smoothly and many words are difficult to understand, and the main goal of the teacher is to explain quickly, easily and clearly so that even the stupidest twofer does not have questions. Of course, this does not apply to all teachers.

- This... Uh-uh... - he began to rapidly leaf through the textbook in search of an answer and no one could hold back a smile at this.

"Okay," I sighed. - I will not mock you further. At least tell me honestly, did you listen or overlooked?

- The second, - the boy replied dejectedly, sitting down at his desk. The answer caused a wave of laughter.

- Ahem, - I attracted their attention, and the laughter immediately stopped. - And now I'll explain why Scott was both right and wrong at the same time. He is right, because what he read was absolutely the right answer, and he is wrong, because it is too difficult to understand and most likely it will be learned only by the nerds who do not understand this law and just learned it. My main goal is to explain everything simply and clearly, so I will repeat this law once again. The main principle of the law of conservation of energy is that energy cannot appear from nothing and disappear into nowhere, it can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed, so energy only takes on a different form, and its amount is preserved in time. Thus... - but my speech was interrupted by a call. - Well, the lessons are over for today, we will continue tomorrow. Thank you all for the lesson," having said that, I sat down at my own table to quickly finish with the magazine and continue my own business.

- May I see you?.. - Petra caught my attention by standing on the other side of the table and looking at the exit and waiting for everyone to leave the audience. - Trig, - a week ago, during our acquaintance, I asked in front of my own or in private to address simply by name and by "you". And, by the way, ours... The "get-togethers" continued almost every day, in which I already took a minimum of participation, but nevertheless, it seems that I was already used to this company. I occasionally answer or say something, but it doesn't seem to bother them. - I need your help with something...

"Let me guess," I continued for her when her silence dragged on a bit. "You've come up with something that will help you in your... "heroic" adventures," I replied with a slight hesitation. Her dream is somewhat... It was annoying. I have heard about these "heroes", as well as about the powers they possess. I would not say that this personally bothers me, in any case, no one on this planet can do anything, I have become too strong. But nevertheless, they scare ordinary people and even mutants and they are afraid of them. In fact, it's easy to understand, a person will see you as a hero and hope only at the moment of need, and after that the hero becomes the worst villain because of the power he possesses. The fear that someday, the hero who saved this world will decide to take it over. But they do not understand the main thing - by their actions, they launch these thoughts into the heads of "superheroes". Nevertheless, human logic is not well understood for me, and that's not why I'm here. I have my own logic, and it has long replaced all my feelings and emotions. Of course, I am not a cold machine that will follow the programs laid down, I have my own principles and motives that I follow and I am not going to do something above the necessary.

- How did you know!? - an obvious thought, but I didn't say anything. - I mean, yes, I created one thing and I want to improve it, but it seems to me that I'm missing something.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Xavier refused, McCoy refused, but Frost didn't, that's why you came to me," at that moment, I seemed to hear Petra's jaw drop to the floor from my words. But these thoughts are logical, I have been here recently and, in principle, few people know about my capabilities, especially in terms of creating some devices. And I was the last chance for the girl.

- yes! You're completely right! And I'm not even going to ask how you figured it out. Professor Xavier said that he would not allow his students to participate in any murky business, and I just want to help the city! My uncle used to say that the more power, the more responsibility, so I can't sit here idly! - the girl said with fire in her eyes, I even involuntarily admired the will of this girl, if I were the same... Well, everyone has their own way, only we build our own destiny. I hope this girl will not be disappointed in the people she so wants to save...

- I understand something about technology, so show me that thing, - the girl greeted my words with a huge smile and it seemed to me that she was ready to rush across the table to hug me, she was so happy now.

- Here! I call it a web shooter! She proudly took something that looked like a bracelet out of her pocket. - It can shoot cobwebs at medium distances and has quite good strength, thanks to which it can withstand a load of several hundred kilograms, - putting it on the table, I took it in my hand with interest and began to examine it.

- Hmm, it's a good design, - I praised it, everything is done quite conveniently here, and the web shooter itself should be light and easy to use. - Stainless steel metal, also a turbine component made of a Teflon block and two bearings made of amber and artificial sapphire... - it's very interesting how she was able to not only put it all in the right way, but also make this thing work.

