
The First Friend of God

A Teenage Boy Plucked from Existence by the Only Son of Chaos The boy was just like your Average Otaku wanting nothing more than to go to different Fictional Worlds, Read as he Gets his Chance. This is Wish-Fulfilment, Sorry I know not many Enjoy it This is also just something to pass the time for me. Most of the Worlds the OC goes to will follow the Cannon plot at least mostly however there will be his own challenges and adventures laced within. There is no instance where the OC will be Reincarnated as the Protagonist of said World. The OC will not carryover anything from previous Universe's after he travels to a new one Not my Original Picture

Venezuela_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7: First Demon Spirit

Nie Li used his limited soul power to pierce through Chen Soren's massive amount of soul power pressuring him. He even got as far as seeing Sorens Dantian from far away but that is when his soul power ran out. Soren withdrew his soul power from Nie Li who had a downtrodden expression and said "You did make it pretty far, become my follower, I'll be your backer while you tell me what you learned after the cities fall."

Nie Li is the incredible show off declines in a very rude manner before returning to his friends and begins hunting Horned Sheep on the training grounds.

After Nie Li leaves Soren manifests the Temporal Demon Spirit Book and feeds it countless Gold Spiritual Essences so it gains some of its power back and in turn, allows him to enter the Temporal Space for a time, He scans all the books inside into the LOHP with a smile on his face.

Soren spends the next few days waiting for the Deity of Death's inheritance to open and relaxing in moderate luxury. He also observes Nie Li a few times during his rush to get money and buy soul crystals to learn the soul form and attributes of him and his friends.

Soren's Clone observing the Deity of Death's inheritance sees new words in the air after the counter was completely filled and he is speechless "So someone finally opened my inheritance, Interesting. I wonder if the Death Dao's new monarch will be able to kill that wretched Demon Beast that slaughtered the human deities so long ago. Good Luck Inheritor."

The Glass Material blocking access to the artifacts shattered after Soren read that text, Soren's clones quickly take the two artifacts and place them inside the Inventory allowing for the real Soren to start looking at them.

[Death Stone]

A Stone that houses an endless black hole originating from the center

An Ancient Divine Item

- Death Essence

- Monarch of Death

- Death Steal

[Philosopher's Ring]

A Ring made by the Divine Saint 2 generations Prior, before being passed down to the Saints family in hopes of them creating another saint in the future. The Ring was stolen from the family, but the seal that bound the ring to only be used by that family was far too strong for anyone to use it, so the ring was passed around the underworld for a time. Eventually coming into the hands of Hai Huye incredible prodigy of the Hai Clan, The seal was broken, but in the process, the ring got launched through space and eventually fell into the Draconic Ruins Realm where a Young Deity found it and used it until someone he could not handle killed him and the Ring was sealed away in his Inheritance.

The Ring is currently trying to produce Divine Energy and has very little stored due to the seal being powered by the ring's energy production.

- Nearly Endless Space inside

- Duplication

- Divine Source

Soren was beyond stunned by seeing this Divine Artifact and immediately tested how the Duplication worked, It required him to input either his own energy or Spiritual Stones, and when he obtains some, divine fragments which are basically spiritual stones for divine energy. In return for the energy he provides, it can duplicate anything in existence, including the Temporal Demon Spirit Book another artifact on the same level as the ring.

Soren was ecstatic at this new item, the first thing he did was use the Duplication ability to get a sense of how costly it was to actually duplicate things, after his testing he concluded, that it was CHEAP. Currently, with his massive amount of Golden Spiritual Essence that grew continuously every month, Soren could duplicate anything in his possession except the Temporal Demon Spirit Book due to the fact that it was a requirement to have at least 1/5th of the energy be Divine Energy when duplicating Divine Saint Artifacts.

Just using his own Soul Power Soren could duplicate several things on his own and it was fantastic, Demon Spirits, Weapons, Formations, Inscription Patterns. All without wasting anything except some time to recover his Soul Power.

The Next order of business was using some of the minimal divine energy the Ring has regenerated to bring out the full effects and Divine Energy production to the Royal Lifeblood Tree. Soren sent the wisp into the tree and something incredibly beautiful bloomed immediately from the lowest branch of the tree, A Large Red Fruit grew continuously until it fell from the tree and broke open to reveal an Incredibly beautiful young man. The Young Man appeared to be the same age as a human 10-year-old, He was very disoriented due to just being born and no one around him as he is the first of his lineage.

Soren being prepared for this immediately sent him into the Temporal Demon Spirit Book and followed right behind him, Soren spent a month inside the Temporal Space teaching the young man about all kinds of common knowledge, cultivation, his origins, and everything he needed to know. Soren also tested the boy's Spiritual Roots as he is going to be cultivating Spiritual Energy from the start as he was born in the Heavenly Axis Realm. The Boy possessed an unheard-of talent for the Draconic Ruins Realm, but that was just average inside the Divine Realm he would go to eventually, Grade 2 White Roots.

Spiritual Roots were graded on a large scale, Grade 1-9 Man, Spiritual, Earth, and Heaven. Then the Heaven Roots gained a Color multiplying their effect many times Grade 1-3, Black and White. The Roots would then go into a more diverse color spectrum all having 1 grade, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Platinum, and the apex being Crystal. In the History of the record, there has only been 1 being with Crystal Roots, The Only being to break through Divine Saint and become the Heavens. the first 5 generations after him all possessed Platinum Roots and there have only been 15 people with Platinum Roots in the Divine Realms records. It gets progressively more common as you move into Diamond and Gold as that is the standard for Geniuses and Monsters in the current Divine Realm.

