
The first in the universe

Trichexa is a Beast of the Apocalypse that must destroy the world. He has no mind, pure instincts. But what if this creature gets the soul of an ordinary Russian guy? English is not my native language, so I used a translator. The fanfiction is completely mine, it can also be found on Russian sites from my nickname.

Sever161 · Eastern
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

- Leave this world? The Office asked and furrowed her brows.

- To leave through the Interworld, you remember what I said about tunnels that lead to other universes? - yes... At that time, I was seriously engaged in exploring this incomprehensible space, trying to understand the connection between this place and the same cosmos. There were so many discoveries that I did not even immediately believe it. Namely, that this place was a guide to other worlds. Actually, that's why I called it the Everlost. - Look, when you use the tunnel to go to another world, you find yourself in another universe. This can be called a hypertunnel, as in space. I said that it is impossible to choose the world or the coordinate where you will find yourself, but you can go back just by teleporting to the Interworld. The interworld space is one for all worlds, it connects everything with "threads", those very worlds. Whatever world you're in, you can go back to yours. The original world is like a beacon for the soul to sail to. But this is only available to really strong beings who can teleport in space, if you are not prepared or too weak, you will get lost between worlds and you will not find your original one. For example, did you know that there are parallel worlds? Where everything is completely different. Where can I be the mad Beast that destroyed the world, or will you be mad? I see that you guessed about this, but still, I told you a lot about this place - as the only inhabitant, of course. Neither I nor the Red Everlost was interested in a place to live, just to explore and understand everything.

- I.'s office... Trihexa, - appeared from the void Red in his full height and in dragon form. His voice was loud and broke into a growl.

"You weren't in a hurry," I said.

"It was necessary," he snorted. - You know why yourself.

- Did you help the Bible? Or was he just using it?

- He wanted to get more power and opportunities to use it. Who forced him to attempt a piece of pie that he couldn't swallow?

- Seals. How did you make them? - this is probably the main question. I don't really like that there are restraining seals inside me. And I couldn't break them, and there was enough time for that. Their structure is... strange. Not like the others. If earlier the seals were made of one or two lines of different magical symbols, then there were six lines of them, which change after a while. I don't understand how he achieved this at all!

- I will say only one thing - it was almost impossible. I spent millions of years just to create the first three lines and almost a billion more so that they could replace each other after a certain amount of time. I think you would have finished this job faster, Father, - Father? Red rarely called me that, only at the very beginning, when I was teaching them everything.

"And all for the sake of my dream..." I said with a sigh. - You knew that I would decide to leave this world. You realized this at the very moment when I made an unprecedented discovery - a journey through the worlds through the "threads".

- You've always suffered from loneliness, even with us, you didn't feel like you were with your family. And I can understand how difficult it is to be the father of superpowered entities capable of changing this world. We didn't need care and compassion, we didn't know what kindness was, but you didn't leave us then. Literally empty, uneducated and young creatures who did not know the laws of the universe and played with this world as if with soulless dolls. You have hammered into our heads the importance of life, as well as the fact that you need to fight to be happy. That's why, Father, I decided to help you with all my might and found a way out that you wouldn't even think about without all this.

- The son... - I called him that even less often, only a couple of times when Red made me proud, when he did and thought about what I couldn't. And now, he surprised me again. - You're doing great. And you, the Office, too," I said with a smile and stroked the girl on her black top. - I am proud of you, my children, - I would stroke the Red One, but he is in a huge form of a dragon... After a short moment, the human form of Red appeared in front of me in the form of a girl with red hair. Come on... I thought that at least Red should have remained in the male form.

"Already a daughter," Dream said with a small grin. Well, it's not a feminine dream for nothing.

- Come here, daughter, - at the same time as hugging my daughters, I was looking at different worlds on theirs... Some excellent characterization. I wanted to find a world that would have a small time difference, for example ten to one. That is, ten years pass here, and there is only one year. I think that's enough time for me. - Even if you could not become my family the way I would like, but you are still dear to me, - after kissing each on the top of their heads, I released them from my own embrace and was ready to leave this world.

- You'll be back. For us, a couple hundred years is like one sneeze. But whether you come back alone or with someone else is completely up to you.

"Am I... going to miss you?" - the Office said in a strange tone, as if she did not understand what she was feeling right now.

- I'll see you soon. I won't say goodbye, there's no point in that, - smiling at the two of them for the last time, I went to the thread that was blinking a little strangely. I wonder what that would be for..


I used to have theories about what would happen when passing through the hypertunnel in the Interworld, but I did not expect to see literally a whirlpool of different energies. Which seemed to lead somewhere, but at the same time, it was endless. While I was there, I was able to explore some part of this space and, in principle, understand it. It's a bridge. Unusual, but a bridge. It works, as I understood from the outside. Someone constantly supports the "threads" with the energy of space and time. I do not know who is doing this, perhaps it is not a living being at all, but just a reactor that is constantly replenished due to dying worlds. It is possible, of course, that this is all produced by some kind of creature... But thinking about it doesn't bode well.

