

Meet Lillian, a warewolf without a wolf. Being bullied by the pack was a normal thing for her, she was quite used to it. However, Lillian's pack was destroyed by a group of armed men with a specific goal in mind. After the whole ordeal, she was forcefully taken by the armed men and was forced to become a mercenary. Training to become one of the best and to attain the highest rank in the group, Lillian faced numerous challenges but she was troubled by the unknown mystery of the laboratory. There were several laboratories in each faction of the group, but none of them were allowed to enter. Why? What were they hiding? Other warewolf packs were cleared and Lilian feels like it's linked to that laboratory. Just who is the master mind behind the clearing of packs and what is their motive? Why were they killing the Alpha, the Luna and even their offsprings? Why did they clear the entire pack? She believes it's linked to the laboratory but in which way? What does the laboratory has to do with the clearing of warewolf packs? Disturbed by the recurring dreams, Lilian decided to uncover the purpose of the laboratory. Maybe the moon goddess was trying to tell her something. Maybe she could find the mystery behind her parents mysterious death. Then, this journey is worth it.

Inkwhisperer001 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

She's hurt, I'm hurt too.

I gritted my teeth in pain as I walked out of the infirmary. With each step, my body ached, and I was on the verge of collapsing. My body swayed slightly as I walked through the hall. Weak and frustrated, I wanted to end it all. Just what is the purpose of my existence?

Each of my thoughts weighed heavily on my shoulders, drowning me in an endless abyss of sorrow.

Remembering Marissa's warm smile, I found slight comfort. Her voice was soft and soothing, like the melodious chirping of the birds. However, she seemed to dread this place a lot. Maybe she was forced to be here too.

"You!" Silas, the man with a deep scar, yelled angrily as he pointed at me. Hearing his voice, I turned my weak body and met his gaze. My eyes darkened as I recognized his face. Remembering how he and his group cleared my entire pack, I clenched my fists by my side and glared angrily at him.

Silas shivered under the intensity of my gaze but quickly composed himself. "Aren't you supposed to be training? You should be grateful the big boss took pity on you. Don't think you can get away with anything here," he sneered.

I raised my head and smiled coldly, "Fine, I'll train. Take me there."

"Follow me."

I followed him willingly, taking small breaks to check on my wound. Suddenly, Silas stopped in front of a huge door. "You're a newbie so you're under F class," he paused slightly and glanced at me, "If I were you, I would be obedient. If you resist, you would be sent to the laboratory."

Immediately, those words piqued my curiosity. "And what would they do to me?"

Silas's lips curled up in a smile; his eyes seemed chilly for a moment. He walked towards me, his face only an inch apart from mine, "Torture."

"Just torture?"

Disgusted, I raised my hands and pushed him slightly.

He approached the door and shoved me inside, slamming the door against my face. I stepped into the room, and the sound of a knife slashing through the air was heard. I ducked immediately, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. "I..."

"You're the new trainee, I guess," a young girl asked as she approached me, her hips swaying as she walked. "Thankfully, you dodged the knife. Many people die before they even start their training," she chuckled.

Stupefied, I slowly raised my head and glanced at her. I could still feel my heart in my throat. The knife was so fast; I would have died even if I was a second late.

Her lips curled up in a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "My name is Malia, under the S class. Welcome to the group."

In a dimly lit room, Alpha Theodore sat elegantly on a couch, his thin fingers wrapped around a cigarette, his sharp features hidden. "Kiera, leave at once," his voice was low and threatening, making her shiver slightly. She was invading his privacy, and he didn't quite like it.

However, Kiera seemed to be used to his cold threats. She slowly raised her head, her cherry lips curling up in a smile. Theodore's heart stopped for a moment as he was unable to take his eyes off her. His wolf, Kyle, was stirring his buried emotions, "Take her, she's our mate. Take her, she's all yours."

Theodore tried to calm his wolf down, but it seemed impossible. If Kiera's smile alone could drive his wolf insane, how would it feel to be inside her? However, he pushed his thoughts aside and composed himself. "Get out. I don't want to see you."

Stunned, Kiera approached him, "Alpha, I..."

"I said get out!" He yelled angrily, startling her and himself. Just how angry was he?

Kiera fought back her tears as she glanced at Theodore, her alpha and her first love. Ever since the day he saved her, he stole a part of her heart.

He seemed hurt, like he was carrying the trouble of the whole pack, and Kiera was willing to share his burden. It hurt her to see him work so hard every day, and in the night, fight with nightmares that would end up disrupting his sleep. Even if he was handsome and charming, one could tell from his dark eye bags that he has trouble sleeping. He seems to be in so much pain each night he wakes up from his nightmare.

Kiera bowed slightly, even with the aching pain in her heart, "Yes Alpha, I'll leave." Her voice was laced with sorrow and pain, and it hurt Theodore to see her that way. When she fought to keep in her tears, he felt like his heart was stabbed by a knife, but he averted his gaze from her, not wanting her to see his hurt look.