
The First Dream Ruler.

What would you do if you are reincarnated with OP powers and some very heavy tasks on your hands? You are reincarnated in a place where almost every world you go into will be from Mangas, Manhwas, Anime's, Comics, Games, etc. even the cartoons you used to watch and play as a child till now. Well, that is exactly what is happening in this story, just with some more spices with twist and turns. Though, be warned that our MC in not some goodie two shoes as he had known the evil of the world and done some evil in the world. Our MC is NOT going to be someone who goes around helping the protagonists of every world he goes to. He would plunder and steal their chances and might even kill them if need be. MC is cool, openminded, OP, Harem chasing, power seeking, and many other things, but he is neither a not a simp nor is he a coward. >CURRENT WORLD: High School of The Dead (Modified). >NEXT WORLD: Solo Leveling. ....................................... Hey guy's this is my first work and English is not my first language, so, there might be some mistakes in grammar. You can tell me about your view in the comments, and I will try to improve my work. ...................................... The cover photo is not mine it's taken from Pinterest, but if the owner has some problem with me using it, they can ask me to remove it on or mention their name on a DM. ...................................... https://discord.gg/m46f3zYZUq -> This is my discord server. I will keep you updated about next release of chapters there. ...................................... PLEASE LIKE AND DONATE POWER STONES.

Cosmic_Ceaser · Others
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38 Chs

CHAPTER 28 – Negotiation or looting? 1

"What do you mean by this?" Kohta asked while pointing the Haru's desert eagle at the guy who led them here.

Right now, their group is surrounded by 17 people including the 6 from before, 10 of them had guns that seemed to be stolen from some military caravan or a police station.

The people that were surrounding them were looking at them with clear hostility in their eyes while pointing their weapons at Haru's group.

The people who had guns were aiming the guns at them while the ones without guns were holding things like knives, baseball bats, hockey sticks, etc. However, Haru's group were not scared they also pointed their guns at their enemies ready to shoot when ordered.

"Oh, you mean this?" The Russian mafia look-alike asked with a smile.

"You already know what I am talking about," Kohta said while he clenched the desert eagle harder.

He was not scared of fighting them, he knew that their enemy would be slaughtered if they were to fight each other.

What he was scared about was Haru, he knew Haru cared about his subordinates and if because of his mistake some of them were harmed then he might be implicated by Haru.

If Haru knew what Kohta was thinking, then he would simply say, 'You are thinking too much.'

Haru knew how capable every one of his group members was and if they were harmed by some low-level characters, then he might just blame them and start thinking of a training plan for them.

"Well, our boss is a cautious person, you see. So, please don't mind them." The cheap mimic of a Russian mafia replied to Kohta.

"…." Kohta looked at the guy for a while, and so did every other member of the group.

"Where is he then?" Kohta asked after a while, ignoring the weapons pointed at them.

"Hello," The guy then moved in front of Kohta and extended his hand.

"..." There was a long silence and the guy patiently waited for the handshake.

"You are the boss?" Kohta asked after a while and shook his hand.

"Boris Balakin, that's my name." The guy, Boris, said with a smile, it was then that Haru and Makoto realized why they found him familiar.

Haru just stayed silent like he had been from the start but the same can't be said for the latter.

"Ah, it's the 'Spinless Russian Cat'..." When Makoto blurred that Boris's smile broke for a second but then it returned like it never left his face.

"Did you say something?" Boris asked Makoto while everyone else also looked at him since everyone just heard a whisper and couldn't clearly understand.

"No, I just remembered someone." Makoto also realised his mistake, so he simply denied talking about it.

'Spinless Russian Cat' was Boris's nickname given to him by the Japanese people, as he is said to have run away from Russia and come to Japan to hide from a certain group of people.

Sometime later when he realised that that group was not chasing him anymore, he came out of hiding and made a new group in Japan, but he always ran away when he was caught in a fight, not caring a little about dignity even if he had to leave behind his gang members.

Haru and Makoto had also read his file, but they didn't pursue him, since he was just a harmless little duck, though now Haru was thinking that maybe he should have killed him before the apocalypse.

"So, what was the deal you were talking about?" Boris said after the little episode ended.

"I want something from the complex," Kohta replied without beating around the bushes, causing Boris's gang to clench their weapons ready to shoot any moment, but Boris raised his hand to stop them.

"What will I get?" Boris asked with a smile since it was a negotiation, and negotiations are always like that.

"We can provide you and your group better shelter, protection and an even better place to live," Kohta said knowing all too well that it would not be accepted but he still hoped they would accept it.

"Hey, are you here for negotiation or looting?" For the first time, Boris asked with a frown.

Why would he want to leave a place where he is the leader just to work under someone? But that's not all, he also has to give away his supplies for this.

"I am saying it for your own good," Kohta said while sighing inwardly. He knew that it would come to this, but he still didn't want to harm the one in front of him as they hadn't done anything bad till now.

The weapon aiming is not considered harmful it just means that they are wary of his group.

He also knew that if this were an anime then they would be the villains, but the world had changed, now everyone needs to become a villain in someone's story to live. 

No one noticed this but Haru had already gestured for Shizuka towards the tree that was just outside of the window and Shizuka was slowly moving the branches inside of the window.

"For our own good? We have the numbers here." Boris said while pointing at his men and then continued, "And you say it's for my own good?"


"...What do you want?" Kohta said after a short silence. He was testing what it was going to be, what kind of demand would he make?

"I will make it fair, so, if you leave the girls then we will let you take three days' worth of food for 10 people." He said with a smile, but this time his smile had become evil.

Haru's group realised what kind of people they were as the whole gang started laughing like hyenas when they heard their boss's words.

But then everyone in Haru's group turned towards Haru as they still vividly remember how angry he was at the last guy who just looked at the girls lecherously.

To their relief though, Haru was calmly standing there without making any movements, causing them to sigh unknowingly.

However, the group's action made Boris and his gag finally notice Haru's existence in the room and they were shocked at how they didn't notice him.

Looking at how his stealth was not needed anymore, Haru removed his stealth making everyone realise that he had been using some kind of skill and Boris became cautious of Haru.

Even though Haru was wearing a mask, his aura was still felt by everyone, but they calmed down after a while since they still had the upper hand. Haru was calm right now even when the guys were looking at the girls with anything but good intentions, but he didn't move.

After the last time, Haru had realised that he needed to be calm in these situations as all of his girls were beautiful and a lot of men would look at them with desire but he couldn't go killing every one of them, so, he had decided to categorize every man in three levels.

The first one was the case where the man stared at his girls and thought of doing things but never did anything, he would let them live. The second one was the case where men tried to do more than speak or think or, when he said 'tried' he meant tried not 'did', he would simply kill these men.

The last category was the one that somehow even touched his women or cursed at them, he would make them wish for death.

"If that's the case, then we don't want to trade," Kohta spoke gathering everyone's attention. The test for the group was not done yet, this was the last test, and their response would decide their fate.

Kohta and the group turned to leave after they said that, but the exit was blocked by Boris, who now had a thin evil smile plastered on his face and seeing this Kohta knew what it was going to be.



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