
The Start - 267

"There is no need for me to hide anything from you. I am at the god realm. Above the lesser dao creation realm is the inner world realm, and above the inner world realm is the god realm." Zhou Fan answered.

Everyone had suspicions about Zhou Fan's strength, but hearing him actually say it, they couldn't help but be stunned.

He was two entire realms above them! It was something they could not even comprehend.

"Once you reach the inner world realm, you can travel to any place within the three galaxy clusters, which I named the Zhou supercluster. At the god realm, traveling becomes much faster and easier. Of course, this is using me as an example. I'm not sure how much weaker you all would be compared to me back then." Zhou Fan added.

The others nodded at his words. As someone so powerful, it would be weird if he was the same as them.

"So how long did it take you to become so strong?" Another person asked.

"I lost track of time long ago. My breakthrough from the 4th level of the god realm to the 5th level took 250 million years. I assume that I've been alive for more than 600 million years, but who knows." Zhou Fan answered with a shrug.

A few more questions were asked, but none were as interesting as the others.

"Who were your parents?" Fairy Hong Yun asked after a while.

This question caused Zhou Fan to think. No matter how hard he thought, only two silhouettes popped up. Their faces were unclear and unimportant.

"Back when all life was mortal, I was born. My parents died when I was young. Even before everything began, I had gotten over their deaths. Now, I cannot remember them at all. Nor do I want to or need to." Zhou Fan said.

Others may care about their parents' lives, but Zhou Fan's parents had never really influenced him at all. Even when he was young, they mainly fed him and clothed him. At every other time, he was free to do whatever.

It was not an unusual situation then, and it isn't one now. Many people in the group agreed, especially those from the demonic faction.

As far as the demonic faction was concerned, only oneself mattered. In that aspect, Zhou Fan agreed.

"If you are so powerful, how come you can't remember them?" One of the people asked.

"Although my memory is powerful, I tend to eventually forget things deemed completely unimportant. Ever since I started cultivating, the number of times I thought of my parents could be counted on one hand. You all are powerful as well. Do you remember every single speck of dust you see?" Zhou Fan countered.

With his explanation, everyone understood.

"It's about time for the actual youth galactic assembly to begin. One more question and we will start." Zhou Fan said.

"Have you ever had a wife or lover? If so, what happened?" One person asked.

"No I have not. Let's go." Zhou Fan said before standing up.

Everyone looked in anger at the man who wasted the question.

Instead of asking about the secrets of the universe, he actually dared to ask such a stupid question. Without a doubt, he would be beaten up later.

As Zhou Fan got back on top of the stage, Heaven appeared next to him and everyone got quiet. 

"Next, the real youth galactic assembly will begin. In the same place you entered from, another door will appear. It will take you to a colosseum. Please enter the white door now." Zhou Fan said as he waved his hand, causing a white door that looked exactly like the last one to appear.

Without wasting time, everyone entered the white door. As they opened their eyes again, they found themselves in a colosseum stand.

All of the seats were white marble and there were two sections, a top and bottom row.

Without having to converse, the ten 10th level space shattering cultivators from the Zhou Galaxy, and most of the people from the Heaven galaxy went to the lower level. It still gave a perfect view.

Among those who came, only the 14 lesser dao creation realm cultivators from the Zhou galaxy, Tian Ren, and Bi Chong sat on the top row.

Although the row was big, there were only a hundred seats in equal distance from each other circling around the colosseum. 

Tian Ren and Bi Ching sat next to each other, although they were a distance away, and the 14 lesser dao creation realm cultivators did the same.

The colosseum was completely enclosed, and all of the walls were perfectly designed. The walls themselves were jade green, with multiple pillars reaching the jade ceiling.

At some places, there were also gold ornaments. The stage was a perfect square with a clear, but seeable barrier around it.

In between the stage and the seats was a lower section made with stone. It would be where those that were in the competition but were not currently fighting would stand and watch.

On one end of the oval shaped colosseum, a large platform stood. It was not where people would fight, but where people would enter the colosseum. It was hugging one of the colosseum walls.

After a moment of quiet, a white door similar to the one they entered through appeared. Out of it walked two people.

Fairy Hong Yun, and another woman in red, much younger in age.

Seeing Fairy Hong Yun appear, everyone looked over to where she had sat down. The once filled seat was now empty.

Even Fairy Hong Yun was confused for a moment, but she regained her wits and walked the person beside her out.

"The first contestant, the child of Fairy Hong Yun, Hong Yen!" A voice said from the sky.

It didn't seem to come from anyone's voice, and was somewhat robotic.

The requirements for being a youth in the competition was simple. Have great talent, and be under 1,000 years of age.

Hong Yen was 950 years old, but she was still considered young in the Zhou galaxy. She barely made it into the competition.