
The First Gravity Mage

Follow the story of 14 year old Ryan Lowells that will have to face the world unprepared. He is not overly talented or extremely smart, but he is more intelligent than the average at person. The only help he will have is snippet of memories from a person on earth, as he rank up and get stronger he will be able to receive more memories. He will have to learn how to use an unknown element that no one in his world had before. With no preset spells or martial skills already made with his element, he will be forced to become more creative to find ways use his element and create his own spells. As he struggles to progress his power in a world where power is survival, he will face many challenges. As simple as knowing who your true friends are or just wanting love, to fighting for a chance to keep his world alive. A unknown power will periodically transfer any living being that had entered a dungeon before to another world. With the only objective is to survive and there are more than one world that is suffering from the dungeons. Why did Dungeons appear. What is the reason to give them power. Why did a unique person gave him his memories. Are you truly free in a world where you only left with no choice but to do what someone else want. What will happen when you lose most of what you are fighting for but not everything. Will you continue to fight for what you have left or focus on revenge and disregard what you have left. (I won't ever be locking any chapters, the app price things way to high. I Want to try to build a fan base. First time writing, probably will make mistakes. I can only get better, so feel free to let me know the problems in my writing.)

Dynaxty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

19 Black Hawk down fall part 4

When Ryan and Daymon heard the yell they knew instantly that it was there dad.

It was still smoky until people start blowing the smoke from there area.

Every one look like they took some damage from the explosion even the faction leader took damage but not much. He was prepared for it to happen, he had a card up his sleeve to help him reduce the damage.

Drake paid no one else any mind and started digging for his wife but it was as if the sound of rocks he pick up and throw to the side started a chain reaction. A bunch of people from the black Hawk faction came rushing into the fight.

The faction leader explosion was the signal to attack the weakened enemies. It was like a battle roayil from how many different faction came jumping into the fight from the surrounding.

While they came rushing in the advanced mage that was fighting Ryan dad  before came rushing in too.

Seeing him in that state, he know this the best time to attack. There was no telling if he still would want revenge in the future.

Better to pull out roots now since he have the perfect opportunity to. With those thoughts running in his mind he flew down attacking drake.

Drake abandon looking for his wife, his eyes literally spitting fire as he flew up to meet him in the middle. He didn't want the flauntuation from the battle to affect the area. He was planing on using  spells at full power to end the fight as fast as possible.

Ryan and daymon still in a ice barrier watching all of this take place. Daymon clenched his fist seeing his dad having to stop looking for mom knowing she probably seriously injured.

He already realized why she couldn't protect herself like everyone else. His hand subconsciously reach for the necklace around his neck. He knows it will be risky to look for her, but he must do it no matter what.

He look back at Ryan and gave him the ring and talisman that there dad gave him.

"If I don't come back and you in danger use it, i have to find mom. She probably seriously injured."

Not remembering the necklace is important to give to Ryan too so they could find him later. If he teleport by himself, it will be hard to find him.

Daymon didn't waste no time for his little brother to respond and  mipulate the barrier so the debri won't fall on Ryan. Daymon jump down to where his dad was looking.

Few moments ago.

As Ryan see his dad having to rush off, he still in shock trying to process what had happened. The ringing in his ear from the explosion, pain in dad voice yelling for his mom, mom being no where in sight, dad digging through the debris, and the look of worry in Daymon eyes.

Ryan just stayed looking froze trying to interpret everything and being to afraid to believe what this could all mean. He refuse to complete the thought of everything that just happened

Ryan got temporally distracted from his thoughts, noticing Daymon stuffing something in his hand.

Barely hearing Daymon saying something before jumping down to where his dad was just at. Ryan wasn't paying enough attention to know what he was saying but from what he gave him he had an idea what he probably said.

He wanted to say something back before he left but nothing came to mind. He just stood there with his mouth slightly open as tears fell down his face.

Looking at his brother searching, part of him thought to help but deep down he knew why he was only thinking of doing it and not actually doing it.

To weak, can't even jump down without getting hurt. Even if i do go down do i even have enough strength to move the rocks around. The whole building came falling on top of everyone.

Any stray attack from the mages above could hit me or even hit near me, and i would be in trouble. I'm just be more of a burden then help.

While everyone fighting no one came to fight the Bloodfall family member and faction leader.

They just floated in the air looking at each other until Bloodfall family member said "This was your plan? Did you really expect the explosion to kill anyone or even severely injured anyone.


And shoot towards the faction leader. The faction leader didn't dare to sit still. He use the rest of his strength to fly away from him as He pulled out the artifact and said.

" I was never expecting to win this fight I just wanted to find out all my enemies that's in the dark."

He never told anyone that the artifact had another skill other than teleporting and that is it space collapse. He was always planning on using the space collapse skill to break the sealed space.

As he used space collapse with the artifact the Bloodfall family member had sense the danger and stop before he ran into the space.

Cracks start appearing on the space around the faction leader. The cracks start expanding and the amount it's expanding at even caught the faction leader by surprise.

He had never used the skill before and don't have any real control over it. Just like the teleporting skill.

That is why he chose not to use the teleporting skill because he could get teleported literally anywhere on or even maybe off the planet.

The Bloodfall family member kept backing up. Eventually other mages fighting noticed the space cracks too. Everyone slowly stop fighting and move back watching the space.

It was was like a large piece of glass that about to shattered showing more and more crack lines. Not knowing the exact moment before it shattered.

Ryan noticed the space cracks to late, now he have no way to avoid it if it keep expanding. The battle field went real silence until you heard a loud wind suction sound than all the pieces of space got suck into the cracks while sucking up everything near it into the void.

The cracks near Ryan try to suck him up too, so he had no choice but to use the teleportation talisman.

The faction leader couldn't get back control of the artifact before he got suck into the void. He being a space element mage, there a high chance of him surviving.

Just before all the cracks in space healed, the legendary artifact got suck in too.