
Racists - 249

"I am the purest and strongest high elf alive. The kings of the kingdoms are about equal to me in strength, or were, and the emperor was stronger than us all." The high elf queen explained.

Zhou Fan nodded in response. Naturally, the elf bearing the elf races providence would be stronger than a high elf. 

Since the elf race on the elf planet is different from the other elves back in the Zhou galaxy, they would be considered different races, which meant that there would be two providences for two different elf races, although the high elves were still in the same category as the elves of the heaven galaxy.

"Now that it has been shown that I am a high elf, what happens next?" Zhou Fan asked.

He had been going with the flow since he got here, but he had no idea what the endpoint was.

"That's up to you. As a high elf, you can enjoy life inside the high elf domain without having to be near lesser elves. You can cultivate or enjoy the high elf domains attractions." She said.

Zhou Fan was confused by her words. Since he was restricting his divine sense, he had no idea if there was actually anything good in the high elf domain.

"What exactly is there?" Zhou Fan asked.

Hearing his question, the high elf queen put her hand on her chin and thought. "Well, since you are a high elf duke, I suppose I can give you a personal tour." 

After she spoke, she began to walk back through the way they came.

"First, I'll give you a badge. If you had a Citizen Id inside your arm, I could update it, but a badge is required regardless." She spoke as she walked back up the tunnel.

Zhou Fan followed behind her.

Before long, they entered the bar again. Silence took over the place until the high elf queen spoke.

"This is Zhou Fan. He is a high elf duke. Treat him worthy of his status." She exclaimed to the entire bar.

In an instant, everyone's gaze changed from suspicion and slight disgust to interest and astonishment.

"Wait here. I'll be back with the badge." The high elf queen said before walking off.

Zhou Fan looked around and it seemed that the entire bar was focused on him. Now, however, there were conversations going on.

Before Zhou Fan even attempted to listen in on what they were saying, an aged butler walked up to him. He was wearing a badge with a moon in the center and one purple star above it.

Using basic deduction, it could be assumed that he's a high elf commoner.

He spoke with a calm and experienced expression on his face, his head lowered and his eyebrows covering most of his eyes. "Good evening lord duke. It is an honor to meet you. Would you like to enter the vip section?"

Zhou Fan nodded while speaking. "Yes I would."

The old butler bowed before walking away. Zhou Fan assumed he was meant to follow him and did so.

On the same side of the bar as the entrance door was a stairway. It was on the left and went up into an arched frame with purple lights coming out of it.

The old butler went up those stairs and stopped right before going through the arch. He turned around and gestured for Zhou Fan to enter.

Zhou Fan nodded and entered. In front of him was a fairly long hallway. At some point, it seemed to turn to the left.

Zhou Fan briefly walked down the carpeted hallway until he reached the turn. He then entered the room in front of him.

In the room, he saw five couches, with only one having a person sitting on it. He was facing the wall to Zhou Fans' right that he could not see and chuckling.

As he saw Zhou Fan enter, he frowned for a second.

"Stop. Who allowed you to enter?"

"My name is Zhou Fan, a new high elf duke." Zhou Fan answered. "The elf queen is getting my badge right now."

"Oh." He said as his frown disappeared. "Hurry and come over before the show is over." He said while gesturing to the couches around him.

Zhou Fan walked in and sat on one of the couches before finally paying attention to the right wall. 

It was a wall of glass and behind it were two normal elves.

"I hope you don't mind the sight of blood." He said with a chuckle. "These two monkeys should make a good show."

Zhou Fan understood what was happening in an instant. Seeing the occasional trembles of the elves facing each other, it was even easier to understand.

The high elf duke, or whoever was managing the entertainment, had captured two elves and forced them to fight each other to the death.

'These guys sure are racist.' Zhou Fan said to himself before paying attention to the battle.

Although he wasn't a fan of what was happening, he didn't plan on stopping it. He was no enforcer of justice. As far as he was concerned, the two elves, as well as all of the high elves on the elf world, along with all the elves on the elf world, along with all the living beings in heavens galaxy, along with all the beings of the universe, would end up dying and turning to dust regardless of whether or not he saved them.

Only he would live forever.

Such an attitude had caused Zhou Fan to feel distant from everything happening. It was as if he was reading some sort of book.

'Whatever.' He said to himself as he watched the fight.

The two elves clearly were forced to fight, but they seemed to be going all out.

"This show is fairly rare. There are plenty of others, but you just so happened to come during the best one." The high elf duke spoke.

"By the way, my name is Richard. Nice to meet you Zhou." The high elf duke said casually.

Suddenly, from the dukes vision, he saw Zhou Fan head turning towards him slowly.

"What did you just say?" Zhou Fan asked.