
The first being who existed before any creation exist


Nazih_Nas · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Uniter of Worlds -ch Part 3

After successfully uniting the once-divided village, Abel and Seraphina continued their journey, venturing into uncharted territories filled with wonders and dangers alike. Along their path, rumors of a kidnapped princess reached their ears. Bandits had abducted the young royal, holding her captive in an ancient fortress hidden amidst the dense forests.

"I suppose saving a princess would fit the classic adventure tale," Abel mused, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Seraphina grinned, "True, but I doubt it will be as simple as a classic tale."

As they approached the fortress, Abel could sense the nefarious presence of the bandits lurking within. With his strength limited, they had to devise a plan that relied more on cunning than sheer power. Seraphina's agility and stealth proved to be invaluable as they stealthily made their way through the fortress.

The princess, Isabella, was sixteen years old, radiating a captivating beauty and grace that immediately caught Abel's eye. As he freed her from her confines, she looked at him with a mixture of gratitude and admiration. Little did she know that this mysterious adventurer was no ordinary hero.

"My brave saviors, thank you for rescuing me," Princess Isabella said with a hint of bashfulness.

Abel smiled, "It was our pleasure, Princess Isabella. Now, let us get you safely back to your kingdom."

As they returned to the kingdom, the news of the princess's rescue spread like wildfire. The king was overjoyed and invited the pair to the royal palace to express his gratitude personally. Upon their arrival, the king was taken aback by the enigmatic duo standing before him.

"You have my eternal gratitude for saving my daughter," the king said with utmost sincerity.

"We were happy to help, Your Majesty," Abel replied humbly.

Princess Isabella found herself drawn to Abel, captivated by his charm, wisdom, and the air of mystery that surrounded him. As they spent more time together, her admiration grew into something more, a budding infatuation that took her by surprise.

At a grand banquet held in their honor, Princess Isabella mustered the courage to approach Abel. "Thank you for saving me, Abel. You're unlike anyone I've ever met. You possess a kind of strength that goes beyond physical power."

Abel chuckled, "You have a keen eye, Princess Isabella. Strength comes in many forms, and sometimes, the most powerful abilities are the ones unseen."

Throughout the banquet, Princess Isabella's eyes never strayed from Abel, and he couldn't help but enjoy the attention. Aware of Seraphina's feelings for him, he decided to tease her just a little for fun.

"Seraphina, don't you think Princess Isabella's beauty is unrivaled in all the realms we've traveled?" he remarked casually.

Seraphina, who had been keeping a watchful eye on them, felt a pang of jealousy but quickly masked it with a smirk. "Indeed, she is beautiful, but you know, you're not so bad yourself."

Abel grinned, "Ah, flattery won't make me spare you from a little mischief."

As the night wore on, Princess Isabella's infatuation grew stronger, and she found herself irresistibly drawn to Abel's enigmatic charm. She confessed her feelings to him, which he accepted with playful amusement.

While the princess's feelings intrigued Abel, he knew that their paths were destined to diverge. After a few days at the palace, he gently let her down, explaining that he was merely a traveler on a quest and that his heart belonged to the adventures that lay ahead.

Despite her disappointment, Princess Isabella understood and respected his decision, cherishing the memories of their time together. And so, Abel and Seraphina bid farewell to the royal palace and continued their adventure, leaving behind a princess whose heart was forever touched by the mysterious traveler.

Throughout their journey, Seraphina's beauty had captivated many, but Abel saw her for more than just her physical appearance. He admired her determination, her loyalty, and her unwavering support, valuing her as an irreplaceable companion and friend.

To be continued...