- And I made the web based on the adhesive web that I bought in Oscorp, only I improved it. Significantly increased the elasticity that the web, in principle, can bend and then immediately return to its usual position! Well, I've already talked about durability," the girl finished shyly, losing confidence in a moment.

- That's it... What exactly do you need help with? What do you want to improve? - to be honest, I don't see many places that can be replaced. At most, change the Teflon block to a more powerful one, as well as replace artificial amber and sapphire with better analogues, and real ones.

- I have been struggling with the idea for more than a month now so that I can shoot a spider web at longer distances, after all, when flying with it, having a small range can be deplorable. Especially in New York, suddenly I will not reach the roof or release the web too late, the laws of physics have not been canceled! I'll break into a pancake, no super abilities will help here!

"You can't argue with that," I chuckled. Parker was smart enough to think it through, but she was still too innocent and young to realize that all her actions would be complete... useless. Saving people will only give her pain and problems in the end, no one will appreciate her actions, everyone will assume that if she has the strength, then she must. That's why I both sympathize with humanity and hate it. They are greedy and envious, greedy for power and money, but among all of them there are others, people who have devoted their whole lives to something more than their insignificant life. I was human, so I know what I'm talking about. - I have some thoughts on this. Only... Can you leave this web for me?

- Cartridges? Of course I can, but how much do you need?

- Two pieces will be enough.

- Then I'll run to my room now and we'll talk it over! Wait for me in the living room! She was already shouting the last words from the hallway, so quickly the girl ran away. Okay, it's time to get ready, I was somewhat attracted by this idea... Well, we'll have to move the study of the medicine a little bit, after all, sometimes we need to be distracted too. Closing the magazine and picking up the web shooter from the table, I locked the auditorium and went into the living room. Apparently, this evening we will spend just the two of us...


- Artificial sapphire and amber can be replaced, I think diamond and real sapphire, which are several times stronger than your stones, will be better suited, - I reasoned out loud.

- And metal particles can be embedded in the web! The girl exclaimed excitedly, but immediately "ouch" and sat back down. Petra and I have been discussing this project for only ten minutes, but everything was almost finished and all that remained was to combine it all.

- We need to find the right proportion... Although, I have an idea... - in my travels, I found metal that was very close to the ideal characteristics. It was light, but incredibly hard and durable, and also had excellent conductivity. But I left him in the everlost and... in principle, this way we can test the theory that the everlost is one for all worlds. "Go to bed, and I'll do the rest." I have to make it by tomorrow morning.

"Well, Three-and-Ig," the girl stretched out the phrase as best she could and looked at me with puppy eyes, but I was adamant. - Okay, I get it. I leave everything in your hands," she got up from the sofa and, after taking one last look, went upstairs. I made a mistake, she turned slightly on the stairs and looked this time, exactly for the last time.

- Well... It's been a while since I've used teleportation... I said to myself with a small grin.

Closing my eyes for a second and opening them, I was already on the other side of this world, completely lifeless and quiet. And why was the Office so eager for this place? I guess I'll never understand. And now it's time to go on a search. During our travels with Dream, we explored the Interworld thoroughly and even tried to make a map, because we were moving in this dimension, and were not frozen, so I still remember the map with our notes. Let this map exist only in our heads. And I never hoped to use this indestructible metal anymore, so I left it in this empty place. After spending some time, I finally found myself in the right place and began to look around for metal. And the piece of this metal was far from small, about the size of the moon. After all, I have been painstakingly collecting this metal all over the galaxy for a long time, I will not swing at the universe, but I have bypassed far from a few territories. And in the end, I did find it, although the piece of metal was much smaller than I remembered it. Apparently, Red used it too. And my theory was completely confirmed... The interworld is the same for everyone. I would not say that this changes a lot, it's just that our meeting with my daughters can happen at any moment if they are here at the same time as me. And such coincidences take place.

Tearing off a small piece weighing a hundred kilograms, I immediately left the interworld, finding myself somewhere in the vastness of the galaxy. Yes... That's right, I can't go back to the same place using my teleportation. As I said, it is only needed to enter and exit the everlost. Okay, this isn't the first time I've searched for Land...