Soren after educating Theoden, The Young Elf-Man sent him back into the Life Ring to watch over his kin and educate them all as they are born, Even giving him the countless notes he used when teaching Theoden, He also told Theoden that he would come and visit him once a month at which time he would give the newborn elf a Cultivation Technique of their own.

Spending a month inside the Temporal Space used all of the built-up time so Soren had to wait for it to build up Temporal Energy once more. Soren had yet to bind a Demon Spirit to himself even though he is in the Gold Rank because he was waiting to get the Improved Nightmare Demon Pot and after finding out about a Divine Artifact it got pushed to the back of his mind.

Using the Ancient Bloodline Demon Spirit Voucher he obtained from his Side Quest Soren chose to get something a bit strange considering his soul form, an Ancient Soul Asura. Something so feared in Ancient Times that even Primordial Bloodline Beasts would be wary of them was due to their ability to directly attack the Soul of their opponents bypassing most of their soul defenses, This Ability was so feared due to the beast itself being a descendant of the Asura race.

Soren smiled while putting the Demon Spirit inside the Philosopher's Ring and duplicating it hundreds, not thousands of times before placing them into the Improved Nightmare Demon Pot, The next day he woke up and absorbed the Ancient Mutated Soul Asura Spirit.

At School today Nie Li and his friends did not have to stand in the back of the class due to observers from the academy watching over the class to evaluate Shen Xiu. Soren just sighed and sat next to Xiao Ning'er and flirted with her a little bit while Shen Xiu got a bit upset about me not paying attention, She also knew that if she tried to humiliate me I would know the correct answer to the question.

Shen Xiu then spots Nie Li sleeping in her class, Enraged she tries to humiliate him only for him to also answer the question and despite feeling Sorens gaze on his back he exposed the Sacred Families of copying the Sacred Fire Inscription Pattern. "Nie LI!! You Dare to sleep in my class... You Must know everything already... Tell me About this Inscription here on the board."

"A Low-level Fire-type inscription pattern in the low-mid bronze rank, made from 38 foundation inscriptions, Oh??? Teacher Shen Xiu I didn't realize you have learned from the Book of Divine Lightning Fire." Nie Li exposed the Sacred Family catching the attention of the elders watching over the class.

Shen Xiu is ignorant that Nie Li is actually correct and tried to reprimand him when the Elders and another student brought out the book and exposed the truth making Shen Xiu nearly lose her mind as well as the Sacred Family become a Laughing stock for quite some time.

The Elders give Nie Li a position working in the school's Library to give him at least some backing from the Sacred Families' retaliation. Over the last week, Nie Li had also earned enough money for Soul Crystals to test him and his friend's Soul Forms and Attributes. He was quite surprised by their decent talent that would be hindered by the wrong techniques.

After school, the next day was when Nie Li's job working in the library began. Entering the Library he brought his friends to one of the tables in the library and tested their Soul Forms and Attributes. Du Ze, possessing the Heavenly Thundercloud form and Lightning-Fire attributes is actually quite talented, Lu Piao had a very rare Chaos Attribute and the common Scarlet Sun form, and Nie Li himself possessed no soul form something incredibly common but also housing latent potential in being able to practice different techniques to perfection, He also possessed no attributes.

Nie Li sighs and gives everyone a Cultivation Technique of their own far stronger than anything in the City except for Soren's family and Xiao Ning'er, These new Cultivation Techniques allowed one to reach the Emperor Realm and Nie Li's own Heavenly God Technique would allow him to reach the Supreme Realm before having to find a way to forge his Divine Body.

The group cultivated in the library for the day all had a massive growth in their soul power, Du Ze even coming close to breaking into Bronze rank. As everyone was leaving Nie Li spotted Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun looking through a few books, most notable and what Nie Li used as an Ice breaker, the Book of Divine Lightning-Fire. "The Book of Divine Lightning-Fire is written in the language of the Snow Wind Empire and is difficult to translate, However, if you first understand the Black Gold Empires language it becomes far easier to understand."

Ye Ziyun looked at Nie Li curiously while thinking 'I wonder how he gathered so much knowledge at such a young age... Monsters appear one after another I guess.' Nie Li then continues speaking with her even exposing some of his previous knowledge of her Soul Attributes tested by her family's secret technique. Trying to get as far as possible and become at least acknowledged in her eyes Nie Li offers to test her Soul Form. "Your family probably tested your attributes as a child, But they never knew to look for the Form of a Soul did they? I could show you you're if you are willing. Depending on the Soul Form even if you are using the correct Attribute technique it could still hamper your cultivation. It is just a simple test requiring you to test your soul power with an unused soul crystal."

Ye Ziyun still denied him as she is spending time with her childhood friend looking for information on a few broken inscription patterns from her family, all Nie Li said in return as he walked away was "I will be here tomorrow after class if you change your mind."

The next day Xiao Ning'er speaks with Soren in class about what happened in the library yesterday but to her surprise, he just chuckled a bit and said "He is trying his hardest to gain her affection, Best of luck. To actually use a lure like a Soul Form is interesting, You want to see you're own Ning'er?"

Xiao Ning'er had to admit that she is curious after hearing what Nie Li said yesterday and Soren's reaction today so she agreed, Soren pulled out a Soul Crystal and tested her soul form while sitting in class, After seeing the Winged Dragon with the attributes of Wind Lightning he was surprised as that form was so rare in the draconic ruins realm it even held its own in the Divine realm. Soren then explained to her the benefits and particularities of the Soul Form and Attribute for a while.

Soren then asked, "Ning'er, You guys were looking for information on a few bronze rank inscription scrolls right, I'll look at them for no charge if you would like."

Smiling Xiao Ning'er replied "Sure, let me talk to Ziyun after class, ill meet you in the library. hehe, I think Nie Li is winning over Ye Ziyun faster than she knows."