
On the Hunt

Nightfall draped the forest in an eerie silence, broken only by the haunting wail of the wind. Trees swayed and groaned under the force of powerful gusts, their branches twisting and snapping in protest.

In a small crater, a dirt-streaked young boy with unruly orange hair and golden brown eyes sat crossed-legged. Resting about four feet in front of him was a massive green serpent, its girth spanning over three feet with a length of more than twelve.

Abruptly, the boy rose to his feet idly tracing circles on his belly. "Hey Emera, ready to head out and find some dinner? I'm famished," he exclaimed, looking up at the serpent.

Emera stirred, opening her eyes and uncoiling with a languid grace. "As you wish," she replied.

As Emera prepared to depart, a curious thought tugged at her mind. During the three days Oren spent resting here, she couldn't shake the strange sensation that enveloped him. It was as if he had tapped into a power that manipulated the very energies around them—the wind seemed to obey his slightest movements, and distant thunder echoed at his twitch. However, uncertain and perhaps even fearful, Emera kept her observations to herself.

"Shall we go, Oren?" Emera asked, her voice a soft murmur tinged with unspoken thoughts.

Oren nodded eagerly. "Yes, let's go!" he exclaimed, bounding to his feet.

Together, the unlikely duo ventured forth into the dark forest, guided by the allure of a hearty meal awaiting them beyond the shadows.

The serpent stirred, opening her eyes and uncoiling languidly. "Yes, Oren."

A smile tugged at Oren's lips upon hearing Emera's voice in his mind. "Which way are we headed?" he asked, stretching his limbs.

Emera lifted her gaze to the night sky. "First, we need to climb out of this hole."

Oren nodded attentively. "Alright, then what?"

"If we head east towards the mountains, we'll reach a nesting area teeming with prey. Perhaps we'll encounter other nocturnal hunters as well. Alternatively, if we head west toward the river, we'll find aquatic creatures, but... can you swim?"

Oren's expression turned sour. "Yes, I can swim, but I despise water!"

"Then east it is," Emera continued, a hint of amusement in her voice. "When we draw near, I'll sense resting beasts. You can strike and secure our meal—it should be within your capabilities."

Oren understood her implication. While Emera could subdue prey, facing creatures with unique elemental abilities or strange powers risked injury or lost meals. His instincts told him not to underestimate the forest's denizens; every creature wielded formidable defenses. What if Emera was hurt? Or worse, Oren pondered.

"Alright," Oren replied after a moment, his tone subdued. "I'm sorry for attacking you earlier. I have an aversion to reptilian creatures."

Emera regarded Oren with suspicion. "Had I not attacked you first, perhaps you wouldn't have retaliated. Besides, my lost fang has regrown in mere hours."

"Apology accepted," Oren said, a grin breaking through his solemn demeanor. He was, after all, just a child—quick to forgive and forget. "Let's go!"

In unison, they darted out of the crevice, racing eastward in blurs amid the trees and brush.

"How far to the mountains? I've never ventured far from this area," Oren admitted, trailing off as a shadow crossed his features.

"The mountains lie twenty miles east. Given our speed, we'll reach them in minutes," Emera replied. She sensed Oren's melancholy but opted not to pry further.

"So, Oren, what exactly are you? You possess extraordinary speed and strength for a young boy," Emera inquired, steering the conversation away from Oren's momentary lapse. He seemed far from ordinary; unlike most humans she encountered, he lacked a magical aura.

"I'm not sure," Oren murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "My father used to say I was special... before he... left."

Changing the subject, Oren asked, "What about you? How do you possess the ability to speak? I've lived in this forest my entire life but never encountered a talking creature."

Emera swelled with pride. "I am a fifth-generation descendant of the Venom Dragon lineage. Yet, it's peculiar—I've never conversed with humans until now. Perhaps I'm special too," she chuckled haughtily.

As they journeyed, their conversation flowed. Unbeknownst to them, their unlikely partnership blossomed into camaraderie.

Midway to the mountains, Emera halted abruptly.

"What is it?" Oren whispered cautiously, mirroring Emera's pause.

Emera's gaze darted, her senses honing in. "Can you hear that?"

Oren perked up, straining to listen.

"It sounds like... people!" Oren exclaimed, his eyes alight with excitement. "And a girl singing."

Oren explained his lack of human encounters, his home a secluded den built by his father for survival.

"Stay here. I'll investigate," Oren said, disappearing stealthily into the night.

From a lofty vantage point, Oren glimpsed two figures—likely women, judging by their silhouettes. Mesmerized by the girl's song, Oren returned swiftly to Emera's side.

"We need to leave," Emera urged urgently.

"Why?" Oren questioned.

"Trouble approaches—humans, and a dark beast," Emera replied, her voice tinged with fear. "They may be hunters or soldiers."

"Let's climb into the trees and observe," Oren suggested.

Swiftly, they ascended, perched among the branches.

"Oren, what did you see?" Emera inquired.

"Two women with bows and arrows. They seemed defenseless," Oren replied.

"Hush," Emera interjected, her senses attuned. "They're here."

Three figures materialized from the shadows. A tall, muscular man with a mane of black hair and a bald head. Flanking him were two blond, muscular men—a younger one and an older, mustachioed counterpart.

Leo's voice cut through the night. "Benny, go check it out."

The youthful man vanished into the underbrush.

"What do you think it is, Leo?" Vinny asked.

"Sounded like some women singing," Leo responded.

"Women," Vinny and Benny chimed in unison.

"How far?" Leo's voice dripped with malice.

"Two to three hundred feet north," Benny replied eagerly.

"Let's pay them a visit," Leo declared, a sinister edge in his tone.

"Tonight, we're on the hunt," Leo proclaimed.

With a swoosh, the trio disappeared into the night.

Oren's pulse quickened as figures emerged from the darkness. Three men—burly and purposeful, clad in armor that spoke of their roles. The leader, a formidable figure, wore heavy, gleaming black armor that seemed to absorb the moonlight, rendering him a shadowy silhouette. Flanking him were two companions, their armor lighter but no less menacing—dingy bronze plates adorned their frames, hinting at battles fought and victories won. Oren and Emera exchanged a tense glance, their presence undetected amidst the trees. "We must be cautious, Humans can be dangerous." Emera murmured as her gaze narrowed and she watched the figures disappear into the distance. The darkness of the forest enveloped them, shrouding their intentions in mystery. "We must be cautious," Emera murmured, her voice a low rumble of warning. "Humans can be dangerous."

She turned her emerald eyes towards Oren, a subtle plea in her gaze. "We should leave, Oren. Humans have never brought me anything but trouble."

Oren hesitated, his young face a mask of conflicting emotions. He understood Emera's caution, but his curiosity burned within him like an unquenchable flame. These women were in danger, and he couldn't ignore that. "I know, Emera," Oren replied, his voice determined. "But those women... they need help."

Emera's scales rippled in resignation, recognizing the unwavering resolve in Oren's words. "Very well, Oren," she conceded reluctantly. "But promise me you'll be careful."

Oren flashed Emera a quick grin, his eyes shining with excitement. "I promise," he replied, the thrill of adventure coursing through him.

With that silent agreement, Oren and Emera ventured deeper into the shadows, following stealthily behind the three men. The forest whispered around them, its secrets concealed within the swaying branches and the tangled undergrowth.

As they drew closer to the source of commotion, Oren's heart quickened. He couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter would change everything.

"We're almost there, Emera," Oren whispered, his voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Emera nodded solemnly, her gaze fixed ahead. Together, they pressed on, stepping into the unknown with courage and determination.