And behind my thoughts, I didn't even notice how I ended up in space. Moreover, it was so abrupt that even my perception ignored it and information suddenly flowed into my head. In this world... An incredible number of creatures, there are just a staggering number of them here, more than a trillion. My consciousness easily coped with this and after a couple of moments, I could narrow or even turn off perception. And so am I... Do I feel their emotions? No, it's not like that... Do I feel their fear?

It's a strange feeling, of course. Nevertheless, it's not worth getting distracted now, you can figure out these abilities later, but now you need to understand how far away from Earth I was. And it didn't take long to find out, in principle, the galaxy, as I think, should be identical to mine, apart from small and not small differences. For example, some planet may not exist, in principle, even the Earth itself may now be destroyed. As it turned out later, I was not so far from her, just near Aldebaran. It is amazing that I found myself in the Milky Way Galaxy, and even if not near the Earth, but at a fairly close distance. Is it possible that the bridge has some kind of pseudo-intelligence that takes into account the wishes of the "client"? Hmm, unlikely. The approach is too personal. I think that the percentage of my getting here is less than one. I'm lucky, what else can I say.

"Hmm, a magical barrier of concealment?" I said as soon as I got closer to the Ground. Someone decided to hide the planet, but the choice of who did it here is not too great. Magicians, Gods, Angels and Demons. It's not a very long list, but I count all those who possess various types of energy as magicians. I don't see the point in dividing them. Nevertheless, I understand why this barrier was put up, this galaxy is overflowing with life, and I am analyzing a new force with several streams of consciousness. I used to feel something like this, but it was weakly expressed, it seems that there are too few living beings, and now I have revealed another of my abilities. I can feel living beings. You can call it that... with X-ray vision, because I see through all objects, and I literally look into the soul, from where this fear comes from.

While I was thinking, a ring of fire appeared a little to the side, on the other side of which a temple and a bald woman appeared, who stepped through the ring and was already near me.

"A magician," I nodded to her. It seems that the defender of the Earth and perhaps she put up this barrier. However, I still feel one barrier, more serious and stronger, therefore it is hidden, much better. The hand of God is already visible here.

- Who are you and why did you come here? - flying closer, the girl said.

- Call me... Trig," I said with a slight hesitation. "I think we've already met, Ancient One-I certainly don't have full resistance or immunity to the power of time, but that doesn't mean I won't remember what was supposed to happen. - yes... It's amazing that we're meeting for the one thousand three hundred and seventy-second time.

- How difficult it is with you, - sighing and massaging her temple, she said. "I already know why you're here, where you're from, and why.

- If you know, why are you restarting the conversation? Are you expecting something different? - for all the time, I didn't touch her or kill her, she just rewound time in the hope of a different conversation.

- I just don't trust you. It is difficult to control entities of your level, using the example of Dormammu, I think it will be clear - she has already talked about him. Some kind of trash from another dimension that lives about as long as I do. "That's enough," she said, closing the amulet that was on her chest and glowed green. I feel incredible power from him, I have never seen such concentrated energy before.

"I came here in peace. It doesn't matter how many times I've said it. You can think of me as a monster, like many others, I don't think the stories about me vary too much here.

- Yes, I've read everything I could find about you. The conclusion was far from comforting, the title "Death of the World" is not given for beautiful eyes.

- That's not the point. You have the power of time, it's just that the moment has not come when you have to trust me - it's too easy. I can calculate this with my eyes closed, which I basically did. What's the point of her not trusting me if she has the power of time and knows the outcome?

"Hmm," was all she could say. - This conversation shouldn't have happened. Usually, I would ask about your intentions and the meaning of moving into this world. As you said the first time... "I came here to find what is important to me." And it was only a few attempts ago that I was able to figure out exactly what was important to you. Sometimes it's hard to understand you.

- I do not argue, I do not often communicate with people. I usually speak honestly and bluntly, but people are used to looking for a trick everywhere. This is not a bad thing, because you have adapted to your own realities, which are far from rosy. As they say... If you want to live, know how to spin. And about the conversation itself... I also have a memory of my past. Our conversations were kind of fleeting, after which you rewound time. And I always asked different questions.

- I tried to understand you, and to find the necessary information. It's good that you don't have evil intentions, but there will be something in the future that will make you change your views. However, let's go to my temple. I will teach you the main things in this world, geography, languages, and then you will leave.

- Well, that's a good offer. I agree," nodding her head, the Ancient One created a circle of fire from which the temple could be seen and we entered it.